Universal Asylum

Chapter 1111: Come back home

The previous earth focused on the starry sky because of resources and longing for the new world, but it is already known that the earth is the pig’s foot of this starry sky. Some resources are not a forest for the current earth. The focus on the universe is actually Too much is missing, and the earth is not that simple now. Groups of demons are fluttering. The legendary planes are connected to the earth. These planes contain all kinds of elements, including science and technology, which is simply an alternative world of the gods. Given the time of the earth, the earth can develop to the pinnacle, the pinnacle of the universe, when facing these emperors may not be able to fight back.

But the time it takes for the earth to develop is too short. It is the limit to be able to give birth to a detachment. No one knows on the highest peak of the earth now. This true strongman is being born. This is a detachment strongman. Wang Sheng's former personality.

"Is this your hometown? It seems very unique!" The previous earth was nothing unique, but now the earth is connected to countless space planes, and countless powerful people traverse through it, making the earth a mess, but overall In terms of stability.

Heifeng looked at this earth curiously. The chaotic age of the universe is indeed too old. Even if it has enough strength, it has not developed well. It is also a variety of magical creations, but it is obviously exclusive to the strong. Nothing like the present, ordinary people seem to have control of the universe and the planet. This is very unique to the black phoenix who has not seen the situation behind the current domain.

Wang Sheng does not have emotions such as cowardice near the hometown, but just stands in the sky and sighs slightly, so many years in a blink of an eye, a thousand years! Regardless of the reasons for his departure, I can’t see the familiar fights now. I can’t see Jiangnan, who occupies the earth and is full of tall buildings, but there is no place he is familiar with. The earth is no longer just the living area, the ocean and the sky are occupied. There are countless creatures living here, all kinds of magical creations, fantasy science fiction, and so on. If there is no crisis of the universe, the development of the earth will one day achieve super civilization. At this time, countless fantasy worlds break out to form a combination. Is also unique to the earth.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly. If there are still mysteries in the universe that he didn't know, then the origin of the earth is definitely one. He is now qualified to see the speciality of this plane of the earth, not only because Kyushu is on the side, but also Only the earth can have so many world projections. These worlds are not even real in the universe, but a kind of imaginary creation, but in this way, the real existence by chance also connects the earth.

Some of these worlds are because of their powerful existence, leaving projections on the earth and compiled by interested people. This is the real world, just like the legendary world of New White Lady and the Westward Journey World, and the main **** space control All the worlds, but there is another kind of world in the universe, which is a relatively illusory world. These worlds are completely created by some creatures on the earth, and then somehow, actually such a world was actually born. The attached world of the earth is also connected to the earth.

These two worlds are very difficult to distinguish. I can’t see the reality from my appearance, but there is nothing to hide in Wang Sheng’s eyes at the moment. The origin of these worlds is illusory, but it seems that there is a part because of the connection with the earth. Has become real, and as the connection with the earth becomes closer, this part of the reality is constantly increasing, and the strong man born among them is also the same. It has no problems before the detachment, but when it is detached There is a problem to face, that is, how to become a real existence, and from then on it will have a transcendental strength and become a real being.

These two kinds of falsehoods can promote each other. The reality of the world can make the creatures more real. The disasters faced when they are detached will be reduced, and the reality of the creatures will bring the world's origins closer to reality. Such a development speed is actually It's not too slow. Although many of these worlds on the planet are not aware of this, they are moving in this direction.

Two worlds, obviously the false world is closer to the earth, these worlds are considered to be born from the earth, its strength represents the strength of the earth, so that the earth can gradually accept them, and the real world is actually close to the earth The reason why the projection exists is because of its unique connection with the earth. Such a result is not expected. It is just that the speed of integration is higher than that of the false world.

Wang Sheng saw the reality, this planet is still so, but the real existence is actually a black hole shuttle that can be shuttled to another world all over the world, another world may be very different~www.wuxiaspot.com~A possible fantasy world, contradiction It broke out in the past millennium, and the arrival of the great emperors of the universe has let the contradiction between the earth and many worlds put down and began to truly create a peak world. After all, the crisis is not only the existence of the earth, but the existence of these worlds is also so conspicuous. After all, they are also a unique part of the earth.

Wang Sheng lamented that the earth is really strange. He thought about it and returned to his previous location with a black phoenix in an instant. Then he smiled unexpectedly, and he saw the same community as before. In the same pattern, most of the city remains the same. Of course, the most original one is his home, the convenience store.

"She has a heart!"

Wang Sheng had already guessed this happening. Liu Yiyi was the pinnacle of the world. Reserving this area for himself is nothing. Although this is a bit cliché, Wang Sheng still feels happy in his heart, just like him. I saw the feeling when the earth was under siege before, and the feeling at that time also came out of control. Here, after all, it was the place where he grew up. He still can’t give up, and he is not willing to give up. If you still do not have freedom, then Wang Sheng might as well not cultivate the Tao. His Tao is not only the pursuit of the true meaning of the avenue, but also the most common truth.

"You are finally back, and you came back so timely!" Two figures in the sky fell beside Wang Sheng. Tian Yi looked at Wang Sheng at this moment and sighed, "Is this all strange, I am the same , This earth is no longer the place where I have stayed."

"Sentimental, what is different, but the development of the earth is too fast. If you look at the promo, you know that this is still the earth." Xiao Yan has been in a good relationship with Tianyi for a short time, after all, it is through There is not too much mentality of those powerful in the universe.

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