Universal Asylum

Chapter 1267: core

There is only one third left of the chaotic core. Wang Sheng’s footsteps have not been affected by chaotic damage and resistance. His physical damage is getting bigger and bigger. The biggest wound directly penetrates from the chest to the abdomen. Mighty is already a serious injury.

However, such injuries were only a moment of healing for Wang Sheng, but because of the concentration of chaos, such injuries continued to appear, and Wang Sheng saw that there were wounds at all times, which was particularly horrible and miserable.

Wang Sheng glanced at the bone spurs leaking from his arm, the roots were dark, and he was not clear from the flesh.

His body can change between the black power and the physical body, but it can be regarded as real and totally illusory. Such injuries are converted into power and flesh. If only some black forces are present, the current injuries are also true.

Ever since Wang Sheng achieved physical incarnation, he hasn't really seen the state of his body after being injured, because his wounds are healed too much. Only now, although he is still healing, but endless harm is added, so that His body can see inside.

At this point, his physical injury and healing have been basically balanced. He can never be seriously injured, but he can never be safe.

"In other words, the physical body can be damaged in the next step."

But now, it can be crossed by only ten steps from the chaotic core. Wang Sheng thoughtfully lowered his arm and walked forward again. These ten steps will let him know how lethal the chaotic core is.

Card wipe!

Wang Sheng's broken arm can still be controlled smoothly, but he always feels uncomfortable. Wang Sheng's body vibrates, and his whole body is transformed into an energetic existence, maintaining only a basic skin appearance.

The stubble at the wound suddenly turned into black power, and the discomfort of the body completely disappeared.

At the same time, the extreme comfort in Wang Sheng's body made him whisper. He was very satisfied with his current state. In addition to his heart, he also instinctively thought that he should be a human form. But his body is now the most fundamental The state of is now the shape.

Human form is just his most basic perseverance, and it does not affect his strength. It is just like a little unfit for the need to change form.

"Is it human beings even to maintain the flesh!" In the current state, the pain is further weakened, and the comfort of incomparable fusion is experienced. Wang Sheng feels emotion.

His life form has long been promoted, and his current state is nothing more than a shred of false flesh and blood.

However, Wang Sheng has no intention to change this consciousness. This is his limitation. A Dao Xin with a limited existence is incomplete, but it is also the most suitable for him. Since his Dao Xin has a hurdle, then he will maintain this consciousness. Kan exists, this is natural.

True perfection can never occur, and it is terrifying to appear, at least Wang Sheng does not want to pursue this perfect state.

Without a sense of identification with humans, he naturally does not need to lay out the universe, and he will not have too much scruples about the universe’s humans and even all living creatures, just like mortals will not cherish and let go of life in the face of ants, because from the heart Do not think that they are real life.

What is the difference between such a state and those long-lasting powers, and the power that is now conquering the universe?

Where is the Tao, everything is false?

Wang Sheng does not agree, does not need, and does not recognize such a Tao. His Tao is to let nature go, but not to be changed unwillingly by the environment, but to insist on letting nature follow. He will always keep his own heart, He is always a human being, not a creature.

There is no such thing as Dao Xin Dawu, these things have long been wanted to understand, there is no need to think again, and it is the root of his Dao Xin now.

Wang Sheng put away his thoughts and began to take the last ten steps.

The first step fell, and the black gas splashed all over the body, like blood, and his body was shortened by half. He knew that if it were not for his self-healing ability, his current injury would be more serious.

The concentration of chaos here is already unseen.

Unconsciously, Wang Sheng continued to move forward.

The limbs that make up his body shattered directly, and Wang Sheng frowned. The feeling just now made him feel more painful.

Wang Sheng's body can already be said to be full of holes, and he continued to walk, and suddenly a more intense chaotic storm burst out, Wang Sheng's chest collapsed, and the limbs that had just coagulated once again shattered and shattered.

Unexpectedly, Wang Sheng continued to move, and countless black breath burst out directly, drowning him. After a while, almost half of Wang Sheng stepped out and took the next step again.


The power of chaos directly collided with the power of the flesh. Wang Sheng's flesh shrank again and again with his footsteps, only one percent of the original, and he was still three steps away from the chaotic core!

Three-step distance, these three steps judging from the previous trend, the ultimate power has been called horror.

But Wang Sheng thought deeply, this kind of trend is indeed terrible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But I'm afraid that he still can't completely smash his body, this damage has not yet reached a qualitative change until the final core position.

And the power to destroy Wang Sheng now needs qualitative change!

Wang Sheng can only hope that there are changes in the core of Chaos that he does not know, otherwise he will only be disappointed.

There are only three steps left. In the first step, Wang Sheng exploded at the cost of his whole body. Only his head was intact. In the second part, his head showed cracks, but he still kept the place where the seat was the strongest.

At this point, Wang Sheng can clearly see the chaotic core in front of him, but all the senses of the terrifying gravitational disrupter can only exist conceptually.

However, some influences have been received, and Wang Sheng can only roughly estimate that it is not empty.

It’s not empty, it means something exists?

There was a slight movement in Wang Sheng's heart, and it seemed that the possibility of this vortex existing normally was less, perhaps because something was formed.

The last step, Wang Sheng, slowly fell. This is the step where his head shattered. There was only black matter all over his body, forming a substance that was faint even if normal humans looked at it.

He went into the real core, and the black matter drifted toward the front, not under more intense pressure.

The chaotic composition here is no longer an ordinary composition. The dense chaos is like a whole. Wang Sheng, the foreign object into it, has almost merged into one and is recognized by him, because Wang Sheng's arrival is a gradual and slow entry.

Wang Sheng's injury and continuity are still in contention, but the damage here is sufficient to recover. Wang Sheng can only try to maintain the current form and explore forward. It seems that he can only get rid of the current situation by relying on conceptual consciousness.

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