Universal Asylum

Chapter 120: ancient time

  The giant palm was withdrawn, and the void disappeared, and the world was completely destroyed, the flood and the various natural disasters caused by it were rampant.

  Bai Suzhen sees the world, and countless creatures have disappeared and lost her life. She can't bear it, and she begins to treat mortals everywhere.

  For decades, the floods and various natural disasters gradually receded, and the remaining human beings began to thrive on a small land.

   But after this difficulty, the world's supernatural power is not obvious. It seems that because of that palm, the Heaven and Earth Avenue is completely broken, and it is difficult to repair the repair, only Bai Suzhen is a supernaturalist in the world.

   And her condition is also very bad, her repair is accelerating, and it is estimated that within three years, her repair is about to disperse, and she will quickly age and die.

  After some thoughts, she finally returned to Xiudong Cave and closed again.

Three years later, there was no trace of healing in Tiandao, and that moment finally came. Bai Suzhen quietly waited for the last trace to disappear, but at this time, she saw the white flash of white jade from the mysterious place. A layer of white cocoon-like things wrapped up and gradually lost consciousness and passed out.

  I don't know how many years later.

  She woke up from the depths of a sea and found that her cultivation practice was gradually recovering. Although the Tiandi Avenue was still broken, it was also gradually recovering.

"It was three hundred years ago, the world was already sea and vicissitudes of earth, and I found no trace of human beings anywhere in the world, let alone the monks. It seems that after a long time, some unique creatures were born between the world and the world , But huge and strong."

  Bai Suzhen smiled bitterly, "The store manager and the former foreign friends are the only humans I have seen in so many years."

  As she tells, Wang Sheng seems to have witnessed the evolution of the world a long time ago.

He thought deeply about it, flooding, all kinds of natural disasters, and the collapse of heaven and earth. This is indeed the era of the end of the law, and then the evolution of heaven and earth, all things disappeared and rebirth, the birth of new species including dinosaurs, sounds more like the dinosaurs experienced on earth. era.

   This is not a retrogression of time, but the complete destruction of a civilization, and then a long time passed, the world repeats itself, and transitions to the dinosaur era again. It is conceivable that human beings may appear again after another tens of billions of years.

  Bai Suzhen seems to avoid the destruction of the world because of his jade charm, and finally wakes up in the age of dinosaurs, and without the advent of him and the space of the main god, Bai Suzhen will live alone in ancient times.

  Bai Suzhen shook his head slightly blankly, "How much time has passed in this world before it has evolved to such a point.",

  Understand the current situation, Wang Sheng's heart is a little deep, there is no human in the world, not to mention the imaginary fairy, which also means that the main **** space reincarnation will be much easier to seize the origin of the world.

   There is no resistance from local forces, the only possible dinosaurs and other fierce beasts with strength, and no sanity. They only need to find the original location and take it out to complete the mission.

  Relatively, Wang Sheng's task difficulty will rise linearly.


   In the distant sky, the mechanically equipped Wika suddenly looked at Rael.

   "Your friend also participated in this mission, is it the Eastern camp, aren't you surprised?"

  Rael's eyes narrowed, "What do you want to say."

Weika couldn’t see the expression, and his voice was deep and majestic. “This is a new world. We learned about the status quo of this world because of the great prophecy. Therefore, we found Bai Suzhen, the protagonist of luck, for the first time. A friend was only one step away from us to find here, and he also knew the protagonist of luck, which means that he actually found it before us.

"At this speed and at this means, he is again a hostile camp." He gave a slight pause and looked at Rael, "I know this friend is important to you, but the mission is first, what should I do, I think you are an angel family God Son will not be unclear."

  Rael's eyes flickered, and Wicka did make sense, but he knew that it was all because of Wang Sheng's status as a plane businessman, who was superb and able to understand anything.

   But this news is only known to him, and he has no reason to give up this opportunity.

  Weika, as the key target of this cooperation, is also an important figure of the Tenjin Group, and we have to give an explanation.

   He smiled gently, "I will invite Mr. to the center camp for me to entertain."

   "That's good." Wika nodded, thinking that Rael meant to put Wang Sheng under house arrest.

   At this time, far away from Gaoshandongfu, Wang Sheng walked out and looked at them.

   Leilton smiled and flew over.

   "If it is convenient for you, sir, you may wish to go to the center camp with me, this place is really simple."

  Wang Sheng still took an unreasonable attitude and nodded lightly.

   Rael was very happy. He knew that since the plane merchant chose one person as a customer, he certainly would not give up at will, but at the moment the invitation was agreed, he couldn't help but feel excited and felt a sense of approval.

   After a moment, Wang Sheng followed Bai Suzhen into a technological aircraft prepared by Rael, and disappeared into the sky as a streamer.

   "These strange friends and the owner know each other." Standing in front of the glass window, Bai Suzhen was very curious to look at the science and technology ship that he had never seen before.

  Wang Sheng smiled slightly, "Maybe from the same place."

  Bai Suzhen's eyes are colorful~www.wuxiaspot.com~The land of the owner must be very different. This flying magic weapon is so peculiar, and the flying speed is so fast that under the gods, I am afraid that there is no one. "

   heard her talk about the fairy, Wang Sheng moved.

   "Precious guests should know that before this world changes, there are traces of fairy buddhas in their world, and their skills should not exceed the disaster of the world, and the precious guests can know their whereabouts."

Bai Suzhen smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Su Zhen was closed for nearly a hundred years at that time, and there was no trace of friends when he went out of the customs, only vaguely knowing that no matter the heaven and earth or the Western Buddha, it seems that he knew that the world and the world will soon change, and he was ready hundreds of years in advance. They have avoided this disaster, and they are very likely to move first and move forward in advance."

  Wang Sheng shook his head, it seemed that the local forces could not rely on it.

   is now in the hands of these reincarnations. It is really not easy to get out. The status of a plane businessman can guarantee safety, but it is a bit of a surprise to want to complete the task.

  Compared to the world origin that can be exchanged for opportunity points, the opportunity of plane merchants is nothing more. Nowadays, it is only a matter of making a fuss and watching the timing.

   The speed of this aircraft is very fast, even faster than Wang Sheng's use of space magical power to get on the road, but for half an hour, there is still a mountain jungle below, and the landform has not changed at all.

  During this period, Wang Sheng again found several huge dinosaurs, each of which was a party hegemon in his territory.

  Wang Sheng couldn't help but sigh, dinosaurs and other species are born with strong flesh and are located at the top of the food chain. If they have the wisdom and can practice magical powers, it is really a hundred times more powerful than humans.

   And he also speculated that the main **** space positioned this world as a medium world, probably because of these dinosaurs, perhaps their real combat power can already match the medium level of power.


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