Universal Asylum

Chapter 1158: Part 3 Heart

To appease the next Daozu, Wang Sheng looked at the deep sea position, step by step into the depths of the sea, and came to the seal position that he felt at the beginning. Seeing that the seal with the strong existence was sealed, he had to have more ideas. This world is also for this. 

The deep sea is deep and heavy pressure is everywhere. Not to mention ordinary mortals, even the Taoists come here, they will be magically suppressed and unable to exert their full strength. Wang Sheng once had such a bad experience, but now there is no need to worry. When he came to the seal step by step, he felt that the sea seemed to be too deep, and he just entered another Nine Nether, a different experience than when he looked at the outside world, ignoring this anomaly, Wang Sheng looked at the seal in front of him, It was formed naturally, and it was formed with the Tainan land, but it was not a seal formation method at the beginning, but a natural creation place that gave birth to innate gods, but after a long time change, this seal has also become a banned place. The creatures were completely imprisoned before they appeared.

The breath inside is deep and pure, and the creature seems to be alive, but it falls into a sinking state, and Wang Sheng penetrates into the ban. This ban is unexpectedly tight. Wang Sheng’s consciousness has to be careful. A bad one can alarm his creature, Wang Sheng is now It has also been reflected that this ban is really not normal.

   With the deepening of consciousness, Wang Sheng felt a heartbeat, and finally he saw the creature through the seal, bang! @

A violent vibration ignited all of my heartbeats, and the frequency gradually became one. In front of me was a huge fuchsia heart with blood vessels violently bursting out, and a fuchsia blood flowing. The vibration of his body made him involuntarily with the vibration, and when he came here, it seemed that the seal was also a world, half the real world with the outside world, and the deepness was even worse, but the focus was not here, Wang Shengshuang Squinting, the heart is still involuntarily beating with the blood circulation, fluctuating in the body for an instant, and with the fluctuation of this power, the black power in Wang Sheng's body is recovering at a rapid rate, It was only a moment later that it was restored to the initial level. At this time, and the black power seemed to be beating with the frequency and entered the heart and body, and began to completely merge. This was originally after the black power was completely born and combined to lay its own power. It should happen. Thing, but now it is completed in advance under the touch of the heart, which is self-evident for Wang Sheng’s role, black power is no longer a rootless source, but can be born with the flesh, and the resilience will be equal to the flesh, In an instant, he has the peak power when using black power, and this peak power will become an ordinary power.

Of course, the total amount of black power is still the same, and it is impossible to lay the physical body in advance. The time to lay the foundation is to step on the third step, but as it is fully integrated with the physical body, it will gradually increase in the future, not as good as before. Not even knowing the method of birth.

With the next beating, the black power finally fully merged into the flesh. By this time, this beating of the heart had no effect on Wang Sheng, and the purple heart in front seemed to shrink suddenly, the blood dried up, the heart His body size has shrunk by several scales, and it is no longer the vitality of the past. It seems that just a moment ago, Do not Wang Sheng absorbed too much energy and affected the heart.

It’s a pity that Wang Sheng’s eyes flashed. His own strength growth is naturally good, but why is this heart so powerful that he can improve his strength by beating, this way of transferring power through a mysterious way Wang Sheng is not It is incomprehensible that it seems that I absorbed the energy of the heart in the moment just to improve myself.

Wang Sheng flashed more thoughts, this heart does not know if it can be recovered, if recovered, this heart is a treasure that can be used continuously, but the effect for him should have stepped into the imagination, and now this heart is still in the art, but it seems that he himself 'S flesh temporarily fell into a bottleneck, or it was not the heart that could be replenished again, so it did induce more intense changes.

In the final analysis, Wang Sheng does not know whether this heart transfers energy in this way, or whether this beating meets certain rules. It is this kind of beating supernatural power that helps Wang Sheng increase his strength, and the heart is entirely due to this beating. Consumes power.

He squinted, even if not for others, the value of this heart can be imagined, he now has no doubt that the most important thing in this world is this heart, the black hand behind the scenes should also be for the purpose of plotting this heart, then take it to destroy it, nothing There is no doubt that the evolution of the black hand behind the scenes has been shattered.

However, Wang Sheng is cautious. Such important things cannot be placed here so easily. He moves forward step by step. Even in the dark world, he is constantly approaching this heart. As he sees the heart, Wang Sheng seems to see The shape of a behemoth is only transparent, only the outline ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the fierce intention still reveals, and there is also a wonderful mood, Wang Shengxin stopped in a shock.

third step!

This artistic conception is the consciousness and artistic conception of the third step. This behemoth is undoubtedly a third-step creation. Wang Sheng can now understand why this heart is so powerful. If it is the core creation of the third step, it is natural to be powerful. It’s better to say that Wang Sheng’s weirdness can actually absorb such a powerful heart energy, but only with such a little progress. If this can provide the power for physical growth, then it will take a few third steps before Wang Sheng can step out. Next step.

The transparent outline in front of me is undoubtedly just a transparent outline, just the outline radiated by the heart, with no other power, but let Wang Sheng see the tip of the iceberg of this heart, then the question comes, who is the seal here, why is the first The heart of the three parts will appear in such a world.

Wang Sheng never thought that the behind-the-scenes plan really touched a third step, somehow, he thought of the power of the previous roar, whether there is also the core of a third step sealed, or that this heart is the first The rest of the three steps, no matter what is possible, the power of that roar can be understood.

Wang Sheng stepped forward again, but at the next moment, he stopped, he suddenly felt a great danger. The weakened heart seemed to start beating again, but this time it was the consciousness of the heart, It seems that a strong sense of consciousness is to contaminate one's heart and true spirit.

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