Universal Asylum

Chapter 1216: Zhen Yuanzi

Wuzhuangguan in this world does not have the magnificent architectural scale of the Westward Journey World, but Dao Yun is not bad at all, and he can't see the ignorance and superficiality of the wild civilization. This is a real residence of the bronze god.

The great supernaturalists in the universe and even some small worlds can traverse the time once they have become the emperor, and they know everything in the past and the future, but Wang Sheng has explored before this world, and there is no time river, so even these powerful people It is impossible to travel through time. Perhaps it is said that time is only in the same place as the world at the core of the universe.

In other words, this is a pure Zhenyuanzi, without interference from future generations.

It’s just that there is an idea that Wang Sheng is always hovering in his heart. This world is manifested by that giant world, but it’s impossible to create so many powerful people out of thin air. First eliminate the mysterious factors that Wang Sheng doesn’t know, and lock them down to not be able to create Out of a real wild world, then the origin of the town of Yuanzi and even the power of the heavens is a bit problematic.

Perhaps the other sides of the original giant world are full of them!

Wuzhuangguan is located on a high mountain. Wuzhuangguan's head has risen into the sky. The layers of stairs are like the descriptions in later novels. It is very difficult. At this moment, there are many strange creatures from all ethnic groups who come to climb in order to worship the teacher. Find a way.

It seems that the ten masters of the Five Views are good teachers, but it is a doubt that a strong man on the other side should accept these mortals as disciples.

Wang Sheng is like an ordinary person on the stairs, but his breath has been secretly released. At some level that can only be felt at a high level, a substantive but terrifying texture pressure will collapse the void, lying on the Wuzhuang concept. It seemed that the whole mountain was pressed into the ground, and the blue sky and white clouds above it turned into a figure overlooking by a giant without knowing when, his eyes were mercilessly indifferent, and he looked at Wuzhuangguan coldly.

The comers are not good! People who perceive in their mind quiver in their hearts, which is the feeling that the master has not brought them.

This was a clear and lofty Taoist drink from the depths of Wuzhuang Hang, which directly awakened everyone. "The breeze and the moon, are you ready to meet your guests?"

Harmony made the atmosphere created by Wang Sheng disappear without a trace. Before, it seemed to be an illusion. The blue sky and white clouds appeared again above the head. The voice of the master was like a breeze, and the mood was comfortable, but everyone has already seen the haze invisible, just strengthened. The author doesn't want to be willing to give up.

Qingfeng Mingyue is two seemingly Daotong, in fact, the strong man of the emperor's realm, a man and a woman, both of them bowed their heads together, "Just follow the Master's decree."

At the moment before the ladder, Wang Sheng had already arrived at the middle of the ladder, and at this moment, the door above the ladder opened, and two handsome looking children came out of the gate, standing on a separate side, holding a golden bell jade plate in their hands, and tapping gently , The voice sounded in the mouth of many creatures, crisp and sweet.

As the sound rang, the heavens and the rhythms of the heavens showed their glory, and at the same time, before the staircase, many of the creatures who were still shocked, such as Wenhong Zhongdao, aluminum, and the spirit of the soul, relaxed for a while. The foundation, but after all, can't bear such a shock. At this time, his body is so soft that he fainted on the ladder.

Qingfeng Mingyue leaned over to the bottom, the only standing figure, a rainbow of light had spread from the top of the stairs to the bottom, and came to the figure, "By the order of the Master, invite the guests to come."

There are a lot of breezes and bright moons in Wang Sheng’s mouth with smiles. Both of them are a kind of strange beast, but the spirits in the body are not a little bit filthy, they are completely auspicious things. Both of them have a respectful attitude towards themselves. I know the horror that I showed before.

Such a welcome is not expensive for such a wild world. This kind of Daoyun display was originally very obvious in this world, but it is still very expensive to be inspired by it. That golden jade plate is obviously a different treasure.

And these creatures on the ladder have really gained great benefits. Regardless of their previous qualifications, these people have become good talents and beautiful jade at this time. The font of the Taoist culture is smooth. If the Wuzhuang concept really has the heart of apprenticeship, these creatures should not Will let go.

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, stepped on the rainbow, and came to the gate in one step. Before the breeze and the bright moon, he raised his hands and lifted the two in vain. "There is work, Wang Mou is not invited to visit here to watch the subject, really. Disrespect, this little thing counts as compensation."

He reached out his **** and suddenly two mysterious photoelectricity entered the body of Qingfeng Mingyue. Qingfeng Mingyue was originally shocked by Wang Sheng's light and easy lifting. At this time, his body was comfortable, and he found that there was a huge vitality in his body. Their physical body was several times more powerful in an instant. The source was so powerful that they could not control their momentum. The surging momentum radiated out and shook the void around them. They were at least twice stronger than before!

How creative! What an amazing means! Ertong is even more in awe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, he got the benefits and his attitude is more attentive. Will not disappoint you."

Ertong has forgotten Wang Sheng's forcible suppression of Wuzhuangguan's previous behavior, and diligently led Wang Sheng into the room. Wang Sheng nodded with a smile.

This Wuzhuang Temple has its own space formation, but in a few steps, Wang Sheng has come to the depths of Taoist Temple. There is a large hall here without a roof. The dark sunset casts a quiet atmosphere. There are not many Taoists here. There is only one middle-aged Taoist, with wide robe and big sleeves, a majestic body, sitting in the hall with a sharp posture, in front of a stone platform, there are several human-like peculiar fruits placed on the platform, exuding fragrance and pure aura. The heterofruit is purple, but it looks crystal-clear and transparent, and one of the dark purple cores can be seen.

Wang Sheng had met Zhenyuanzi when he first arrived in the Journey to the West, and he got a ginseng fruit, and it was the golden fruit of the highest grade. He never tasted the golden fruit, but it must have been extraordinary. The golden fruit is the highest level of ginseng fruit. Now it seems not. This purple fruit is obviously superior. Obviously this ginseng fruit and even the genus of ginseng gradually increase the mystery as the master of Zhenyuanzi deepens.

Here, Qingfeng Mingyue paid respect to Zhenyuanzi, "Master, distinguished guests are here."

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand, "Your second child has gotten a good fortune, well, leave, don't prevent me from having a deep conversation with Wang Daoyou."

Qingfeng Mingyue gave Wang Sheng and Zhen Yuanzi a gift each, and slowly walked out of the hall door, when Zhen Yuanzi's deep eyes slowly appeared.

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