Universal Asylum

Chapter 1059: Taoist shot

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Wang Sheng’s strength can be resisted, but his level cannot be resisted. That **** force needs to be cut off by himself, and others can also be cut off, but the force of resistance at that time was not vigorous and acceptable. Indirectly destroying the enemy is also a way for Wang Sheng to lose control of his initiative.

Wang Sheng's face is somber, this feeling is too bad, even if his physical path is unique, so that his strength is greatly increased, so the **** is stronger, even if the **** is destroyed, he can survive the counterattack, but the most The good situation is estimated to be a permanent sleep, and the recovery period is far away. Even more, this situation is his guess. Whether he can survive the destruction of the bond, he himself does not know, and he is not sure. .

The power that appeared in the hands of the "seal" king monk quickly aggregated into a perfect space, blasting towards the sky, enveloping the whole world, except for the existence of the system, and then began to grow and expand step by step, expanding the system step by step Is excluded from this world.

The mechanical sound of the "permission application succeeded, trial started" system seems to be urging the king.

At the same time, Wang Sheng had a huge shock, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body was seriously injured. The **** he felt had been cut in half, and this process was continuing and evolving. The solution was that Wang Sheng’s physical vitality began to annihilate simultaneously. , Including the True Spirit, even just now, Wang Sheng has never suffered such serious injuries. Wang Sheng gritted his teeth to maintain this space seal and rejected the system step by step, but the strength of the trial is still increasing. Wang Sheng’s Half of his body completely disappeared into life, and also turned into a complete drop of minced meat. However, Wang Sheng also had an unprecedented close contact with the bond, and it was too simple to contact again in the future, because the current process is equivalent to others in Forcibly help Wang Sheng cut off the bond. This kind of bond may be cut off by others. There is a lot of troubles, but if there is a perfect method to resist this counterattack, in fact, cutting off this bond has become to help others become enlightened. The third step of the sentence in disguise is, of course, surely there are future problems.

If Wang Sheng has enough confidence that he can not die after breaking the bond, even if he has been sleeping for countless years, it is worthwhile for others to exchange for the power to take the third step, but Wang Sheng naturally disdains, his bond is naturally Cut off by yourself

Wang Sheng's eyes were calm and he calculated the time in his heart. At the beginning of the distance, a time of cosmic breathing had passed. According to the principle, the external Taoist ancestors also reacted enough, so now it is waiting, otherwise he will have to ignore everything. Starting to cut off the bond, even if seriously injured or even sleeping, it is impossible to give the opportunity to cut the bond to others and cut off their own road.

Wang Sheng coughed up blood constantly, staggering backwards, but the power in his hand has been steadily outputting, and the system has stepped away from the world step by step. It seems that according to this trend, the system can be truly excluded, but the cut is calculated. The strength of his own **** force, Wang Sheng knew that he could not support it at that time, and his eyes blinked with different colors. His **** force seemed to be a bit strong. The obvious third step force was to cut off his **** and let him support him. By the time of a cosmic breath, this is very different from the fast breathing and fast pace before.


Wang Sheng's upper body exploded, leaving only one head floating in the void. At this time, even the hardest bone he had always been had disappeared. There was no trace of this disappearance, because it was the power of **** that hurt him In the final analysis, the power of this **** is also the power born because of him. It is his own power. Does this power erupt from the inside and smash all his flesh.

Thinking of this, Wang Sheng had a guess. Whether the power of the third step is to completely integrate this **** that is essentially his own into another level of strength. This guess shakes the heart. , Because such speculation is not impossible.

Wang Sheng, who has only a head, is unprecedentedly weak, because the strength he has returned now is born from his body. His body is completely destroyed, and only one head is left. Naturally, the strength is not enough. Wang Sheng's eyes are dull and his consciousness fluctuates. In the middle, a black spot has wrapped him, and his Dao fruit once again shows that the crack still exists, and the power bred in the crack is slowly brewing.

At this time, Dao Guo appeared, but began to merge with his head under Wang Sheng's control. One of these two forces is a conceptual virtual power and a physical power, but both originate from itself. The repulsion suffered by the two is not strong, and it is the key to Wang Sheng’s ability to start the fusion. Therefore, although Wang Sheng accelerated the fusion process at this time, the resistance he suffered was still not strong.

It’s just that Wang Sheng knew in his heart that the choice at this time was actually not good for himself. He began to merge before Daoguo had actually conceived that power. There is no doubt that Daoguo’s peak power could not be exerted, and of course it was not. Unrecoverable aftermath, but originally just Daoguo's own gestational power, after combining, it may become the power of the physical body and Daoguo gestation together, unpredictable changes occur, and it also makes the birth of the gestational power difficult and becomes Far away.

However, under the current situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sheng has no choice but to take this step, and this step is also for the next step. He can forcibly cut off his own **** force by himself, he has made the final preparations, After all, Taoist ancestor is only his back-hand, and he is not used to relying on the power of others. Only when Weili belongs to himself is the most reliable.

But at this time, the Taoist Taoist Temple shook violently. The old man in Taoist Temple opened his eyes instantly, and his body did not change, but when he saw it, he suddenly turned into a barbaric giant.

"Time" Daozu's eyes were deep, and he waved his hand, and a long river of time appeared, but it has been fluctuating, and it seems to have been rejected by this world. It is very unstable, but it is okay to only appear momentarily.

And at this moment, the world opened up by the Taoist ancestors was also the world where the Daomen carried out their missions. It suddenly started the road of sublimation and began to evolve into the Zhongqian world. In this process, a vast will and strength were also revealed. And the power of the Nine Nethers that had been hidden by this force suddenly burst out.


Dao Zu reached out his finger, and suddenly the power of the Nine Nethers was led to the occasion of time, and the river of time seemed to have changed, forming a hazy world outside Dao Zu. This is a complete large-scale world.

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