Universal Asylum

Chapter 1061: wake

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But everything has happened. Wang Sheng only has to wait quietly. He has a hunch that it doesn't take long for this power to brew. He can soon come to this state and restore his body.

There is no trace of this dispute, and the fall is even faster. From the beginning to the present, the time for the two universes to breathe is the time that ordinary Taoists and even the fairy gods cannot react, but for Wang Sheng, it is It is like a long eternity, especially when the **** is held in the hand, it is difficult to breathe, as if facing the deep darkness.

Under such a feeling, Wang Sheng's comprehension is much more abnormal. His true spirit is shaking beyond his control, and he is always falling into the perception. However, the sequela of his previous explosive power has also been revealed, and his true spirit has also fallen into. Unable to relieve the tired state, need to sleep and wait for the physical recovery to give him support.

Wang Sheng only insisted on remembering these feelings in his heart. Under the power of the third step, these feelings were afraid that they would not last long. Wang Sheng did his best to absorb them.

The ancestor on the side seemed to be able to feel his current state, his eyes moved slightly, he had little effect in the previous battle, and he could not even react at the beginning of the battle, and what he saw when he entered was unprecedented. Weak state, only the head support, he can’t imagine how much power can destroy the higher power than his level to such a degree in less than a cosmic breathing time, he can roughly see through the traces of battle To a trace, but it was already beyond his resistance, but Wang Sheng forcibly supported it, and looking at its state, it seemed to be walking with other grasps.

This feeling is unfamiliar to Taoist ancestors, and is the first time in his heart that he cannot see through one person. Every time the accident meets Wang Sheng, his senses will be refreshed. Things, how most people feel possible!

After all, if you can walk step by step into the third step step by step, you will not cause the legend of the third step to be illusory, and you can't find a specific method on how to step into the third step. It seems to be just lucky.

Looking at Wang Sheng, he was walking toward his goal and moving forward step by step. Even now he was seriously injured, he was still brewing a more miraculous power, which shocked the Taoist ancestors.

Daozu sat down with his arms crossed and knees. He had a hunch that he could see the emergence of this power as an opportunity for him. If he missed it, he would never encounter it again.

Both of them realize their uniqueness in this unique high altitude, and everything in the world is far away.

And in the outer world, the sublimation of the world is very obvious at this time. Even mortals can feel this sublimation. The whole body seems to have been washed over. Not only the body and the soul are brighter than before, clear and transparent, in Unconsciously, lifespan and heritage have increased time and time again.

No one knows that this world is not that simple. It is not just a sub-thousand world sublimated to the mid-thousand world. This world was pioneered by the Taoist ancestors. Among them, the world and Taoist ancestors of the Taoist ancestors, the world’s potential and heritage It is unmatched by some large worlds, and the sublimation of such a world is not caused by the geniuses of the Daomen and the boundaries of the world who complete some tasks and affect the world situation.

In fact, this world has already reached the edge of promotion, and its sufficient bottom -->>, the latest chapter of the Wanjie Shelter is updated as soon as possible!

There is enough to allow this world to take this step at any time. In other words, it all depends on the thoughts of the world’s master Taoist.

"Complete the mission, you can choose to return immediately or forcibly repatriate after three days!"

Every Daomen crowd and Tianbai people of the realm heard such a voice. This is that Daomen has judged that they have completed their mission.

Liu Yin'er's complexion changed slightly. She bit her silver teeth, and a light spot flashed on her eyebrow. This light spot was a mark of lightning. In this mark, there was a will slowly awakening, forcing her own consciousness to be sealed down. , And this process has continued for three full days, she has been forcibly resisting with the seal of Daomen and her own cultivation, and has occupied some advantages, but if you leave the world at this time, the seal of Daomen will inevitably weaken. Faced with the counterattack of the Fairy Fairy, you will fall into a dangerous situation.

"The last chance, with the help of that, I'm half sure."

Liu Yin'er's eyes flashed. She had already made up her mind to fight hard, but she always walked in her heart, and her thoughts could not be taken lightly. She didn't know when there was a figure in her heart. The feeling of this figure, she It was very complicated, not love, not resentment, but guilt and other emotions that she could not distinguish clearly. Because of this figure, she had hesitated for three days. Until today she received the prompt of the Daomen mission, she knew she could not hesitate anymore.

She became firm in her eyes and thought of that incredible experience. In that experience, she had gone through all kinds of life, lost her life, glorified, and even reached the peak. No matter what her experience is, there is always a figure around her. Like the shadows, the actors perform various roles around her, and have a variety of intersections with her, so that when she wakes up, she is no stranger to that figure, almost regarded as the closest person, but only encountered in reality. Knowing all that is nothing but illusion.

"Being illusory, let him go with the wind!"

After all, she is a realistic person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can choose to give up at one time, naturally you can choose to give up more, her road should not be the love of those children.

When Liu Yin'er's eyes closed and opened again, there was nothing left.

There are not many people who fall into choices like Liu Yin'er. Almost all of the immortal deceased have made a decision. The identity of the deceased immortal gives them the opportunity to practise monasticism, allowing them to step into the sky, and at the same time let them lose their freedom. Unable to be autonomous.

Originally they had to meet their own future according to their destiny, but now they have a better choice and can get rid of this limitation, they will not give up.

As the sublimation of the world is nearing completion, the world has once again started a turbulent current, a wave of thoughts is rising, eager for further opportunities, whether it is Hai people or humans, and even more crazy fighting under the premise of war, Let this world evolve faster!

Such an environment lasts for a full year. In the course of a year, both Daomen and the earth have been forcibly repatriated. The only remaining ones are Wang Sheng and the indigenous creatures of this world. In the past year, the situation is gradually clear, the sea When the race and the human race are about to win or lose, Wang Sheng's true spirit finally wakes up slowly, and a breath of magical power fluctuates into the world.

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