Universal Asylum

Chapter 1290: Space ding

With the wave of chaos, Wang Sheng entered slowly and slowly.

The entire world of annihilation of the red tide has become a mess, not to mention, but this at least dozens of third steps in the world have exceeded its world scope. The response of the annihilation of the red tide is also intense, and the consciousness directly from the universe Get out of the competition and enter the world to start driving these third steps.

Regarding the relaxation of the universe, Barbarian Heavenly Dao first noticed that at this time, Xiao Green had informed them of the message transmitted by Wang Sheng. Barbaric Heavenly Dao began to accelerate the aggression and occupied the territory left over by the World Extinguishing Red Tide in an all-round way. There is a substantial world that has never been driven out. At this time, as much as 70% of the universe has fallen into the land of the wild world. The other 30% is evenly divided by those small worlds. Of course, no matter whether it is Qicheng or Sancheng, it does not contain high mountains. The part of the Heavenly Dao that had been invaded by the Nine Nethers was completely cut apart.

"Arrange the formation along the world's defense line to withstand the counterattack that may come later." Dao Zu conveyed the message of the wild Tiandao, but everyone knows that the overall situation has been fixed. The moment when the red poem is gone is enough to determine the situation. Everyone didn't know what happened, and they didn't need to know that the eradication red tide at this moment has been disqualified.

   "Thousands of plans, finally ended up in such a situation."

It can even be said that it was a success and failure, and it failed in the slightest. If it persisted a few times, it might be able to successfully stabilize the universe territory. Even if it could not be completely invaded, it would be enough to separate from the wild heaven and then try to digest the occupied part of the world. It will not be like the present, all the territory will be discarded.


Wang Sheng’s calculations can be said to be very simple, but the protagonist caused the world-extinguishing red tide to withdraw from the universe. It’s not that he is the son of destiny, but that this matter is not troublesome, and Wang Sheng is unique. condition.

Seen from the beginning, this matter has to be made into what conditions are needed. In the first place, it must be enough to attract the attention of the eradication red tide. This is no more effective than entering its world. Can three steps of entry make such a great sacrifice for the eradication red tide?

If Wang Sheng or Pan Gu broke into the world, it would cause destruction to the world of the eradication red tide. I am afraid that the erasion red tide would not even look at it, and would not make such a big sacrifice, because they could not cause much damage. What happens to all the world’s annihilation, Heaven does not care, unless it exists in the body, that is, the world itself is completely destroyed.

The third step can do this, but the time required is not one or two. This store has enough time to extinguish the red tide to make more responses, such as abandoning the body directly and taking the universe into the body. It is not impossible for it to be in the universe. This is the situation. Perhaps only a little time is enough to digest the universe.

However, it was dozens of dozens of third-step powers, so that a large number of powers directly formed a qualitative change, which caused the world of red extinction to fall into collapse, and in ten moments, it suffered so much. Person.

   Therefore, if the world-destroying red tide does not want to be destroyed, it would only return immediately, giving up the good news in the universe.

   In a simple sentence, it is the fight for time. If the time is slightly worse, it will not work.

This plan was Wang Sheng’s whimsy, because he also needed many conditions to successfully perform it. Controlling the flying direction of the contention is one, and then a third step that is strong enough to send the chaotic core into the world. The world of red tide is not a powerful third step, I am afraid that even the world of red tide can not be entered.

   Such an ally, he can believe that only Pangu can be pinned!

   There is also the effect of Xiaolu's supernatural powers. Even him, he is also incapable of avatar, and it is impossible to return from chaos in an instant, let alone lead the contented thing to the world of contempt for the red tide.

In addition to this, the bright spots are needed to make this happen. The first and third steps do not care about the situation of the universe, or secretly acquiesce in its progress, because what they need is the world after the universe is stable, perhaps in the universe. After dissipating, they achieved their purpose, just waiting for the dust of the universe to settle.

  Second, that the contention is enough to attract people's hearts, even the third step is enough to give up those unnecessary thoughts for robbing. No one notices the whole thing. Is anyone controlling it?

Not necessarily, because it is too unnatural. The direction of rotation is two times in a row. It is almost the same as the original position. As if the thing is sane, these third steps are not good. Naturally, there is guesswork, but the value of the thing. It is enough that they give up these inappropriate factors and only take this thing as a result.

   All kinds of factors, plus some chance coincidences, only now have the current results, Wang Sheng also had to sigh, this success is like heavenly help.

In the final analysis, the opponent of this plan is too simple, only a heavenly path~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if there is a wise heavenly path, it is necessary to say that the plan is not necessarily strong, relying on forced encroachment as a means Heaven, Wang Sheng is not optimistic about the final result.

Not to mention others, just talk about the wild world heaven and the road, because there are a few people on the other side to make plans, the wild world heaven and road secretly occupy the position of the mythological world, planning countless eras, compared to the means of extinct red tide world, it is almost a world apart. .

   If Wang Sheng did not take action from it, I am afraid that the wild wild Dao will eventually be the biggest winner.

  Even if this is not the case, if all these foreign third parts do not exist, with Wang Sheng's third strength, he can already set the table and generally fight back the World Extinguishing Red Tide, without such trouble.

   The opponent is too simple, and Wang Sheng really has no sense of accomplishment.

   confirmed the message from Xiaolu. Wang Sheng's words about the third step in the world of Hongchao in the era of destruction are deep. Now is the beginning of the focus, and it is also where the advantages he holds really play.

Compared with its chaos, the World of Extinct Red Tide is too small. Too many third steps appear crowded in this world, and it can’t hide its body, and the thing that is being scrambled is naturally nowhere to escape.

In the depths of the world, at the command of Wang Sheng, a space diaphragm was formed, in which small green branches wrapped a luminous body, and outside the diaphragm, a wrinkled and withered yellow seed was suspended suspendedly on it. With a desolate breath, what Wang Sheng can perceive is the existence of attracting everyone's attention.

  Many of the third step naturally found the existence of the thing, but none of them were waiting for the shot, and they were waiting for the opportunity, and their eyes saw the two things inside and outside the space diaphragm without hindrance.

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