Universal Asylum

Chapter 1125: Unique time fantasy

However, he did not expect to introduce such a strong man as Wang Sheng, but Wang Sheng had to admit that the opponent was not completely bluff. The attacking and defensive means of the Golden Buddha alone was enough to witness the intrepidity, especially the long river printed by this terrain is more different. repercussions. ’

However, what Wang Sheng values ​​more is that the opponent's moves are close to the source. It seems that the rules can be used directly so that Gao Jianjian can have such a vision and inheritance. The reason why Wang Sheng kept his hands is that the other party is the last strong civilization. Perhaps it is the last chance for a civilization to inherit. It is a pity that such inheritance is buried in history.

The young monk remained sad and said nothing, but Wang Sheng shook his head and clicked, but at that moment the young monk turned into a ray of light and directly touched Wang Sheng’s body along the fingers, and suddenly a thought full of history passed directly to Wang Sheng’s mind. In the middle, he closed his eyes.

"This Dad Brother, but came to participate in the Dao meeting held by Zhenhai Daxian." There was a thick voice behind him, who came up to shoulder with him. He was a black warrior, carrying a machete. , Thick eyebrows and big eyes, a sharp look at a glance, a close look at the martial arts, tall body, strong breath, sighed at the frozen sea in front, the ice surface is like a mirror, clearly reflecting everything, reflection at this time In the middle, it is the strong spring light, all things are vibrant, the landscape is picturesque, on the top of the highest peak, there are pavilions and pavilions to occupy the entire peak, the figure of the fairy wind bones across the sky streamer falls high Above the mountain, the golden bell struck, the jade disk rang softly, and the air was alive.

All these scenes are filled with mirrors, and the opposite side of the mirrors is a icy and snowy ground. In this icy and snowy ground, there is also a figure, or floating in the sky, or standing beside the sea, waiting for something quietly.

"This is the great magical power of Zhenhai Daxian, which evolved a time, but it was the influence of Daonian on Taoism. This is the beginning of this Daoism. It is really generous. Just look at the Dao rhyme that is always full of mirrors at this time, and you will know this. How many powerful people are full, I am afraid that it is not inferior to today's powerful ones, and I don't know whether it is the projection of the future or the past. If these great supernatural powers are not displayed by Zhenhai Daxian, I can't imagine it in my life."

This is a figure dressed up by another Taoist sighs. Wang Sheng looks around. Although there is silence, everyone is still in the Tao Yun in the mirror, unable to extricate themselves, I am afraid that the mind has already entered the mirror to appreciate the Tao. rhyme.

"Where is this!" Wang Sheng has such doubts. He looks at himself, still himself, and does not have the illusion of the young monk. The other party's final act should be to try to win themselves. Is this the young monk's A place with a deep memory, he used this to lay out his plan for winning the house!

I didn't expect that I should put myself in the perspective of the young monk, but put a figure like myself, and even arranged for the two to explain it all for myself. Is this the big curtain opened to sing for myself?

Wang Sheng's heart is peaceful and his expression is calm. In these pictures, who is the young monk, one of the surrounding figures, or the Zhenhai fairy who is doing all this?

"Really good plan."

He can forcibly break the game because he has not lost his mind. The fact is that with the strength of the young monk, he still cannot lose his mind, but the other party used conspiracy. He knew he was curious about his inheritance, so he used the inheritance to enter him. Let him witness to this world of true civilization, and he also knows that the exuberant sanity cannot be lost, so he does not make any plans, but just gambles. He bet that his evolving world can make Wang Sheng indulge and indulge in the past. Create an instant opportunity to be lost.

Wang Sheng is curious about what the other party’s confidence is. He can break through the game and not respond to the challenge of the young monk, but he just smiles and still chooses to participate in it. It is not a radical, but he wants to witness all this. There is nothing in the world to gain. There is no need to pay a price. He was originally here to detect the danger of the earth and the civilization.

If even a small monk's calculations at the time of his last surrender did not dare to fight, then he would arbitrarily self-cultivation, not powerful!

This is not recklessness. In the case of own strength, when the other party has begun to attack the heart, the other party has lost. Even if there is a picture that he cannot accept, it is also testing his Dao Xin, Dao Xin is firm. Everything is fearless, and the Dao heart is not firm, it is all vain, everything is his own decision.

This evolved picture is so real that Wang Sheng can’t see any falseness, even the rhythm he feels is real, and even he can sense his own rules of repression and can be displayed by him. This is not an illusion~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am afraid it is not a simple time fantasy, I am afraid that a real time is doped in it, and there is a real time.

what does this mean! It means that there is at least one living creature in this time, which is naturally not the identity represented by the young monk, but another strong man, a strong man who completely occupied this time and divided the original civilization. When you made your own dojo and cave, it was as if the Kyushu Sanqing blockade time existed in the past, but this strong man had stronger means, forcibly moved the past time to the present, and lived in it, evolving in the world.

So does this strong man know about Wang Sheng's invasion, or does the young monk use this time? Why does this strong man not interfere! Wang Sheng has all kinds of doubts, and the only solution is to find out the real body of the young monk, or find out the strong man.

"Brother Dao is courteous, it seems that Brother Dao also came to participate in this meeting. Su Wenzhen's great reputation in Zhenhai was well-known before he saw it with his own eyes." Wang Sheng gave a sigh that coincided with the meeting and returned to the mighty and powerful man.

The strong man has no doubt about him, "Zhenhai Daxian started at the end of his life, and he only cultivated the Tao in middle age, and he did not rely on the forces of the martial arts in his life. All his achievements depended on himself. As a result, the Taoism opened in a hundred years and opened the way for loose repair. It is a true meritocracy. There are several great gods in these days who can compare with the great sea gods in Zhenhai. Even in my opinion, even those strong people on the other side are not necessarily able to do so. match."

Speaking of this, the strong man suddenly seemed to realize what, embarrassed smile, no longer compared with many strong men, and changed the topic in time.

"Brother Dao looks very raw. I don't know the name of Xiongtai. I might have heard of it next time."

Wang Sheng smiled, "I am afraid that the unnamed generation of Wang, the brother of Dao, has never heard of it, but the strength of Xiongtai seems to be very powerful. Presumably, there will be a great name."

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