Universal Asylum

Chapter 1228: Follower

Wang Sheng stepped into the universe and walked towards the earth. It is still time to prepare. The last opportunity to prepare, he will not leave any fluke. It is time for the column to be collected that day!

The earth was as calm as before, Wang Sheng stopped when he entered the universe’s starry sky. At that time, he once summoned the time of the earth here, but he was blocked by the spherical creatures from the time. Now the spherical creatures are recovered, at least. At which stage time has been restored.

There is a dragon in Wang Sheng’s world. He suspects that it is the dragon of origin, formed by rules and traced back by time. At the time stage of the spherical creature at that time, he could not find traces, which should exist in the later time, then the time at that time What is hidden, and why is the spherical creature appearing there.

Wang Sheng did not forget to ask the question of spherical creatures, but as he knew the world of myths and legends, it was vague.

The earth hides secrets, and the performance of spherical creatures can be seen. The existence of a third step, even if the consciousness is weak, is for him or the eradicating red tide. There are not many things in the universe that can affect his consciousness. Wang Sheng knew only one who had influenced him since ancient times.

Is it related to the founder!

Wang Sheng paused a little and continued to walk towards the Milky Way ahead. The secrets of the earth are curious and need to be excavated, but now there is no urgent need, he will not take the initiative to contact, maybe these secrets will show traces at critical moments, he just It is enough to do what is right now.

Wang Sheng entered the earth, and instantly found Liu Yiyi, leaving Zhu traces, as the anti-inflammatory and Tianyi were no longer on the earth at this time, the traces should be entered into a certain world plane connected to the earth, Wang Sheng Directly beside Liu Yiyi, the two said goodbye and chatted lightly. Their feelings are not fiery like spirits, but self-evident. Everything is in silence. This is a tacit agreement. I know each other, but the two still need time to catalyze this relationship, which is what Wang Sei and that are willing and Liu Yiyi desire.

"This is Xiao Green, I should have introduced it to you earlier, but I haven't had a good chance." Wang Sheng talked about efficiency summoning, Xiao Green sweetly called her sister, Liu Yiyi smiled and greeted with a smile. The tree aliens didn’t feel much. On the other hand, she was slightly shocked from the heart of Zhu. She was already the emperor’s cultivation base, but she felt a kind of repression in sales, like Heaven’s repression. She didn’t know it was Xiao Green. Six Sons, the mark increase in the universe.

After Shengli agreed, Wang Sheng took off an elite green branch and handed it to Liu Yiyi. This is an efficient natal branch. The number is not large, but the magical power is strong. He can summon the person holding the secondary green leaf to his side instantly. It is an excellent life-saving magic weapon, so Li Zhu does not need to be guarded by Liu Yiyi. The guardian of an emperor is still too expensive.

Wang Sheng looked at Li Zhu, "No need to guard one by one for now. If you have something you want to do, you can do it, you don't have to be tied to the earth or the universe."

Looking up at Zhu Sheng from Zhu, a pair of fiery red eyes has a different kind of aggressiveness, but Wang Sheng looked at him as he was, and said lightly from Zhu, "I want to follow you."

Wang Sheng knew that Li Zhu was expressing his determination to follow her, but she shook her head, "I will stay on Earth for a while and I won't go back anywhere, nor do you need to do anything."

Seeing Li Zhu still shaking his head, Wang Sheng simply stated, "Now the universe and even Kyushu are in an unprecedented era of great changes. Although your real body of Phoenix seems to have collapsed in the past, there are fewer restrictions at this time. If you can grasp Opportunity, when you get a chance to get promoted, think for yourself. If you want to go out, go to meet the Kyushu ancestors. It is clearly my follower, and he will not treat you badly."

The cultivation of the emperor is still too weak in the current situation. Although the strength of the congenital gods and animals has a bonus, they are far behind the other shores, and because of their identity, they are more likely to be restricted, just like Zhenyuanzi After that normalization, there are restrictions, but the breakthrough is afraid that it will be more difficult. Now it is an opportunity. The status of the universe is gradually improving. It is also an opportunity for these gods and beasts or people with restrictions to mention monks.

Wang Sheng is willing to give her a chance. Now that he has set up, it is not the kind of casual attitude he used to take. Naturally, he needs to be serious.

Waiting for Li Zhu to answer, Wang Sheng waved another dragon in his world with a wave of his hand. It was a black dragon with boundless borders. The scales began to appear at once, just like the scales everywhere. Sustained, her complexion changed greatly, and a real fire was forcibly suppressed. She looked at this black dragon in awe, not knowing the identity of this set of black dragons.

This black dragon is naturally the extinct dragon of Kyushu. After being recovered by Wang Sheng, he has been staying in the world. There is no opportunity to come out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This black dragon is not invincible, it is already a powerful level And because of its particularity, the combat power is a false one. It was a powerful proof that it could fight back and forth with the Taoist ancestors.

The black dragon is also considered to be a genus of dragons, and it also has inherent limitations. It will be difficult to go further. Wang Sheng simply gave them a chance.

Heilong opened his mouth with a roar, and was held back by the small world for a long time. He was already a bit irritable, but at the moment when he was about to shout, he threw a slap in the face, "What roar!"

He frowned slightly and looked at the Black Dragon, his body was plain, without any momentum to suppress, but the Black Dragon just had a sense of fear, he dared not move easily, and the side of Zhu Zhu looked strange.

"You too, also give you a chance to go out and look for opportunities to grow. If you can break through the limits, you can become my follower." Wang Sheng looked at the Black Dragon indifferently, giving him a follower opportunity in his current identity. It is really good to read the talent of this black dragon, otherwise such a thing is enough to stay away from Zhu. After all, followers with insufficient strength are of little significance.

The black dragon's eyes shined, although it was controlled by the irritable consciousness, but its mentality was not low. Similarly, according to his supernatural powers, he could also perceive the level of Wang Sheng at this moment, so he was willing, at this time, there were a few outbursts. Earth Chinese characters, "I will, but you have to talk and count."

Wang Sheng was too lazy to look at Heilong, and looked at Li Zhu more relaxedly, "Your choice."

Seeing the powerful Black Dragon cherish such an opportunity so far, Zhu Cai probably realized how lucky he was to be a follower without test, and now that she is finally at the side of Wang Sheng to force this strength even more Strong black dragon tall.

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