Universal Asylum

Chapter 1261: Qingdi shot

The wait was not long, the singularity space suddenly expanded, and the surrounding chaos was crushed again and sucked into the singularity space, even not far from Wang Sheng's foot position.

Wang Sheng's eyes were deep, he stood still and waited.

Next, the space of the singular point changed several times, and the expansion and contraction were uncertain. It seemed that a dangerous edge bomb had finally expanded once. The singular point exploded, and a black light and shadow shot out a large piece of chaos, and then it was pressed back. And in the rear, at the beginning of the singularity, a huge figure with naked upper body, holding a giant axe in his hand, mottled and injured all over the body, glared around, found the black shadow, and raised the axe again, the two saw another scene Fierce battle.

Wang Sheng moved at this moment, he raised his hand and waved a giant stick, knocking on the shadow from the top down unexpectedly, as if the weight of the whole world was depressed, the chaos collapsed, the light and shadow around the shadow collapsed, and a cry!

A black ruler fell into chaos, and for a while, there was no response. It seemed that the consciousness was broken into silence. Wang Sheng's body no longer knew when he was there, and he caught the black ruler with glow in his hand.

The ruler suddenly trembles, and there are countless light and shadows at the differentiating points, opening Wang Sheng’s palm, the surface of the light film is cracked, the ruler hits Wang Sheng in the head, but the big stick in Wang Sheng’s hand waves again, suppressing the ruler in chaos, and then Wang Sheng’s palm Depressed, a space trapped the black ruler under the palm.

The black ruler vibrated, but he couldn't get away from Wang Sheng's palm. Wang Shengmu's eyes were full of strange light. There were strong resistance forces on his palm, which forced him to do his utmost to suppress the black ruler.

The giant on the side originally waved his axe. At this time, he slowly lowered his eyes, and the sadness in his eyes began to dissipate. He looked at Wang Sheng indifferently. He was not happy about Wang Sheng's arrival. It seemed that this was the original emotion, and he would not express it.

Wang Sheng couldn't greet him with energy. The black ruler was shaking all the time. If it wasn't unexpected, he might not be able to trap the strong man at this level, but now this situation happens to be when his great power comes into play. Although it is the third step to forcibly suppress the black ruler, it is absolutely inferior to Wang Sheng in terms of power. Wang Sheng's conceptual consciousness has formed a closed space to trap him.

With the passage of time, Wang Sheng’s consciousness is about to form a space that cannot be rid of in the third step. He raises his head and mutters to heal himself, "Don’t you appear yet?"

The voice has just fallen, from the depths of chaos, a sharp sword splits countless chaos, shooting Wang Sheng's eyebrows directly, the sword's eyes are extremely cold, the frozen thought will, Wang Sheng is unmoved, the conceptual consciousness is completely shielded, but the brows are raised. Then, "finally appeared."


Beast-like roar, a giant stepped over from his side, the axe in his hand split the chaos, and completely exposed the sword intention, but it was not a pure sword intention, but a sharp sword flying, The gleaming silver shone, splitting countless chaos, the sword intention first, but the sword was split by the giant giant axe.


Wang Sheng's eyes flashed, and finally he waited for the man's shot.

There is no doubt that the black ruler is the measuring ruler, and the giant is Pangu. The two battled into the depths of chaos. Wang Sheng later came to intercept and block the measuring ruler, in order to draw the imaginary Qing Emperor's shot If the Qing Emperor makes a shot, it is naturally the best result. It is the best result to elicit an unknown variable.

In fact, according to Wang Sheng’s vision and understanding of the Qing Emperor in the Qing Emperor’s world, the Qing Emperor seems to be in a strange state, and the chance of taking a shot is not large. It is also a good result to catch the measuring ruler, but it is definitely better than Not the Qing Emperor shot.

Now the best battle situation appears!

Wang Sheng has not yet shot, the Pangu avatar shot first, fierce and unmatched. In fact, Wang Sheng also judged whether the Pangu that did not appear is an avatar or a body. The present avatar is stronger than the original face of the eradicating red tide and the jade plate afterwards. Too many places, so much so that it is comparable to the single-handedness of the measuring ruler, it seems to be a real third step.

But in terms of the supremacy of a myth and legend. No matter how important it is, Wang Sheng still believes that it is less likely to be the body. After all, the state of Pangu could not be separated from the world, and the change in a short time cannot be so dramatic.

The present Pangu is too fierce. He cut it with an axe, and immediately split the sword light, swaying high, a sharp sword will tear chaos, but it has been unable to hurt Dao Wangsheng and Pangu.

The Pangu giant axe swayed, and took several steps in the void to remove the aftermath. The person did not appear, but the sword was enough to defeat Pangu. The Qing Emperor was very strong!

"Did I not come?" Wang Sheng shook his head. It seemed that the Qing Emperor was indeed at an important juncture, but was attacked remotely and could not appear in person, or did not want to appear.

The measuring ruler is still shaking. At the most probable moment just now, it did not choose to explode. As Wang Sheng’s conceptual consciousness covers the space~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this space is wirelessly solid, it will only gradually lose The opportunity to rebel may become the third step of a first imprisonment.

I have to say that this coincidence and opportunity are too strange. Wang Sheng had never thought about such a result. If he thought about it, if he didn’t have the Tianzhu stick, could he take the yardstick? Shaking his head slightly.

The sword quickly reacted, turning into thousands of silver thorns to Pangu. The strange thing is that there is no singularity space. At this time, the terrifying power is attained, and the power has been completely controlled. It will not cause the aftermath to tear chaos. In contrast, every time a giant axe in Pangu's hand cuts, it will cause a trace of black hole to dissipate. He does not control the power, but passively controls the power under the attack of the silver sword and does not split.

The battle between the two was like a lightning flash. Wang Sheng and the repressed measuring ruler fell into a state of bystander, but Wang Sheng always waited, waiting for the real shot of the Qing Emperor!

Would he let the third step of measuring the ruler, his own weapon treasure be imprisoned by himself? Impossible, then the result is obvious, his real shot has not started.

However, it can be seen that the strength of the Qing Emperor is only fatal to deal with fat. Although Pangu is likely to be an avatar, it is powerful enough, so Wang Sheng expects that the Qing Emperor’s real shot may only be one time, everything must be in That time it ended completely.

His whole body experienced mobilization, and the waves were the cover film formed by his conceptual consciousness, and his whole body was surging, and dense black spaces appeared beside him, and he could not control the real power. This level of return to the original.

The celestial rebellion was still the same. Wang Shengsuo's closed eyes began to carefully control the power, and the surrounding black holes suddenly became much less.

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