Universal Asylum

Chapter 1046: Rule play

The ground fire soon erupted as imagined, but the gas engine on the side remained silent, no longer fluctuating, and it was doubtful whether it had left, and when the terrible ground fire spit high, about to contact the meteor meteorite, the most The mask person Yuanshen in the center suddenly exploded, and countless Mars scattered in the sky, scattered in it was a little bit of luck. The original luck that climbed to the peak was all spread out in this form. The mask person Yuanshen Yuanshen itself turned to the lowest point, and Yuanshen only had the purest point.


The ground fire touched the meteorite meteor, the meteorite exploded, and the ground fire scattered, all the surrounding primitive **** Mars was shattered, and the primitive **** that suffered the ground fire and meteorite explosion in the center was directly exploded, sounded at the level of consciousness When the screaming came late, the Yuanshen had disappeared in a horrible explosion, and the breath of the masks Yuanshen completely disappeared, and the luck disappeared like duckweed.

The different treasures in the meteorite are shining. It is a small green tree that absorbs the activity of the ground fire and the meteorite. The stretch of paper begins to grow. There is a line of fire in the branches and leaves and the trunk. The little green tree is contaminated with a layer of weird speciality. This green tree is indeed a real treasure. Perhaps its growth is stronger than that.

Wang Sheng's eyes turned and his steps appeared directly in the sky of countless thousands of miles. He turned to look at the void in front of him. There was a qi looming there, and he fluctuated when he appeared.

"Why is Brother Dao eager to leave, as the host, shouldn't he entertain Wangmou as a good guest." Wang Sheng stared tightly at this qi that didn't show his true shape.

The gas engine stopped, and a pair of eyes that seemed to contain starry sky shone with light, and looked at Wang Sheng indifferently, "I know that it is my home field, and I dare to be so unscrupulous. Is it betting on my reality? Very good."

The scene around the stool, a universe full of fluorescence appears around them is a wild star, a wild giant foot on the starry sky, each planet seems to be just a small toy beside him, the sun and moon are like double pupils, He holds a long knife in his hand, the knife holds me in his hand, and the knife body spreads towards the universe starry sky below, embellishing countless planets on it, like ornaments, this is a real giant, and Wang Sheng at the moment His figure was just a ants in front of him.

However, Wang Shengguan has more things. On top of his head, a lot of luck is rising, and the change is much more dramatic than the mask person Yuanshen, or it is not at the same level. The mask person Yuanshen is influenced by the luck master. Destiny, this giant held his luck in his hand and tried to change it. At this time, a long river appeared in the giant's hand. The insignificance was like fate, flowing through the universe. He watched Wang Sheng point a finger, this Starting with his fingers, Changhe tilted a stream of luck toward the prosperity.

Wang Sheng’s true spirit seems to be in a quagmire. An unclear sense of danger is hovering in the past and future. Wang Sheng can feel that the changes in a share are increasing from small to large, until this change can affect the other. At that time, his true spirit would be completely stunned, directly affected by the luck, and reduced to the plaything of the mask person Yuanshen in the hand of the Qi machine.

"Come well!"

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, and the long-lost war intentions in his heart rose. This is a real opponent at the same level, and even the realm is even more than he is at this time, and the other party's shot is the power of the rule, no void, no concept, even consciousness. No one can detect it at all levels. Only he who has the same rules can understand it. At this time, he can choose to explode his power to become a **** to force the **** away, but he gave up. This is a good almost. The opportunity to verify the rules he comprehends is also a chance to allow him to digest his previous comprehension at a faster rate.

"Suppression!" Wang Sheng's palms turned, and from top to bottom, there appeared to be a celestial magic palm above the cosmic sky, pressing down against the wild giant, but on another level, it was a golden hill-like thing In the suppression of the air transport rules of the aerosol outfit, almost at the same time, the mist in Wang Sheng's true spirit stagnate, and Wang Sheng's true spirit has jumped out of the mist's package and is no longer affected.

On the other hand, the savage giant covered himself with luck. When the force of repression was about to touch the body of luck, he was touched by the same vast will, and then both were crushed. This will is the will of the starry sky and the will of this universe. It is the home advantage of the wild giants. At this time, Wang Sheng can be sure that this Qi machine is also taking the road of opening up the world of the large area, and the other party has completely opened up a world of the large area. In the starry sky at this time , Exuberantly felt a wave of dark waves surging ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that is a real negative world.

But it doesn't seem to be flawless. At the time of this will, Wang Sheng felt more. This large-area world is tightly connected with the barbaric giant, so that the barbaric giant has only the form to show. In this universe, it is naturally restricted, and it looks much better than the consciousness directly integrated into the Tianxin Universe, but there is no price for this sobriety, that is, the evolution of the universe has not been completed, and before it is completed, this The savage giant can never get the true third step power.

In other words, this is an unprecedented power from the third step!

The rules are directly offset by the other party’s will, and Wang Seng has no opinion. The other party is at his home court, or even in this large-world world, even if his cultivation practice is displayed, it is only his own thought to touch the rules. The other party may not look at himself for this. Comprehension of Chengdu Stock Rules.

Sure enough, I only listened to the indifferent continuation of the air machine: "It seems to suppress, in fact, it implies attacking, nondescript, if you can't purify, you can never advance on the path of rules. Compared to your physical body, your rules The road is really bad."

Wang Sheng was directly ridiculed. He was not annoyed or angry, because the other party was indeed telling the truth. This need not be concealed. How long did he touch the power of this rule, even when he realized that he was in a state of consciousness, and he can exhibit this The power of a rule is already the limit he can achieve in such a short time, but his eyes are bright, even in the opponent's home, he is not panic, this is an unprecedented good opportunity, maybe you don't care about the counter, but if you give up the rules The power is just to fight for the moment's victory and defeat, it is unwise of consciousness.

A little golden light appeared on Wang Sheng's head. This is the realization of the rules, and it is also the premise for the rules to be truly used. Only when the rules are realized, does it mean that the rules have been truly touched.

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