Universal Asylum

Chapter 1011: One after another

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The so-called radical law will never fade, and it will not fade because of its extraordinary life. Those who cannot be stimulated will only arouse their superiority because there is no same level of existence. Although these geniuses are very determined, but they happen to be In this era, there are so many people who can become their Dao friends or enemies. They are all peerless. Even in front of Wang Sheng and Yang Yan just now, many people feel overshadowed, even if Yang Yan is not comparable. Not to mention Wang Sheng.

This situation was alleviated a lot when Wang Sheng's breath changed until Dajinjindan. Although the performance at the same level was still shocked, it was not shocking. After Wang Sheng's provocation, it was even more relaxed, even if it was annoying. It’s impossible to conceal the fact that some of the previous generations and sadness have been removed. Even if they are not as good as Wang Sheng, they believe that everyone works together. Wang Sheng is not an opponent. Simply put, it is a discovery that the enemy is perverted and that the enemy is found to be Powerful, but not invincible process evolution.

Therefore, Wang Sheng's radical effect is very successful.

I saw a sneer, a sword light suddenly came out, and turned into a burly figure in a black robe, with a sword light wrapped in his hand, constantly entering and exiting in his body, with a killing breath, this person walked The way of killing, entangles killing in one's body, casts the devil's image, and inherits the ancient road. It is very old and wild.

Wang Sheng's eyes lit up. This person is not a fairy, nor a natural supernatural power, but a talented genius, but the founding foundation and self-cultivation are not weak. It is the same as the previous son of the sun, Yang Yan. Appeared, dignified emotions flashed in the eyes of many geniuses around.

If Wang Shengdong observes the fire, it is impossible that he did not find the meditation in his heart. This person is not weak or has a great reputation. Even so many geniuses are valued, which is very suitable for his standing.

Wang Sheng nodded with satisfaction, and already stretched out his fingers to the tangled sword lights, the two had not yet touched, the qi in the middle burst, the qi in the void was the qi of the sword, and then Wang Sheng Zhang Opening, swallowing the countless sword qi suddenly into his mouth, his teeth were harmonized, all the sword qi was suddenly chewed and swallowed into the abdomen, his face showed a satisfied look, "The taste is still Yes, there is no, let me eat a happy one at a time."

The murderousness across the face was sudden and vigorous. The black shadow moved in front of Wang Sheng. His hands had passed through Wang Sheng’s chest, but there was no substantial feeling. It seemed that he was only passing through a layer of phantoms. This person was stunned, and then his face was big. Changed, a shadow came from the side, hitting his chest fiercely, throwing him fiercely into the air and throwing it back to the sea, causing huge waves.


It was only then that the sound of Wang Sheng's legs crossed the void.

"A strong physical body is stronger than a supernatural power, and this person's physical body is even stronger, so that the poem has no power to fight back, so strong!"

"It's really strong, but it's not without consumption."

The pressure brought by Wang Sheng silenced the space, but some people saw that instead of chasing after the victory, Wang Sheng stood on the spot and breathed slightly, and his face was pale.

"He is also walking to the limit!"

This discovery relieved many people.

With a bang, the sea below exploded, and the silent figure turned into black again, spurting toward Wang Sheng, piercing through the void fiercely, and Wang Sheng also snorted, rubbing his body, and striking it, it was incomparable. Powerful and natural, but the poems seem to have started some kind of mystery. The supernatural power has increased greatly for a while, and Wang Sheng is actually fighting.

But only for a moment, Wang Sheng wrapped a black light in his hand, printed on the chest, poking him into the void.

"Good magical power! Take me to the world of Jiuyang!" A puffy voice exploded, followed by a round of big sun flying from below. If the previous son of the sun was pure and vast, the nine rounds at this time Big day is where the true scale and quantity determine everything. The same way of presentation is very different. Of course, there is no absolute superiority, only different ways of use.

"Good to come!" Wang Sheng exclaimed, his body has taken a big step, one step is a hundred times taller, and once again, it is a thousand times bigger, and the next moment is another step, but it has become a thousand giants, However, most of them are slightly illusory, like a shadow of the law.

"The six reincarnations of the Tianmen Great Supernatural Power!" Then the monk who recognized the Tianmen Great Supernatural Power spoke again.

This gigantic giant really broke the minds of many people. Such a huge body shape is an advantage, and the strength of his body is also soaring, so that this huge figure does not have many imbalances, as if each body Everywhere is so strong, and there is no weakness.

The giant took a deep breath, a burst of energy poured into his mouth, the giant's chest bulged and jumped violently, and then a lot of parts of the whole body lit up with a shining starlight.

"Tianmen's fundamental tactics, and 36 major tactics have been solved, no wonder the physical body is so powerful, it turns out that the physical body has really taken that step, horror, it is horror!"

This voice is like a commentary. Putting his own whisper Nan Nan easily in the mouth of everyone, no matter who is indifferent, he also found some petty, but they don’t care because what this person said is the truth, they are not ignorant people, For all kinds of great magical powers of Tianmen, you can be afraid of breaking it out, and surely know the bottom line, and also fully realize that this person's talent is indeed peerless.

"In this case, the poor Dao will help to silence, Yang Yang Daoyou's strength!" A young immortal Daoist stepped forward, his hands sealed, a giant tiger phantom shot from his hand, turned into a huge ferocious The beast pounced on Wang Sheng.

"Tiger Roar!" Taoist whispered to you softly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the hand printed a change, and once again ran out a fierce beast, but a colorful Phoenix with a beautiful long tail, spraying the flame in his mouth.

"Green fire."

The hand was printed again on one side, and a golden long dragon flew out of the hand with open teeth and claws, and the long tail flicked the whip, and it was necessary to break the void.

"Dragon bite!"

Change again, but an ancient beast under the gods flew out of his head and stood in another direction, releasing intense grief.


"The formation of the four elephants, please Taoist tasting." The Taoist was pale, and the previous magical power obviously consumed a lot of it. At this time, it is already the limit to reach out.

Wang Sheng has been wrapped in this array of four elephants, and appears in a chaos. This chaos contains infinite killing chickens.

Naturally, Wang Sheng did not do this. His mouth moved slightly, and his body vibrations had already triggered a force of sound waves.

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