Universal Asylum

Chapter 1201: Black dot

Lihuan knew that Wang Sheng’s horror was not because he saw Wang Sheng’s true strength, but he could not forget that he saw Wang Sheng easily approaching the irregular land around Tianzhu, where the rules were suppressed, and himself The inability to form a sharp contrast, he could not forget that scene, contrary to his long-standing cognition, so he felt that Wang Sheng was deeply measurable, this emotion saw Wang Sheng again, seeing Wang Sheng was unharmed. When he came here from the war of heaven and earth and stepped on the wave of chaos, his savings reached the limit, so he dared not delay and feared unexpected changes.

   Savage just looked at the height indifferently, and seemed to want to quietly look at what happened next.

   "Look at Brother Wang?" Taihao shook his head. "If Brother Li had experienced the weakness that I had in Brother Wang's hands before, I would not think I dare to underestimate Wang Sheng's emotions."

He didn’t explain too much about the separation from the ring. He knew that Wang Sheng knew more than Wang Sheng imagined. He knew that Wang Sheng was born on the earth and knew that it only took a short millennium to grow up to now. More because of the promotion of the emperor, the physical emperor who has never been in the universe, and then grows again and again, as if there is no limit, until he and his face to face the advantage, then face the red tide of the world, and then meet again Wang Sheng, however, has no power to fight back under his men.

This time and again, Wang Sheng seemed to have no limit, and the progress was beyond the understanding of others. The part-time job could not believe that his progress would be so rapid. He was also growing rapidly, but in the face of Wang Seng, he was directly dropped by a level, he In fact, I can't understand such a thing in my heart, but I also guessed that one of the reasons why Wang Sheng is so special is that he walks on a strange new road, and his speed is beyond his imagination. A brand-new avenue is not that those of them who take the road of predecessors and sages still need to figure out step by step.

   Create a avenue, as long as you understand it in place, you can go to the sky in one step!

And now Wang Sheng has stepped into the sky in his heart, so Tai Hao never even thought of right in his mind. As for the idea proposed by Lihuan, he even considered it. If he guessed it true, then Wang Ascending is no longer a level they can face, so-called means are ridiculous.

   So he just looked up quietly at the sky, watching Wang Sheng bring him another incredible.

The person who knows a person most often is his own enemy. Wang Sheng wouldn’t think of him in Tai Hao’s eyes. He is such a person. , But he is indeed happy and excited in his heart now, because he is facing the red tide of world extinction again.

They are all Heavenly Ways, but the World Extinguishing Red Grass is not better than the Heavenly Ways of the Qing Emperor’s World. He has his own consciousness and can start a devouring war according to his desire. If this war is not disadvantageous, Then the end of the red tide of the world can achieve a fate that has never been seen before. That is the fate of the heavenly world, and its achievements will be unimaginable.

   Such a world-extinguishing red tide is powerful, and can really bring pressure to Wang Sheng.

When he saw the arrival of Wang Seng and felt Wang Sheng's breath, the World Extinguishing Red Tide was violent, not emotionally violent, but breath violent. He recognized Wang Sheng, the culprit who repeatedly destroyed his affairs, this ants It is because of his consciousness that he started violently to crush the exuberance.

   So when Wang Sheng had just stood at this level, he was directly brushed by a layer of waves.

Wang Sheng stretched out his palm and easily resisted the eradication red tide attack that once needed to work hard. It was a corner of his mouth. I don’t know that it is an honor to be remembered by a world will. After all, in the mind of this world will, He has always been a ants.

  Wang Sheng's palm was drawn, and the whole wave was suddenly torn apart, the cracks were far apart, as if there was no end, Wang Sheng stepped on it, and his body seemed to rise suddenly.

I don’t know if it’s because of his unique path, whether it’s the scale of the sky or the will of the world at this time, he can’t know his true level. Wang Sheng had no choice but to leak himself, just to tell the world of red tide. The ants that can be easily crushed, it is better to be serious.

The Heavenly Dao in front of me was shaking, and finally woke up completely. A big face formed by the air waves overlooked Wang Sheng from a height. There was only a pair of red eyes in the big face. It was a red world. Wang Sheng was up and took a step. He climbed into the sky, and then Huaguang entered the red eyes of his big face.

A divine light brushed in the head, Wang Sheng's body rolled in divine light, his hands printed a seal, the divine light burst, he dragged out the divine light, suspended his body and looked forward, this is a chaos-like place At the boundary of the earth, layers of air waves flood the world, or this world is a world composed of i air waves.

From a distance near the distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The wave directly wrapped up Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng's breakaway was just to enter more waves from a layer of waves, but Wang Sheng's body was like a giant, appearing directly above the wave, The Sifangyin united its strength and printed hard.

The explosion exploded, with him as the center, the wave was directly suppressed, Wang Sheng fell down with his hand as a knife, and suddenly there was a deep invisible crack, Wang Sheng shook his head, then he hoped he could control the day again Column, otherwise there are more methods available now.

When the wave of fissures was not filled again, Wang Sheng turned into a rainbow of light directly into the depths along the edge of the fissure. The square seal continued to explode, opening up a series of cracks, and continuously opening up this seemingly infinite wave. Go on.

The whole wave world is shaking, a dark wave spreads around Wang Sheng as the center, gradually swallowing this wave, and in the very center where Wang Sheng is located, there appears a silence The Land of Destruction is the battlefield belonging to the third part of the Qing Emperor World.

When this battlefield appeared, Wang Sheng saw that a black dot was born in this singular place. This black dot condensed into substance, and the surrounding waves did not exist, or it turned into this black dot. Wang Sheng’s eyes were strange. For the first time, he saw the eradicating red tide from this perspective, and this is its real ontology.

The place that can be discovered and exists only in the third step is a more terrifying place than chaos. Even the waves of the World Extinguishing Red Tide cannot appear alone. Wang Sheng directly forced the World Extinguishing Red Tide to appear here in this way. Seeing this black spot, you know he succeeded.

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