Universal Asylum

Chapter 1274: Beheaded

This ray of light belongs to consumables and disappears instantly, and there is only a dim point in the core occupied by the Daozu.

The large array of forces stagnate, and the original frown looks at the Taoist temple that reveals the breath of money.

Drinking in a single voice, "Senior Brother Woke Up Quickly!"

"Daoyou woke up!"

Many Taoists followed Zhangkoudao to drink, such as Lei Zhen mountains and rivers, with endless echoes.

Three times in a row, finally, everyone can sense that there is a burst of vitality from the direction of Taoism, and Taoism is once again filled in Taoism.

Everyone was happy, "Fortunately, very lucky!"


Primitive Tongtian was also in a slightly loose mood. The situation of the Taoist ancestor was obviously endangered. Fortunately, the light dissipated in time, otherwise it would be dangerous!

"Senior Brother can easily lower his consciousness!" Awakening Daozu, originally tried to contact.

A consciousness suddenly dropped from the part of Tian Dao, and fell straight into Taoism, it was Dao Zu.

"Do you know the source of the crisis?"

Will you come again! This is the original question that everyone in the community wants to know.

"This pass is the pass of Heaven's Dao. Since the past, Heaven's Dao disaster has nothing to do with me." The half-hearted Daozu's relentless and indifferent response only sounded.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then rejoiced. It seemed that instead they were blessed by misfortune. Although the part of Heavenly Dao disappeared by 90%, they achieved their original purpose and awakened the consciousness of Heavenly Dao.

There is Taoist consciousness of Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao seems to have no spare time to target them, but the situation is much better than before.

The large formation was able to take a breather, and then it was only the foreign enemies that had to face it, but it finally took a step.


The last card of the universe, almost eliminating all the rays of destruction, appeared in the colleagues and disappeared at the same time.

The final outcome is that all external forces, including the world power of the World Extinguishing Red Tide and many worlds, are eliminated.

The jade disk fell, and only the Taoist consciousness including Daozu and other forces existed a little. There is no doubt that this is the great advantage of the universe, and it also restored the situation to the beginning.

But after all, it is different. The final hole card of the universe also needs a price. The power is empty, and the power expelled still retains most of the power and can still make a comeback.

The universe is no longer resistant!

It is also what Taoist said that Tiandao has nothing to do with me, because Tiandao can no longer settle accounts with him.

When the light disappeared, a huge altar dragged a palace in the depths of the universe. A staring figure in the majestic palace raised its head and looked at the core of the universe.

"The real flame!"

The figure shook his head, but unfortunately it was almost destroyed, but his eyes looked into it, and I wondered what he was thinking.

Also in another starry sky, some people are watching this ray of light.

"Who would have thought that the fire you left behind was so damaged."

All the rays of light that have become flames disappeared, and at the core of the universe, the pair of eyes that opened on the core slowly closed, and eventually disappeared completely, as if they had not been opened at first.

The entire universe has lost its essence and meaning of existence from the roots, but at the same time countless people feel relieved, and it seems that something that binds itself has disappeared.

This is fate!

In the chaos, Wang Sheng also felt that, combined with the message from Xiaolu, he also had speculation that the universe's heaven and earth were dying gradually.

This is a great opportunity and a great opportunity for detachment!

It is also a good opportunity for the transcendence of all beings in the universe. If it is controlled correctly at this stage, it can give birth to the true existence of life, but there are very few people who can control the correct one.

In the core of the large array, the ancient emperor opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes seemed to be making a choice. After a long while, he finally stood up and walked away.

Primitive Tongtian opened his eyes and looked at his back, but did not stop his action, but opened the formation to let him go out. This was the chance of the ancient emperor, and they could not block it.


Primitive Tongtian can sense the opportunity, and knows that this is a good opportunity to escape, but their realm will eventually be insufficient. If the ancient emperor still hopes to succeed, their hope for success is less than one tenth of the ancient emperor.

Fortunately, I was fortunate, and I couldn’t kill myself if I lost my life. It’s a pity that Daozu, now with such a good opportunity, with his realm, with this step of help, the third hope is far higher than ordinary people. , Still missed after all.

Originally looking at the other side, "Xian Zun has a good heart, and he can face this opportunity with ease."

Wu Xianzun shook his head indifferently, "The non-concubine does not value this opportunity, but the time is not up, and the concubine does not dare to move."

The original nodded thoughtfully, without a word.

In the chaos, a long river of time flows slowly, trembling when the life lattice loses its restraint, turning into a figure of an emperor's robe, he looks at the direction of the universe indifferently.

After a long while, countless rays of light decomposed from time, accompanied by countless memories, and only one thing appeared at the end, similar to memory, similar to substance.

This is his root cause and effect!

He has to choose to forcibly cut off the cause and effect at this juncture and seize this opportunity.

Wang Sheng floated cross-legged in the chaos~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He felt such a movement when he felt his life was loose. He slowly opened his eyes, only clear and pure light in his eyes.

He is ready.

"Chopping roots, the first step, requires a knife!"

He seemed to murmur, he seemed to be thinking out loud, his own figure disappeared, and all the power disappeared into his mind, and finally a black body was revealed, unable to distinguish between the illusory and the real figure, and there was a strong power fluctuation .

His mind condensed in front of this figure, and when he looked down, the figure transformed into his mind was so clear, his hands were placed in front of him, and a knife appeared slowly.

"This knife is nameless, because it cut you early, it is called the obsession knife, born with you and died with you, are you ready!"

Wang Sheng freely spoke with the figure in front of him, even talking.

The black figure raised his head, with ridicule on his face, more of which was indifferent under sarcasm, "You ask me? Are you ready!"

Wang Shengxinnian was not surprised that he could answer this figure. He smiled slightly, "Why do you need to prepare? I have never considered the possibility of failure."

"Then you come, you can try it!" The black robe figure stood up, exactly the same face as Wang Sheng, but only indifferent and ruthless, without any emotion, even the initial ridicule was gone.

He slowly lifted a finger, "I therefore originated, and thus ended you, ushered in a real new life."

One finger of the ancient god, or the origin of the one finger of the ancient god, imitator, demon of the astral world!

Because of this index, Wang Sheng's cause-effect obsession is different from ordinary people, and the difficulty of cutting is also destined to increase countless times!

But Wang Sheng has always been calm, all this has been expected long ago, and always has to face it.

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