Universal Asylum

Chapter 1239: failure

Wang Sheng exhaled, looking at the incarnation in front of his eyes, his eyes radiating a strong light, glancing at the body from top to bottom, looking at its surrounding structure and body composition.

He saw the pan-black particles fleshed into a god, and these particle combinations have a strong vitality and resilience. Naturally, they are far inferior to Wang Sheng. They are still in the first stage of this path, nearing the first transformation. The edge of it, but it is strong enough, because its essence is the palace where the flesh becomes a god, and its essence is already strong enough, so that even at this stage, it has the strength of the other side.

It's just that the recovery is far inferior to Wang Sheng, that is, the physical level has not yet gone up, but compared to the ordinary strong on the other side, it is far out, and Wang Sheng is very satisfied with the result.

This flesh has more full vitality, presumably related to the three flesh cores in its body, yes, it is the three core sources.

Zhongding Tower!

Jin Ding sits in the brow and heart of the Purple Mansion, and the vitality is captured by it and then refined into energy and more pure vitality. The blood is more pure, and there is no magazine to flow all over the body.

The tower suppresses the **** Que Dantian, like the endless energy of a black hole devourer, turning into a powerful force to nourish the whole body.

The three cores work together to bring the potential of the flesh to the limit, and the three are linked to each other without losing the original combination of the dark gold palace.

This is not Qiyi. After all, their essence is too strong. What is Qiyi is the way they exist at the moment, not the original treasure shape, but the true fusion of the flesh core and the body.

Wang Sheng thought deeply, does this change mean that this form is actually more suitable for the palace? In fact, maybe he took the right step.

The physical body is strong. From the perspective of this effect alone, Wang Sheng is considered an initial success, but he has a bad hunch in his heart. The completeness of the physical body makes him feel that the consciousness is difficult to form. It is very difficult to quantify the consciousness of such a body. Because it can match the consciousness of this body, and it also has potential, otherwise it will not fit, and it will not mobilize the body at all.

Wang Sheng put down his worries and mobilized all the consciousness that can be mobilized to cover the flesh. In a moment, he took over the flesh and it fits perfectly with the body, but the sense of oppression is stronger. This is because the consciousness is too strong to oppress the flesh. Yes, but oppression is normal.

Wang Sheng’s inability to divide his consciousness is due to the fact that he cannot completely control his consciousness. The consciousness he can control is not even one ten thousandth, but he can already exert his powerful strength. This is the third step of consciousness. If Wang Sheng used this part of consciousness to forcibly change the flesh of the palace and let it live.

Consciousness covers the eyebrows of Zifu and surrounds the core of Jinding's transformation. A force of power begins to catalyze Jinding. At the same time, Jinding is used as the origin to spur the heart and Dantian. The strength of the whole body is like a river flowing down, surging, and the strength is increasing layer by layer. After washing the whole body, the palace flesh radiates light and becomes more and more powerful. A large area of ​​void is directly condensed in the deep space of the earth. Slowly, a little light is born from the core of this flesh.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved, his consciousness walked slowly, and he continued to infuse the purple heart of his eyebrows, constantly nourishing that aura of light. Gradually, he supplied the meat snake Sangxia with the feeling of extremely outputting it, just like the intersection of yin and yang, comprehending the rules of the avenue It seems that the flesh is extremely dry land, which coincides with the Ganquan watering and nourishes the flesh.

The aura is firm and steadily spreading, from nothingness to reality, from the microscopic to quantitative changes, to contact with cells, to blood, to the stock price of organs, and finally cover most of the body, leaving only Jinding, Baozhong, and Jade Pagoda. Covered by spirit points.

In front of the powerful waves of aura, the three are like rock, unshakable, let them wash away, and can never be shaken, Wang Sheng condenses his eyes and knows where his huge forest is fulfilled, these three are the core of the palace flesh It is also a real source. Without assimilating these three, you cannot coordinate the body and give birth to consciousness.

As an analogy, in terms of his physical body, his physical body does not have a so-called core, and the whole body is core or not core, so the consciousness of the birthplace is so powerful and becomes a conceptual consciousness, but this body has the core. , Wang Sheng now doubts whether there is a core, which means that this road is wrong. Although he is a pioneer and has already traveled, he still cannot guarantee that he can go again, because there is something undetected on this road. Too much.

Wang Sheng expected the end of this time. Sure enough, the wave of consciousness could not spread through the three towers of the Dingzhong Tower, and even all the power actions all over the body could not completely submerge the three, or even the slightest bit could not be shaken~www.wuxiaspot. com~ And this trend can't be sustained. After all, the flesh hasn't been fully transformed for the first time. The strength is not enough to support the scale of this wave, so it starts to weaken soon, a wave of aura of light disappears, and eventually completely degenerates. Become a little, then disappeared and disappeared from the flesh.


Wang Sheng frowned, but the three core plants in the Dingzhong Tower turned into obstacles. If he could not assimilate them, the whole body would go down to the first level, and consciousness would never be born. Ge, no matter what kind, is not Wang Sheng can now peninsula, the former he does not know how to do, the latter is not an overnight success.

In addition to these two, in the long event, the three are completely fused with the flesh and become part of the basic particles, but the three are completely Taoist. Yes, but the real problem is this. How to solve Taoism, Wang Sheng can't fully understand Taoism now.

There is no solution to this problem.

Wang Sheng shook his head, but after all, there was still a result, that the aura of light had not disappeared, and was hidden in the body. The only function was to allow him to connect with this aura of light, and then to connect with the flesh of the palace, to make it simple. The role of manipulation, but such a degree is not a doppelganger at all, so it only adds a less powerful combat power.

Wang Sheng swept across the flesh body again, raised his hands to send the flesh away, and appeared together inexplicably above.

It’s not without gains. After all, experimenting with the most suitable way to change the palace, such human form supernatural power has soared, and the birth of consciousness is only temporary. Wang Sheng’s plan can still work, but the current time is not. allow.

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