Universal Asylum

Chapter 1140: arms

Could it be that Tianyi couldn't come down, not just that their strength was not enough to resist the space repulsion, but because of the rules!

He didn’t hear them talk about the erosion of the rules. Wang Sheng thought about it, but he moved, and he was not really a person. Xiao Green was on him, but he never felt repulsive, and his own small world was completely insufficient. Resist the erosion of the rules.

Thinking of this, he secretly asked Xiao Green, but there was an abnormality, but the results obtained were not unexpected. If there was an abnormality, Xiao Green couldn't help telling him long ago. It's impossible that he didn't feel it now, and Wang Sheng frowned slightly.

It seems to know that Wang Sheng came from a place where he could not pass, and the off-loop expression is more complicated, but he also sees that the reason why Wang Sheng can avoid rule erosion is not just because of the world, most of it may still be walking on him. Bizarre, the real root is still Wang Sheng himself.

"The formation of Tianyuan is slow, and it has spent countless hours until the eve of the collapse of the power of the new world.

In the mouth of Lihuan, this Tianzhu is Tian Yuan, he is completely self-condensed, not a strange treasure, etc. Lihuan and others suspect that this Tianzhu may be a complete regular creation, otherwise it will not be so strong. Rule exclusion.

Wang Sheng went forward and explored, and he realized it carefully. Only then did he find the strange thing that he hadn’t felt before. There really were no rules around this Tianzhu. Wang Sheng didn’t feel anything at all because his avenue always covered him. It’s because it was protected by the light hung down by the palace before. He didn’t have time to wipe it. Now he is standing here. The feeling is still very obvious. It is similar to the feeling of air suffocation when mortal. Of course, it is not strong. Wang Sheng can Adapt to such an environment, and do not rely on rules to survive.

Even such an environment is not a dead end for Lihuan and others. It is much better than an unfamiliar rule land. Lihuan and others pay attention to the rule exclusion around this Tianzhu, and they are totally inaccessible here.

Seeing Wang Sheng approaching Tian Yuan without any exception, his eyes are strange from the ring. He has tried to approach Tian Yuan more than once, but the result is the same every time. Now he really sees Wang Sheng approaching, and he adapts to the rules compared to before. Even more shocking, after all, Tian Yuan's repulsion made him deeply popular.

Even now, when he is standing a little closer to the abyss, he can feel the strong force of repulsion. The silent attempt will know the result of continuing to approach. This repulsion is also full of rule erosion, which will accelerate the rate of rule erosion. He There is no hope of getting close.

Wang Sheng saw the thoughts in his heart from Li Huan's expression. He asked Xiao Green again if he had any other strange feelings.

"Big Brother, no Yo, this is too cold with the big pillar, it seems to be covered with thorns." Xiao Green replied immaturely.

Wang Sheng knew what Xiaolu wanted to say. This was the same as Tianzhu. He had felt a sharp air before. It was also the reason why Xiaolu felt cold and thorny. So he thought that Tianzhu was like a weapon. There is, but when I know that this is a rule creation, I understand that the value of this pillar is more than he thinks. The real power of the rule is not something that can be mastered. This pillar has such a strong repression of these other shores. The power is a unique treasure.

"Brother, I don't know if you have sent ordinary creatures close to this heaven." Wang Sheng thought of something.

Li Huan froze for a moment, then shook his head in amazement, "The land of the abyss is on the edge of the world, not to mention ordinary creatures. Even the great emperor cannot come here, and it is extremely dangerous. It has always been suppressed by me on the other side."

In fact, the force of space repulsion here is not acceptable below the other shore. Even Wang Sheng’s real body can feel the suppression of space. I am afraid that Li Huan and others have a heavy burden. Even ordinary creatures come here Unless the body is the emperor, the action will be greatly reduced, and even threaten life.

Lihuan also knows what Wang Sheng wants to say, "Brother Wang, you mean that Tianzhu only excludes me from waiting for the other side!" There were many surprises in her words, not that she did not believe in Wang Sheng, but that this thing was too incredible. And therefore, since countless times, he and others have never thought about this possibility.

However, Wang Sheng knew that the fundamental reason for the rejection of the rules was because these other shores realized the power of the rules. The other shore dissolved the rules into the body, taking a different path from the outside world, which exacerbated the rule's repulsion.

Otherwise, why the five decays of celestial beings in the ancient civilized world were slower than that of the emperor, and those powerful forces fell almost all of them for the first time, and the long time for the other shore was only because the strength was too strong, beyond the limit, You can force it for so many years.

Everything is for the sake of rules!

Wang Sheng knew the impact of the rules from the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's why it can develop so fast, but Lihuan didn't think about this aspect, and never thought of letting ordinary creatures come here Thought, at this moment, when Wang Sheng was broken, he looked dazed and seemed to be thinking about this possibility. ! ?

"This followed Tianzhu's suppression of the new rules and the old rules, forming this irregular place. It is inaccessible to understand and even merge the rules into the other side of the body."

It's a truth that fish can't live without water. This is the reason that Tianzhu has forcibly formed it. People in disguise Xuancheng can't get close to the power of rules!

Very strong, although the rules are condensed, but they have exactly the opposite properties. Perhaps this is also a manifestation of the inevitable thing.

Wang Sheng has been excited, this pillar seems to be a regular condensation, but because its attributes can be used as a strange treasure, he has never tried more weapons since his debut. On the one hand, it is not easy to find, on the other hand It was because he progressed too fast to find it, so that ordinary weapons can no longer keep up with him. For example, once the sky-turning seal was completely eliminated by him, today's palace is formed by the power of the flesh. What is in the real and unreal can be used as a weapon, but more of an extension of himself.

And the peculiarity of this column is enough to make Wang Sheng believe that he can follow him to take that step, it should be enough to use in a short time!

The only question is how to take it away, what kind of sensation will be caused by the impact of this barrier on the world and the space below. The most important thing is that it is connected to the highest peak of the earth. Still don't want to move.

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