Universal Asylum

Chapter 1148: Rules in time

In the previous Journey to the West Manchurian Buddha, even in the planes of the heavens, the strength is at the upper level. There are three Qing saints sitting on the top, and the heaven and earth are under the control of the three realms. Immortals and Shinto deities are almost all over the world. They are the most pinnacle state in the world, and they are still far away from the end.

However, the westward journey at this time, the heaven still exists, but it is very empty. Only the nineth heaven exists above to highlight its unique speciality, and the upper heavens are also empty. The same is true of the Sanqing Holy Land. It still retains this original grand appearance, it seems that it is in It was taken away by invisible power in an instant, so that a little power could not be reacted, no trace exists, just like a still world.

No one can reach above the heaven, but the overseas fairy mountains beyond the nineth heaven are occupied by the remaining monks in heaven and earth, no longer the situation of the day. At this time, the heaven and earth are generally the same as those of the world, and the fairy **** level cannot be promoted. Generations of aspirants were aspiring to immortal gods, and those who were qualified as immortal gods were all bound by inexplicable bottlenecks. Many cultivators roared madly before they were destroyed. They asked God to close the way. Wang Sheng came here to know that the rules here When he was changed, his eyes narrowed slightly. This was a word for the world. The person who applied the rules wanted to prevent the immortal **** from being born in the entire world, so he forcibly changed the rules, and it was not the rules for this world. It was all the immortals. The rules of the legendary world of the gods, this is a change of the real rules. There is no doubt that behind the disappearance of these gods and buddhas, there is a powerful existence that can involve the existence of the other side, that is, I don’t know the other side of the ancient civilization. No.

Wang Sheng looked up to the sky and took one step to enter the cosmic starry sky. This is just a subsidiary universe of the Journey to the West, not the Westward Continent of all things. He stepped on the starry sky and there were two huge stars under his feet. One is pure purple, but it strangely absorbs all the surrounding light and does not emit it. The two stars are strange and not comparable to the stars, and this purple is added later.

Wang Sheng saw two huge figures in the two huge stars. The real form is huge. They are two giants, each with a deep star point, and the color of the stars they live in is generally the same. This huge The stars are more like the manifestation of the star point of the brow and heart, and now the substance exists in the void.

The two figures breath converged, but at a glance I saw a lot of worlds, many worlds, as if they contained the power of the world, this is already involved in the realm of rules, it is only preliminary, not even understood, just out of a key Process, this process may be within easy reach, it may be a matter of a lifetime, this is the way of the rules.

The two were the two ancient gods at the time. At this time, they had their own chances. They slept in this starry sky and had a further trend. Wang Sheng did not disturb them. He thought slightly, and the black hand behind the scenes was in ancient times. The gods and gods that were taken away before the arrival of the gods are still worthy of being collected afterwards. If the latter is the case, why would the two ancient gods be let go, is it because they fear their strength? If a true rule is powerful, he should not be afraid of them. Even if he is not on the path of a monk, he still has an absolute advantage. After all, the two ancient gods have not yet truly understood the rules, but are only involved at the beginning.

And the black hand behind the scenes should not let these two people feel safe and sound here, let them understand the rules, the existence of a powerful rule has long been different, and can no longer be regarded as ordinary.

There are two possibilities. One is that before the arrival of the two ancient gods, the Mantian God Buddha has been taken away by the black hands behind the scenes, and has temporarily evacuated this world. No two ancient gods have been found. The two are in the two ancient gods. The gods and buddhas were taken away only when the gods existed, but the existence of the two ancient gods now contradicts this point. It is not a fear, then the only possibility is that the two ancient gods have been hand-pulled into the other camp by the behind-the-scenes. And this opportunity to understand the rules was also presented, so that they had the opportunity to take this step.

There are two possibilities, either is possible. Wang Sheng's eyes are deep. If it is the latter, then the power of the two ancient gods can be used to find the black hand behind the scenes. There is no doubt that he is more expecting the result. If it is the former In order to find the traces that the black hands did not leave behind in the rest of the world, it took a lot of hands and feet to find it. It was also that he missed the original opportunity. .

Of course, at that time, he did not even have the strength to protect himself. The black hand behind the scenes was a rule-level power, and even more existence. He was not an opponent at all. The president said that the idea of ​​avoiding it was correct. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, he will only be able to vote for himself, but now with sufficient strength, he can no longer find traces of each other.

"What is the purpose of searching for the heavenly **** Buddha, why did you find these many Kyushu projections, and even many projection worlds, it is these worlds that still have mysteries, not just projections, but other reasons."

Wang Sheng thought of the reunification of the monk who came like this. Was the capture of these heavenly gods Buddha so that all beings would try to reunite and create enough power?

But because of the nature of Kyushu, I am afraid that there is a limit to the way of normalization. Even if all the powers are unified, they cannot exceed the Taoist ancestor of the body. This is inevitable. In this way, there are more hidden reasons for the existence of these worlds. Is more likely.

Wang Sheng didn't guess the result, but he guessed the purpose of the behind-the-scenes hands when he didn't understand it. The results obtained were too false. He didn't even know the other party's ultimate goal was to take that step, just because he understood There are too few.

Then there is only one way left.

Wang Sheng thought secretly, striding up to the sky, avoiding the two ancient gods waving in the void, an illusory hazy swing, an illusory time forming under his hand, in the shadows of time, there seem to be countless creatures, countless Scenery, this is the time in this world.

But Wang Sheng frowned slightly, and it was no surprise that he encountered a hindrance when summoning time. This hindrance is a hindrance to this world. Because time is incomplete, it requires him to apply more power to force the existence of time.

Wang Sheng hesitated slightly and increased his strength. The light was suddenly clear, but the waves of time suddenly violently oscillated, setting off a wave of waves, and rushing towards Wang Sheng, and about to drown his existence.

Wang Sheng's eyes are full of cold light, and there is a strong rule in this water of time!

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