Universal Asylum

Chapter 1251: wake

When the Kyushu people realize this change, a large black shadow has appeared in the core of the astral world, covering less than one millionth of the place relative to the astral world, but such a projectile place, It was the part that formed the entire star world.

At this time, the astral wash has been empty, as if it was plowed again, a lonely, not only the previous astral creatures, but also the exiled gods and evil creatures, and countless astral islands, and once inadvertently entered the astral The exiles now become part of the core, become their nutrients, and are absorbed and swallowed.

Horrible devour!

For example, a substantial product of the size of the ordinary earth was born in such a powerful place in the universe, but at the cost of all planes and all planets of the entire universe, including the universe's void, all swallowed by the earth!

This is the situation in Star World, one can imagine the degree of horror devoured!

This great power is not the third part. It is impossible to imagine what will soon be achieved.

But for the core of Star World, it seems to be completed in an instant, just as smoothly and quickly as putting away your core.

After the absorption is completed, the entire Starry Night begins to collapse, and the deserted land without regions begins to collapse. It seems to also be integrated into the core, and the border with the universe and the ancient world are separated, which is full of chaos.

This process is very slow, and I am afraid it will take a long time to complete, but it shows the fact that there will be no astral world between the universe and the ancient world, only chaos!

Astral is about to disappear!

Now Daozu and others don't realize this feeling, they just feel the great changes in the world and the star world, but they can't find the birth of its core or the contraction of the star world.

"This unprecedented great change, Star World has joined!" Xuan Zu's eyes dignified.

The astral world has never been one of the parts of the universe. The reason why it is valued by many people is because of its mysterious area and one of its terrifying powers. It seems to be a power that the powers of the ancient world can't avoid. , True power!

Now, this one is awake!

"Go and look at the poor road, I can surely find out, but all the Taoists need to consider the worst plan."

"Good!" Dao Zu nodded, there was no better candidate than Xuan Zu to inquire.

Wu Xianzun said nothing, the situation of the universe was beyond her imagination, or that many great powers paid more attention to the universe than she imagined, which made her decision to take refuge in the universe seem particularly stupid, but did she have a choice? No!

Staying with Immortal Emperor is the end of life and death, so she has no regrets, just thinking about how the universe should change.

Although the people talked, they were never idle. The Great Zhoutian Star Formation always resisted the aftermath from the rubdown of the World Extinguishing Red Tide and the body of the universe under their control, protecting the universe. This is all they can do now. In the final analysis, the universe is too weak, so weak that it can be easily destroyed even if it is only a third power.

The current situation still does not have any thought that the power can be used directly, even if it is a measure of the violent destruction of the universe, and they are involved with each other, so that they are given a chance to breathe.

From the beginning to the end, they have not been taken into account by many third parts. The involvement of the third part is because they want to involve each other, not to say that because there is still a resistance force for them in the universe, they contain each other. .

Therefore, the direction of their efforts is to try their best to change the situation of the universe, let them involve more, and delay the time of going to power in person, and strive for the worst result.

And such a situation is very fragile, any third part is not scrupulous, that is, when they are powerless, this situation is likely to happen now.

The one in Star Realm seems to be going into the game, and with that legendary character, it is impossible to be too scrupulous. If the injury comes into the game, no one can resist.

Therefore, Xuanzu couldn't help but investigate in person, in order to avoid a worst result.

At the core of the astral at this time, it was just a little dark creeping, as if a body was condensing, and one of the consciousness slowly woke up again.

This process is also not slow, but when Xuan Zu came to the edge of the astral realm and tried to enter it, he found the darkness with the help of Heavenly Dao, and at the same time the other party also found him.

"Huh? Interesting little bug." An instant mechanism of pasta. After receiving this message, a mind storm was born in the heart of Xuan Zu. This mind storm was depriving him of his cognition and his understanding of Heaven. For the other party, this is where the other party is interested.

The cold sweat that Xuanzu had almost forgotten eroded the clothes. The most terrible crisis since her enlightenment was born, and he had no resistance.

Not exactly. At the next moment, the compass above her head radiates again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ enveloped Xuan Zu and wiped out this storm of consciousness.

It is the automatic protector of the Avenue Compass, or the protection given by the core will of the universe to the spokesperson of Heaven and Dao.

"Interesting." Such a discourse was made before the will left. There was no annoyance, just a simple feeling of fun.

It made Xuanzu sweat again, and he felt a strong crisis, but after a long silence, he strode forward and walked into the now-desolate and shrinking astral world with the heavenly compass.

Without the imaginary storm of consciousness again, he easily saw what was happening in the core of the astral world. It was a group of indescribable darkness. Darkness did not refer to color, because its existence was beyond imagination, or the substance was too much. The hugeness caused Xuanzu's vision to be problematic, showing darkness in his eyes, the darkness he could not see.

Seeing this darkness, Xuan Zu did not have cold sweat, but his mind was taken away at once, as if a behemoth was about to be swallowed, until the avenue compass radiated again, Xuan Zu reacted, closed his eyes, closed his senses, and panicked towards the outside of the astral realm Ran away.

Without any hindrance, he left the astral realm. When he couldn't see the darkness, Xuanzu stopped and took a deep breath. His eyes looked deep into the astral realm. The existence of this thing exceeded his imagination.

But he can know that it is a creature, a scary creature!

The horror existence in the astral world has awakened, it is really real body awakened, maybe the situation he sees is that the other party is consolidating the body, and why the other party is awakening and even condensing the body. He has no way of knowing, but I am afraid that he cannot be separated from the universe. relationship.

Is it really the first power to participate in real life! Whether the universe has a chance of resistance, the fragile situation is afraid that it can't be recovered.

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