Universal Asylum

Chapter 1127: Identity guessing

The brief introduction of Lihuan is the explanation of the civilizations of this era to the strong people on the other shore, that is, the difference between time and their hands and the other shore. This ancient civilization died. Almost everyone pays attention to the existence and control of time. Wang Sheng thinks carefully, if he takes time From a perspective, it is indeed possible to understand this way, but if Wang Sheng understands it, dividing by regular areas seems to be the main stream that distinguishes the other side from the powerful. Perhaps there are other mysteries in time.

Wang Sheng smiled, it seems that the historical illusion of the ancient civilization is indeed of great value, he can get something useful.

"Up to now, there have been a total of seven strong people from the other shore, the ancient heaven court emperor, immortal world immortal emperor, Daomen Taoist master, Nine Nether Nether Lord, ancient ruin sky corpse and even Supreme Hall Master!" Li Huan finally read these with respect. The title is an attitude that was not there when the Zhenhai Daxian was spoken just now. It seems that the strength of the strong on the other side is really entrenched in this world.

However, Lihuan only read six titles, but Wang Sheng realized a message at the next moment and asked: "Emperor Zun is two strong people on the other side?" Although it is a question, he is already certain that he can enjoy Emperor Hezun alone The strong man of the slogan should be on the other shore. After all, other strong men may not allow such a horrible real name to appear, and it does not exceed the level of the other shore. Owing to this name, I am afraid that I cannot afford to be a person.

It was no accident that Lihuan, after all, these names were not secrets in this world, and he did not have the consciousness of making a mystery. He nodded, "The two emperors created the ancient heaven, and later the emperor disappeared, and the ancient heaven gradually declined. Until now, it is only first-class. The power cannot be regarded as respecting the world, and it can’t be surpassed by the remaining powers of the other powers on the other side." He sighed in his words, but this is the power created by the two powers on the other side. However, after losing such two powers, such forces still inevitably fell. It is really doubtful whether there is really a powerful force in this world that can be eternal. Perhaps only a few powers on the other side can use their personal strength. Really reached this step.

"Emperor Zun disappeared?" Wang Sheng grabbed this point.

Li Huan is now Wang Sheng is a deep mountain wild forest with no inheritance, so it is not surprising that he seems superficially puzzled. After all, this news is not a bad street, and some lower-level Taoists do not even know the existence of change. What is it, just talking about the names of a few strong men, knowing that the world honors them, only the real masters and forces know the real exact news of these powers, but it seems to be just speculation.

Nodded solemnly from the ring, "It's not just the emperor, the seven strong people on the other shore disappeared one after another in the main world without any sound. The last strong man on the other shore appeared legendary when it was 100,000 years ago, and then disappeared bizarrely. No traces can be found anymore, and even the forces left by the powerful on the other side do not know any news."

This is also the reason why Lihuan dared to comment on the other side of the strong side. If in the age of the other side of the strong side, even if they just talk about their names, it will be noticed that the attention of a strong side is not a good thing, even if he is also an emperor. The strong will not want to be watched by the strong on the other side.

Wang Sheng is even more curious. If the young monk's judgment is correct, the strong man on the other side should be at his level. No matter how bad it is, he is also at the level of the Taoist ancestor. He can take that step at any time and achieve the third step, even in the ancient civilization. The path of cultivation is a bit different, and it is also an absolute strong. It will only be stronger and not weaker. This is what Wang Sheng and the young monk have met in the process. What kind of strong madness can make them disappear together, is the crisis coming The probability is very small.

But thinking that the ancient civilization has finally fallen or even broken, it seems that it has indeed encountered a real big crisis. Perhaps it is related to the disappearance of these powerful people on the other side?

However, Wang Sheng did not forget that if there is no accident, there is a strong man behind this historical illusion, which really exists to reality, and there is no doubt that it is also a strong man on the other side. All these doubts may be known later. The identity of the other party, get the answer after finding the other party.

"The reason for the disappearance of the strongman on the other bank is unknown, but there is no doubt that the next step is more difficult to take. The strongman on the other bank is lost as a signpost and the hope for the road to advance. At that time, it will cost the people to achieve the other bank. Stronger power." Li Xiang's eyes were a bit bleak. He had never hoped that he would become a strong man on the other shore, but the disappearance of the strong man on the other shore seemed to cut off the hope of most people.

The strong side of the other shore is involved in the prosperity and decline of a world. Whether it is the breath or existence of the strong side of the other shore, it can attract the heaven and earth to continuously supplement the world and feed the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is an absolute nourishment for a world, And not to mention others, the experience of changing achievements alone can help. Even the fall of these powerful people on the other side is much better than the disappearance. The fall can still be passed down, but nothing is left to disappear.

The decline of any civilization starts with the failure of the top-level existence. The upper layer is not perfect, and the lower layer does not know how to construct the foundation. This is a closely connected relationship.

Wang Shengyi did not know the importance of the other side's strength to a world, but he can also understand that after all, it is the last word that one person has the right to rise to the sky. It is not unthinkable for a strong person on the other side to drive the powerful upgrade and promote the development of the world. .

"Zhenhai Daxian only came to this step with the body of casual repair, and had to admire his heart. Therefore, Zhenhai Daxian was the closest to that step, and the most hopeful step could be taken. Perhaps only such a person could create a new one. Road." Lihuan also admired Zhenhai, and was very confident about it.

Wang Sheng is now thinking about whether the Zhenhai Daxian is the master behind this illusion space, or whether it is a little monk, or it is an outsider.

According to Li Huan's description of the other shores, the young monk doubts that they are not in line with these, more like the latecomers achieve the other shore, then there is no doubt that Zhenhai Daxian is the closest to the other shore, but the identity with the little monk is not very It’s not like the few other shores that have long disappeared. After all, those other shores have not experienced this time.

That is to say, this period of time should be a period of time that two strong people on the other side have come into contact with each other before they have evolved such a illusion of time. It is also possible to hide behind the scenes.

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