Universal Asylum

Chapter 1146: Chinese

Listening to Wang Sheng’s many experiences, Liu Yiyi’s heart was undulating, and it seemed that he could see the magnificence and crisis of Wang Sheng’s experience with his words. There were no myths and legends in myths and legends, no thrilling wisdom, but also There is no eternal layout, only the crisis of life and death, only the strong men who burst out their souls for the sake of seeking, and when they became monks halfway through, the systemic checks and balances, Wang Sheng, lived into this group in a short period of time. And climbed to the top, mastered his own destiny, his own avenue!

This is not just a chance encounter, not just a coincidence, but a constantly changing mind and a soul that dares to fight hard. In this way, there is nothing in the world that can be obtained without giving. Wang Sheng has obtained a lot. But he has also paid a lot. In just a few thousand years, he has grown to a Daoxin that is enough to match the peak strength. His one heart can be described as vicissitudes, but returning to the original to retain the heart of the red child is another layer of realm and gain.

Liu Yiyi looked at Wang Sheng tenderly. After all, she experienced the world of the Lord God. Her temperament was indifferent, and she was not good at expressing feelings, but the contained emotions need not be any different. Wang Sheng looked at these black and white pairs. The eyes of her, for unreasonable memories of the original classmates, although Liu Yiyi is not a kind of cheerful, but also gentle and generous, after all, it is still changed by time, but it is enough to maintain his heart.

Wang Sheng smiled dumbly. If a person's heart is beating, how can he not change it? Wan Tribulation has maintained enough to maintain a true spirit, and one day it can be restored to nature!

The environment is quiet. Although the earth is not the earth of the day, the people around them are enough to bring about the past feeling. No matter what kind of creatures should not live in the past, but look at the future, Wang Sheng’s future, the waves of imagination are magnificent, His vicissitudes of mind and heart are through current events, but he is not tired, but instead remains excited and active, enough to receive more information, lively and free from pollution.

Wang Sheng lived quietly on the earth and looked around, both sightseeing and hidden dangers of seeing the earth, and he did not enter many fantasy worlds. For these fantasy worlds, he could see the truth at a glance. Compared with the earth, it is relatively false and essential. He is still sublimating. His presence will only affect his sublimation. Perhaps it is a good influence or a bad influence. If he is unsure, he will not watch it. Anyway, it will not affect him one by one.

Wang Sheng pays more attention to those real plane worlds and many real worlds attracted by the heavens. They have a tendency to become attached to the earth, but they are essentially real, and there are still some differences from the fantasy world. Wang Sheng saw that he was familiar with World, that's the ghost world of the beautiful girl.

The Chinese ghost world has been attracted, and it has been completely anchored on the earth. The strong ones also know the existence of the earth. As early as hundreds of years ago, they began to communicate with the earth. Today’s development has completely deviated from the orbit. One of the most successful developments in the world, because there is no birth of the sacred fairy Buddha from the beginning to the end, and the strongest have never been immortal, but the road to the golden pill realm, which is incomplete with this world. The heaven and the Tao are related, but the more important reason is that the world’s fairy sacred Buddha avoids the world, only legends have never appeared.

The earth has also been calculating whether there is a real fairy, which will be an important point that affects their decision, but it has never been found. Saying this, about the many worlds now connected, about the world with myths and legends. There is no fairy sage, as if it had disappeared before the ages, the strongest emerged from these worlds is the Dajin Jindan realm, there may be scattered cents, but it also broke through after contacting the earth, not the original fairy legend.

On the contrary, there are many fantasy worlds, in which the pace has the real right and left, such as the world that Xiao Yan traverses, the emperor is the real realm, and the rest of the world is roughly the same. The top power is not weak, but exceeds These substantive worlds.

This is because everyone on the planet and even Liu Yiyi cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and the real world, so there is no specific discovery by the family, but only that the abnormalities in the fairy gods in myths do not exist, and nothing can be found. However, Wang Sheng saw through a glance and saw many fairy worlds, including the ghost of the beautiful girl, and frowned.

The ghost world of the Chinese female ghost is incomplete, and it can also explain why the fairy gods are not born or even do not exist, but more real worlds of fairy gods are complete, and they have the conditions for the birth of fairy gods, and they are not difficult. The most important thing is that the king Sheng can find traces of the existence of immortals, but it seems to be taken away instantly at a certain point in time, erasing the traces of these immortals.

This kind of thing is not a coincidence. It can be explained that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sheng thought in his heart and entered the world of the ghost of the beautiful girl. At this time, the world of the beautiful girl is a lot of technological creations, and it is more like a technological plane than the earth. Among them, many are filled with creatures from other worlds. The cultivators who depend on vitality and avenues are scarce, and they have entered the rest of the world or the earth to seek breakthroughs and complete avenues.

However, many forces still exist, and they have begun to transform. Even Kunlun, which has always been in the hidden world, has also shown real caves, opened the mountain gates, greeted many travelers, and displayed the characteristics of the Chinese female world.

There is no Yan Chixia and Gu She Fairy in this world. They have already been led by Wang Sheng to the new worship of the lady world. Wang Sheng has no familiar people in this world, except one!

Wang Sheng looked around the sky, trying to find the original monk, who was suspected to be a monk who came to Buddha, but he forcibly expelled the Great Saint who was invited to help him. The Great Saint recognized his identity and then appeared in the world of Xinbai Niangzi Next time, Wang Sheng thought that it was a projection, but now I think that it is very similar to the monk in the world of the Chinese girl, and it seems to be the same person.

How did he travel through the world and go to another world? The two worlds are different worlds, and many projections are also different. Wang Sheng swept through the sky, and no trace of the monk was found without accident, but he made an unexpected discovery. I saw a huge tree with a sky above it, and there was a small temple on top of it, like a black nest, with traces of the monk's survival.

"Big brother, so familiar."

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, and Xiaolu got it from this world, and also appeared in this world. The familiar should refer to this tree, is it related to Xiaolu?

Instead of asking, Wang Sheng directly unfolded his magical powers and observed the traces.

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