Universal Asylum

Chapter 108: Reality-Lord God Space

Coming to City J, Province H, the next thing became simple. Taking advantage of the consciousness, Wang Sheng spent some time and finally came to a villa in the suburbs. Yu Jia lived in one of the villas after moving. Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, and Yu Jia was always low-key, but he never knew her family was so good.

   The environment here is laid back, and the spirits of the world seem to be abundant. Wang Sheng escapes to stay at the villa on the edge of the sky.

   It was in the middle of the night, there was no sound, no light, he released his consciousness into the villa, everything in the villa came into his mind, and all life fluctuations were clearly perceived.

   A total of five people! The first floor should be the nanny at home, there is a couple on the second floor, it looks like Yu Jia's parents, and a room on the third floor, a woman lying quietly in bed.

  Wang Sheng was stunned, his face was Yu Jia, Yu Jia did not disappear!

  Isn’t the space in the main **** space not Yu Jia, just a person with similar appearance, Wang Sheng probed again carefully, but in the end he shook his head, there was no breath in the body, just an ordinary person, and the face was indeed her.

  Wang Sheng scanned the whole family, found several family portraits in several corners, and the girls above also corresponded one by one.

It seems that Liu Yiyi is really just a person with a imaginary appearance. For some reason, his heart is slightly loose, and he seems to be glad that the space of the Lord God has not been pulled into reality, but at this time, he saw a dark shadow turned into the villa. , And then his feet just flicked on the ground, his body came to the window on the third floor in an instant, he rolled over and stepped in.

   Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, and that room was Yu Jia's room, and then there was a sound in his heart.

   "Drip, remind, find the low-level reincarnation of the main space."

  Wang Sheng's heart was a little deep, and he seemed to have made a mistake. He again released his consciousness and followed the figure into the room.

   The black shadow was simply masked and dressed in casual clothes. As soon as he entered the room, he took off his mask and stared at Yu Jia on the bed.

   Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed. He was a young man in his twenties. He looked handsome, and he was on a photo in this villa. He was pictured with Yu Jia. The relationship should be very close. Could it be Yu Jia's boyfriend.

The young man sat on the bed, his hands close to Yu Jia who was asleep, and whispered, "Finally, I found an opportunity, hehe, although it is only a fake, it can be slightly satisfied." At this time he had lifted the quilt from the bed. Yu Jia exposed in pajamas.

"Yu Jia, Yu Jia, your life is really good. You entered there together, but you were valued by the adult, but pity I was rushed here to take care of your parents and family." The youth resentment is sufficient, and should have been complaining for a long time. .

   Seeing that he was about to get his hands up and down, then Wang Sheng noticed that another figure had turned into the villa, and he also stepped into the third floor room.

   "Drip, remind, find the low-level reincarnation of the main space."

  Wang Sheng looked at it. This man was not masked. He was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. He had a pair of gold eyes on his face. As soon as he entered, he screamed at the young man who was planning to start.

   "Qian Jun, what are you doing!"

  The young man known as Qian Jun hurriedly stood up and stuttered the excuse: "Brother, I just, I just confirmed that she was safe."

The middle-aged man's face was somber, "Do you need something to identify what came out of it?" The voice fell and a silver gun appeared in his hand, directly facing the young man. "I saw you wrong a few days ago. I didn't expect you to be bold. The fake body of Miss Liu Yiyi."

   Qian Jun looked pale and shivered, "Brother, you have to believe me, Yu Jia and me, no, Miss Liu Yiyi is a world friend, how can she hurt her."

  Middle-aged man sneered, "You can tell Lord Qingmang yourself." He put away the silver gun, turned his head down and pulled out a communicator from his arms.

Qian Jun's face was even whiter. He suddenly gritted his teeth hard, and took out an object and threw it directly at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man quickly raised his head when he noticed it, but it was too late, and the thing had touched his body. Then it exploded steeply, a layer of smoke filled.

   He exclaimed, "Higher virus plague! How can you have it." Then his voice was steep and weak, this thing spreads particularly fast, but in an instant, he could only lie down on the ground and looked at Qian Jun weakly.

Qian Jun grinned, "I still have three, I didn't expect it. Although Yu Jia's **** kicked my fiance, I gave him some good things, so you can die with peace of mind. In the end, Master Qingmang will also forgive me there, maybe this **** will be rewarded to Lao Tzu!"

The middle-aged man's breath dissipated quickly at this time, the virus spread in the body, leaving only a breath, he grinned: "I didn't expect to fall there, but died in my own world. It's ironic, I don't know Lei Will the guy laugh at me?" The words fell, his breath dissipated and he died completely.

   Lei crack, and Liu Yiyi!

Wang Sheng's heart is solemn, it seems that Yu Jiaguo really entered the main **** space, as they said, Yu Jia should be just a substitute~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but only the substitute is also specially protected, the real Yu Jia is to the mysterious youth It should be important.

   At this time, the communicator left behind by the middle-aged man suddenly sounded, and Qian Jun shuddered. He slowly stepped forward to pick it up, looked at the name above and let out a sigh of relief, he connected, and a voice came out.

   "Brother, I have stayed here long enough, you see if you let the kid Qian Jun take over for a while."

   As soon as this voice came out, Qian Jun's complexion changed slightly, but Sky Wangsheng also had his eyes dignified at the same time. This voice was the youth who had monitored him before.

   He immediately realized that it was this group of people who monitored him and belonged to the main **** space. Before that, he had speculation that he could find him different and so persistent in looking for him. It could not be an ordinary person.

   The most likely are people with the same ability, and even if there is a mysterious power on the earth, it is impossible for such a coincidence to appear suddenly.

   Now, the first thing is done, and the second thing is also clear, only to find out why he was monitored.

   Qian Jun had already pretended to calmly chat to the communicator and then hung up. He wiped his forehead cold sweat, then gritted his teeth and then broadcast a number.

   The number was quickly connected, and a lazy voice came across.


   Qian Jun nodded and held the communicator, respectfully said: "Adult, it is my Qian Jun, something happened here, you may need to come and handle it yourself."

   The voice fell, the lazy voice paused slightly, and then Qian Jun only heard a few drops from the opposite side, and the opposite side had hung up.

  At the same time, Wang Shenghuo looked up at the sky, and a green man was shooting from the far sky to the side at a rapid speed. It was a blue escape, and as the distance approached, Wang Sheng's face gradually dignified.

   Avenue Jindan master breath!


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