Universal Asylum

Chapter 1192: Heavenly Mark

It is indeed Heavenly Dao, and it is a near-awakening Heavenly Dao, but this Heavenly Dao has no consciousness, not deliberately targeting Wang Sheng, but the Emperor Tian used means to wake him up, and then focused on Wang Sheng, so as to exclude this element that does not conform to the world.

Wang Shengchen came to this conclusion at that moment, and his mind was slightly moving, and the unconscious heavenly path was not another third step like the eradication of the red tide. It was just a special process involving the third step, perhaps with the power of the third part, but Compared with the third step in consciousness, there is little room for the third part of strength to play. Wang Sheng is a bit strange, why Taihao can attract Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao doesn’t seem to notice that they are all three people from outside world, Ignore them directly and focus on him.

  This is compromise and communication? Can heaven and earth in this world be able to judge the basic likes and dislikes and have a basic prototype of consciousness? If this is the case, the consciousness of this world already has a foundation for progress, and it can develop into the consciousness of the era of the eradication of the red dynasty.

In either case, Wang Sheng now has to deal with the maliciousness of a world. This is the choice of the will of the world. Then Wang Sheng itself will be rejected by the whole world, not the home field. If it is a practitioner of the big world, the big world. It cannot be fully developed, but for Wang Sheng, this is not important.

Wang Sheng glanced at the three people across from him. The three-man combination had begun to connect with a certain existence. That was the World Extinguishing Red Tide. They wanted to summon the World Extinguishing Red Tide directly in this fairy emperor palace to enter the universe. Thinking suddenly flashes, but unable to capture this spiritual light for a while, he is wrapped in the will of the vast world, and the heavy pressure strikes, Wang Sheng is tight, and the whole body pressed by this heavy pressure shrinks everywhere. A cell starts to shrink at every level, and Wang Sheng feels uncomfortable. This is because the other party squeezes him with the force of the third part. He is still not enough, but in the face of an uninteresting existence, he can detour. Different from the highest power of the original face system, his consciousness has taken the initial third step and can clearly keep up with this siege.

In the Immortal Emperor Palace, the sky thunder flickered, and then a thick thunder swallowed Wang Sheng's body. The mighty thunder did not stop. The number of successive thunders became stronger and stronger, covering all the surroundings, almost in The moment when Wang Sheng raised the roundabout, he was directly attacked. Wang Sheng immediately fell into trouble. He suddenly realized another problem. This is the will of the world. Anywhere in this world is the body of the world’s will in theory. He cannot avoid the roundabout. of.

Wang Sheng waved his head slashing toward the front, and countless thunders in the front immediately stopped at the waist. After struggling in the air for a long while, he completely disappeared. Wang Sheng stepped into the sky and came to a high place. The sky was clouded, and there seemed to be a kind of indifferent will in the sky. Exist, stare at him, give him punishment, the next moment a light is born and turned into a strange chariot, there are various Taoism on the chariot, this moment flickers together, through the dark clouds, through the endless sky, Came directly to Wang Sheng's side and drove towards Wang Sheng.

There seemed to be a knight-driver chariot above the chariot, and he rushed towards Wang Sheng in his roar. Wang Sheng just took a look, without knowing carefully, he knew that this chariot actually existed in the history of this world, because There is a sense of civilization on it. Those Taoist characters are artificially portrayed. It seems to be a powerful weapon used by the powerful to be remembered by the Heavenly Dao. At this time, it is displayed in the Heavenly Dao against the enemy as a means.

The main purpose of this chariot is not to destroy, but to ride. He wants Wang Sheng to forcibly ride on his forehead, and then take him in the direction of one stop. This kind of riding is a regular ride. Those Taoisms are to capture Taoism, and the ubiquitous world will is simply the best way of restraint.

  Wang Sheng's avoidance is inevitable. Even if he destroys this tank, he is keenly aware that it is useless. Tiandao can restore such a tank at any time. This is just a wasteless war, and he will only waste time.

   To change this home advantage, only transform the battlefield, and in this world, the only convenient place to go is outside the world, which is the land of chaos!

Wang Sheng groaned, black power appeared in the palm of his body, and then he shot towards the void, and suddenly a hollow appeared, and the chaotic atmosphere that poured into it swallowed the will of the world, and nothing stopped Wang Sheng’s body. But at the next moment he suddenly moved his heart and turned his head to look, but found that a strong man full of traces of heaven and earth was walking in the sky, holding an emperor sword in his hand and slashing towards Wang Sheng.

   Fairy Emperor, Fairy Emperor Sword! This is the mark of being limited by Heavenly Dao, but because of the obstacles in the palace of the immortal emperor, this figure of the immortal emperor seems to have some special, the magical powers of actual combat are incomparable, and the power of the third part is wielded, which is equivalent to the collection of the immortal emperor. The power of consciousness and the will of the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a stronger force than the fairy emperor itself.

Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed. If it was not the power of the third part, then he didn't need to care, thinking that the inner opponent might not keep up with his own pace. In attacking the Zen, he was already outside the world, in chaos, But with the power of the third part, the ending is to resist this trick and enter chaos.

  For the strength of this third step, hard resistance is the worst result.

Wang Sheng gave up this chaotic node, and ran out, punching a fist towards this figure, the sword of the Immortal Emperor vibrated arrogantly, and the light flashed on it, but the gravity struck, and the sword of the Immortal Emperor shattered directly. The figure of Immortal Emperor also cracked from top to bottom, and eventually turned into powder and disappeared.

Wang Sheng walked to the void on foot, and next moment, beside him, the figure of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor sword appeared again, not only him, but also on the side and rear, there was this indifferent old man. A certain nameless character, but the character that can be turned into a prop is not so simple. There is an old monk on the side, his eyebrows are all white, long lines can not see the end, a simple Tsing Yi, not the universe The cascading Buddha costume in China is just a similar robe but different costumes.

   Ancient Buddha! Seeing the moment of the monk, Wang Sheng recognized the existence of the other party. For these strong men, in the case of their power, their identity is more effective than telling him, but another old Taoist, who is this , Is it the Qing Emperor!

   Immortal Emperor, Ancient Buddha, Qing Emperor, is Wang Sheng's cognition of the world's top powerhouses, especially Qing Emperor, seems to be more powerful, the other party has come to an end, the other party is really the third step.

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