Universal Asylum

Chapter 105: Golden Rain and the Watcher

  Withdrew the black mountain old demon, thinking for a while, Wang Sheng went out and dived into the small tree. Upon entering, the small tree actually trembles, and a small green light fell from the tree body, floating slightly in front of his Yuanshen.

Lucky hit! Wang Sheng's heart moved, and his consciousness touched the green light. Suddenly countless information accompanied the picture into his mind, and he knew everything about the small tree.

   The little green tree is indeed a locust monster, or half of it.

In the ghost world of the beautiful girl, hundreds of years ago, the sky had an inexplicable golden rain. The tree tree benefited greatly from this golden rain and cultivated into a great advance, but also found that another consciousness was born in the body, and the new consciousness was very immature. But as she grew up, she robbed her of physical control.

The Huaishu demon was furious, but she could not destroy her with all her effort. Finally, she could barely seal it, but on a specific day and a specific time of the month, this consciousness would break away from the seal and completely control the body. The tree demon would fall into a deep sleep, and in desperation, she had to send her most important subordinate, Nie Xiaoqian, to help take care of this immature consciousness and control her actions.

   As time passed, Nie Xiaoqian and the freshman consciousness actually gave birth to a deep feeling, and gradually helped the freshman consciousness grow.

Gradually, the Huaishu demon was aware that another green small tree was born in her body, and the small tree would also devour her cultivation, and engulfed the rainwater stored in the golden rain, but she did not Stop, this little tree is a strange treasure at first glance. Because of the birth of the little tree, she actually had a bonus when she practiced.

  When I saw Wang Sheng thinking thoughtfully, the golden rain in the picture seemed to cover only the forest where the locust tree demon is located. That forest is the forest where the Lan Ruo Temple is located, and also the place where the mysterious monk lives.

  The relationship between Jin Yu and the monk, or that big tree, could not be removed! Whether the birth of the little tree is related to the big tree or the monk.

After   , Wang Sheng was also fully aware of the events.

  The old demon of Montenegro discovered the small tree in the body of Huaishu. He seemed to know the origin of this small tree. He overjoyed to **** the small tree from the body of Huaishu and took her to the pure land space.

   later encountered Wang Sheng, in order to save his Yuanshen into the body of the small tree, and annexed the consciousness of the small tree in half, the small tree was deeply injured and fell asleep.

  Although the old Montenegro demon has been detained, it may take a long time for Xiaoshu to restore his sanity again. It is all she can do to deliver this message.

  Wang Sheng shook his head, it seems that Nie Xiaoqian was from the beginning to the end to understand and save this little tree, and finally gave his life for it, it was also a piece of sincerity.

  Thinking for a while, he took out the black inflammation from the consciousness space. As soon as he appeared, the old demon of Montenegro hurriedly said: "This seat is willing to say anything, as long as you don't go back to that space to prison."

   There he felt that he was always pressed by a coercion similar to heaven, and it was better to die!

  Wang Sheng shook his head lightly, "No need!" He held his fingers together and shot a sword gas at Heiyan steep.

   "Stop, I know a big secret!" The old lady of Montenegro called out in horror.

   But only with a whine, the sword qi penetrated the black flame, and it shot extremely accurately on the only remaining spirit of the Montenegrin demon. Suddenly, the Yuan spirit dissipated, and the wisdom disappeared.

  The black mountain demon completely died!

  Black inflammation no longer has life fluctuations, just floating in the sky quietly.

  Wang Sheng sighed, "Revenge for you."

   "Drip, found to collect materials."

   "The name, Sky Tribulation Fire."

   "Value, 200 contribution points."

   After receiving the message, Wang Sheng's eyes shined. It was actually that when an enlightened person in the ghost world of the former Chinese goddess soared, the remaining Heaven Tribulation and Thunderfire gave birth to wisdom. After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, he grew into a Montenegrin demon.

   However, due to the incomplete Heavenly Path and the lack of the most important thunder property of the body, the old demon of Montenegro still struggled to promote Jindan on the Avenue for his whole life. Instead, he built a transparent God Realm, and his magical power is not small.

   But Wang Sheng shook his head, his life was special, ordinary people can fuse this fire into Dao fire, he can't do it by himself, only turn his hands to the consciousness space.

  Looking at the last golden book page, the green tree and the Montenegrin demon are all processed, leaving only this thing.

   Buddha's luck is the best, and because of his luck around him, he can't do it if he wants to take back his consciousness.

   took the page, he also tried to dive into the consciousness, but it didn't go well before, the golden light on the outer periphery of the page blocked everything from approaching, he wanted to approach hard, but the golden page burst suddenly with golden light.

  Wang Sheng groaned, Jin Guang cut off his consciousness and engulfed him.

   There is no way. Wang Sheng loosened the pages and allowed it to float in the air independently. It didn't run around, but just quietly surrounded the green with the green tree in the air of the convenience store.

   The subtle light dispelled most of the darkness of the convenience store, and Wang Sheng suddenly noticed that someone was coming outside.

   He hurriedly grabbed the green tree and golden pages back into his hand, and used the primal **** to escape the light to hide the light of the two things, while he himself hid in the corner.

   Perhaps the customers around him, Yuanshen Dunguang cannot be seen by most people, so he is not worried.

  After a few minutes, the door was gently pushed open, and a short young man dressed in a non-mainstream style stepped in. As soon as he came in, he looked around nervously, but no abnormalities were found. There was no one in this shop, nor any changes.

   He touched the long hair behind him, and was a little puzzled. "It's obvious that there is light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why didn't it disappear at once." Shaking his head, he took the bag of snacks from the side counter and pushed the door away.

   He didn't know that a villain in the corner was looking at him quietly from beginning to end, watching him go out, and Wang Sheng's consciousness followed him out, but he saw the youth walking on the street with a big swing, whispering in his mouth.

   "Where did the **** shopkeeper go? Lao Tzu has been staring for a month, but it is not without gain. Hey, that thing is handed over. Brother should be able to get me started."

   Watching the young man finally sit in a small shop hundreds of meters away no longer moving, Wang Sheng withdrew his consciousness.

   His eyes narrowed from the corner to the bed. Obviously, this young man was not his imaginary customer, but was sent by the so-called elder brother to stare at him specifically, and had been staring at him for almost a month.

   He was just an ordinary person a month ago, and it is not worth paying attention to, so it is basically certain that these people are staring at him because they found his difference after he got the system.

   Of course, it was impossible to discover his system. The most likely thing was that he exposed the ability in front of them and let them stare.

   Since getting the system, he has only been out once.

  Remembered that after returning from the Journey to the West, he did fly out secretly for a period of time. The only chance of a leak was that time, which should have been noticed at that time.

   But Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly froze, wrong, there is a possibility!

   Xiao Yan!

  Xiao Yan had arrived a few days before his return, but due to the characteristics of the system, he could not walk out of a few meters from the convenience store, at most he just took a walk outside the store.

  If those people noticed Xiao Yan and found him different, and then saw him suddenly disappear in his own shop, Shun Fujiogua suspected that he was also likely.


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