Universal Asylum

Chapter 1205: Overdraw the future

The pace of off the ring was forcibly suppressed at the next moment, because a figure appeared in front of him, reaching out his palm and pressing his brow.

  Lihuan's face changed and he changed his direction several times, but now he is Sun Monkey, Wang Sheng's palm is like Buddha's palm, he has no place to avoid.

  The palm is still in contact with the ring-browed heart after all, the cold feel and the endless decadence of the heart. It turns out that the gap has reached this point, and the means I rely on have not played any role.

  Under the palm of the hand, the power of the ban was launched, the body of the off-loop rule was forcibly suppressed, and even his thinking was forcibly trapped in the flesh. Wang Sheng did not try to communicate with off-loop, and he waved his head and shook his head into the sleeve.

  At the same time, he reached out to get the temple. Under the condition that the thinking of Lihuan was blocked, the temple became mediocre, but it was very heavy in his hand.

If Wang Sheng does not use consciousness coverage, the power of the flesh cannot lift the temple. The density of this temple is higher than he imagined. Wang Sheng’s flesh has a certain opportunity, which seems to be an opportunity to break through. He looks at the temple with his eyes. He is more important than he imagined.

   can actually induce changes in his physical body!

"Very good!" Wang Sheng was delighted. At the same time, he had guesses about the composition of the temple. He could not find anything for a short time. He looked around and there was no control from the ring. Derivatives.

  Wang Sheng disappeared step by step.

  The outside savages stood quietly, and the giant axe in his hand was invisible to the void. Suddenly he opened his eyes, and the giant axe fired, slashing toward the front, where Wang Sheng's figure appeared slowly, and he took the head off.

  Wang Sheng's body was wrapped in a dark golden palace and contacted with a giant axe. The dark golden palace's Ambilight highlights the great power of the giant axe. This savage's full power to perform supernatural powers is beyond the scope of the other side.

  Wang Sheng looked at the savages quietly, and the savages also slightly looked up at Wang Sheng, and the giant axe in his hand fell again.

Still chopping on the dark golden palace, the dark golden palace vibrated. To a certain extent, the dark golden palace was similar to Wang Sheng’s physical strength without the assistance of consciousness. At this time, the performance of Wang Sheng’s physical body was facing the giant axe. Time's performance is no longer a careless attack.

  The savages' wrists were raised again, the giant axe slammed down and made a third blow.

   Finally, a crack appeared in the palace, which also proved that Wang Sheng's body was damaged by this hit, but healed instantly.

   From the beginning to the end, Wang Sheng did not resist, and did not use consciousness confrontation, because he saw some clues.

   Sure enough, after the three hits, the savages put away the giant axe, looked at Wang Sheng indifferently, turned away, and walked toward the distance, toward the chaos, disappeared within a few steps, and left like this.

Wang Sheng did not block, but looked at the direction of the savage pity. He and Lihuan were the same rule body, subject to the rule restrictions. If the battle between the dojos in their mouths was true, then their rule body restrictions should be It can be destroyed. At this moment, such a choice obviously gives up such a possibility.

   And he really turned around and left, no longer entangled because of the cause and effect that Wang Sheng had awakened him.

And he does not care about Wang Sheng’s catch-up, but may hope Wang Sheng to catch up, so that he can choose a more worthy way to end, instead of giving up like this, waiting for the limit of the rule body to come, the rule-free world of matters Restrictions, his destiny is doomed.

   But Wang Sheng didn't catch up. In the final analysis, there was not that deep involvement between him and the savages. Despite the pity of the savages, there was no room for everyone to make choices for the fate of others.

   There are too many miracles in the world. If the Savage does not give up, he may still be able to find his own miracle, but if he gives up on his own, only Dao Consumers are waiting for him.

   "The rules are just a means to climb the avenue, not the limit that should be pursued. They have taken the wrong path away from their brothers, and their talents have been met." A majestic voice filled with exclamation sounded.

  Wang Sheng turned his head and looked, Taihao was standing on the side of Wang Sheng with a strange look.

"Are you ready?" Wang Sheng asked indifferently. In fact, he was more curious how Tai Hao took this step to be so self-confident that he could give him such self-confidence and remain indifferent in the face of himself. An emperor, a heavenly emperor who was feared by the Taoist ancestors.

  Taihao smiled, "Let Dao Brothers joke, Taihao didn't have the realm of proof, but overdrawn this realm of supernatural powers in advance, so he must prepare in advance, without Dao brother's spoiling nature."

  Wang Sheng thought deeply, "Overdraft? The realm of the realm that can be borrowed when there is no breakthrough, and this kind of strange means, can the brother Dao have borrowed your third magic power now?"

   Is this the way of luck? Can even borrow supernatural powers?

  If you push back, you can borrow the power of the next level. Isn't it the third step that you must prove in the future?

Seemingly knowing what Wang Sheng was thinking, Taihao actively explained: "It can indeed be borrowed successfully to represent me in a certain sense to be able to cross the realm of mystery in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is not a conclusion, or a sacrifice. Only a greater grasp in the future will give me a brief magical power at this time. If it were not for Brother Wang at this time, I would not even want to use this kind of short-term borrowing, because it is not worth the loss."

Wang Sheng still couldn’t understand it, but he believed Taihao’s last resort and pity, but although it’s not conclusive, it’s enough to see the power of this avenue, and he can have a third magical power for a short time, whether it’s his own experience, It is still a great significance to spend the life and death crisis.

In fact, when this method should be used to overcome the crisis, it means that there is no way for it to reach the point of either life or death. At that time, it is better to use this power to survive the crisis of life and death, which is better than a hundred. It's not a loss, and I got the experience of using the third force in advance, but it's not a loss.

  Wang Sheng's mind turned to electricity, using all his consciousness to try to understand this way, but he did not involve deeply, maybe only the experience of this avenue can be felt.

   nodded his admiration, "Brother Dao pioneered unprecedented merit, extraordinary merit."

Tai Hao shook his head, "After all, my family knows their own affairs, and it's just a magical method, not a avenue, or inferior to Dao Brother. He actually opened a path that has never been seen before. If he can share this with his predecessors, This kind of avenue may change the world pattern of the heavens and the world."

  Wang Sheng's face was plain, and he did not respond to his words, but extended his hand and invited, "Wang Mou will try Taoist supernatural powers, please!"

  :. :

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