Universal Asylum

Chapter 124: Go to the ruins

   Flying giant giant sarcophagus!

   This task is obviously very important, only it appears on the light screen, and rewards five hundred contribution points just for providing information.

  Know that the contribution points of the main space are not as important as the chance points, but the reincarnations below the middle level usually have no more than a thousand net worth, and there are already a lot of 500 contribution points.

   Dozens of reincarnations in front of the light screen immediately had a lot of discussion.

  Wang Sheng's heart moved, this sarcophagus is obviously unowned, is it the local product of this world!

   It was at this moment, the soft sound dripping in my mind, the Earth Alliance had new news.

"The latest news is that the place where Dongfang Xiandao Tianxin led the team is indeed a ruin. It is suspected that Kunlun, as soon as the ruin is opened, a huge sarcophagus is escaped. Tianxin and others have tried to intercept, but the huge sarcophagus escaped quickly and quickly. Disappeared in the sky, Tianxin led the Eastern Immortal Dao camp has entered the ruins, want to find something."

   Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, and actually found a ruin! And there are creatures in this huge sarcophagus!

  Now he is even more sure that the world does not multiply normally. Otherwise, after hundreds of millions of years, there will be a process of breaking and rebuilding the road. Even if there are relics, the contents will never show magical powers.

   Not to mention flying away like this huge sarcophagus.

  The discovery of ruins and the discovery of a huge sarcophagus are enough to cause shock in such a wild world, and many people in the Earth Alliance responded to the news.

   "The poor Dao have to go and investigate. If it is really the remains of Kunlun, maybe you can get some residual Dao Gong."

   "This world is obviously not as wild as it seems on the surface, I will go."

   "I also want to see the excitement."

   More and more people want to go to the ruins, and finally, the leader said.

   "Since everyone has to go, it is better to meet at the ruins, if the world is not completely wild, I still have an advantage."

   Finally, everyone agreed to meet at the ruins.

The news no longer flashed, and Wang Sheng also looked up at the light screen. The mission on the light screen did not reveal the origin of the huge sarcophagus, but since the Earth Alliance passed this message, this message will never be confidential, maybe dozens of people present Someone in reincarnation already knows this news like him.

   Sure enough, at this time, a voice was obviously processed, the voice of the hoarse reincarnation chanted.

   "I know where this sarcophagus was unearthed, and I also have a detailed map of the area. If you want, please find me a deal in private."

   His voice just fell, and another person mocked and said, "Isn't it the Eastern Fairy Road that has found a ruin, do you think this is a secret!"

   Sure enough, announced the news of the remains. Everyone present was not surprised. Obviously they all got the news from secret sources.

  This person continued to the crowd: "As for the map, I also have it, and I can share it with you for free, but the only condition is to join my team, conclude a team contract, and explore the relics together. The strength must be at the intermediate level."

After   , there were several people in a row. Some people who wanted to form a team also sold maps like the first one.

  At this time, the bar has entered many reincarnations again. Obviously, after hearing the wind, come and find out.

   After a few moments, several teams had already formed and left the bar. Obviously, they had already left for the ruins, and many reincarnations took the map and left.

   Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes, and finally saw that the first reincarnation of the team who had spoken out had recruited several reincarnations and would walk out of the bar.

   "The squad of friends is still short of people." He also simply changed his voice.

   The reincarnation is wearing a face mask with a tall figure. He has followed three reincarnations behind him.

   "What do you want to do, we only need to be above middle level."

   Wang Sheng nodded.

   Then Wang Sheng saw that the reincarnate took out a small instrument and swept at him. He moved in his heart, knowing that it was estimated to be detecting his own realm, so he did not stop it deliberately.

   Sure enough, the small instrument flashed green light after sweeping over him, and the reincarnation nodded and said: "Friends are qualified, we are going to leave now. If there is no objection, please accept the team invitation.

   "Drip, the reincarnation destiny team proposes to you to form a team." Wang Sheng chose to accept.

"You code number nine." The reincarnation spoke on the public channel, and he pointed at the three reincarnations around him. "They are number six, seven, eight, I am the captain, code one, and there is my original team member two outside. To number five."

   plus his own team members, nine full reincarnations, is already a big force.

  Leave the bar under No. 1 and walk all the way through Reincarnation Square. At the base exit gate, I met several other members of Captain No.1.

  After a few people met briefly, No. 1 said: "All members, we will start now."

   But when they just got out of the gate, they found that there were two white wings on the gate, and a figure of bright armor stood in front of them.

   Western divine system, and is the guard of Rael!

   Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed.

   No. 1 said in a deep voice: "What do the two mean?" He was already sinking in his heart, and the two guards would never be dispatched without the orders of Angel Rael, the son of the angel clan.

   But I saw these two guards suddenly kneeled down on one knee behind him, and said respectfully: "The Son of God appointed me to protect him for the time being."

   No.1 was stunned, and then looked behind him, the two guards who bowed down were the No.9 reincarnation he had chosen.

   Other reincarnations also looked at Wang Sheng strangely.

   Seeing the respectful attitude of these two escorts, they both thought of two people who were greeted respectfully by Rael three days ago. Is this one of them!

   And Wang Sheng calmly said: "Tell your **** son, I don't need to guard."

   The two were obviously explained carefully. When Wang Sheng refused, they got up altogether, and reverently replied: "Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That Mr. is convenient." Then they let go.

   No.1 glanced at Wang Sheng, and seemed to want to say something. In the end, he first flew away, and then the team members followed up one by one, and Wang Sheng also walked away at a leisurely pace.

   And the two guards behind did not continue to move.

   Flying a few thousand kilometers, came to the land, everyone landed, took out a small science and technology ship on the 1st, "We are far away, let's take this thing to go."

   Neither he nor the rest of the reincarnations mentioned the matter just now, nor did they explore Wang Sheng's identity.

   It's just that Wang Sheng has sensed that several reincarnations have been looking at him secretly. Obviously, he still has some ideas.

   boarded the spaceship, and the spaceship quickly disappeared as a streamer.

   At the gate of the base far away, watching the spaceship disappear, the two guards looked at each other, took out the communicator and dialed quickly.

   "Master Divine Son, the gentleman refused to follow us."

  A moment later, Rael's voice rang across the communicator.

   "Keep up with the props I gave you, remember, the gentleman is so magical, the distance should be within the upper limit of the props, and it can never be found!"

   Hang up the communicator, and the two guards stare at each other again, and then take out an object, which is a golden feather with a length of tens of meters.

  One guard couldn't help but sigh, "Master Divine Child is willing to use such precious god-level props, I really don't know what the identity of the mysterious Mr.."

   Another guard looked at him and warned: "Be careful, this is heard by Lord Son, we will not end well."

   The two excited Jin Yu, and Jin Yu burst into a layer of golden light to wrap the two of them, and then took the two of them as a whole to escape into the space, straight to the direction of Wang Sheng.


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