Universal Asylum

Chapter 1303: Liwei

Wang Sheng can predict how fierce the battle between the two is at this time, which is what he wants to achieve.

   Wang Sheng moved, and he walked towards the battle ahead. In such an occasion, everyone dared not move easily, but he was alone, and no doubt attracted everyone's attention!

how is this possible!

   This is the idea of ​​Lingxuzi and the idea of ​​all people. It is because this person has never been caught in a conscious battle, but his presence has long been here, and its existence cannot be ignored by everyone, so it is directly excluded if it is possible.

   Lingxu Zi was shocked for a while, but then he was overjoyed. Wang Sheng came to prove that he still made a choice, and playing at this moment, no matter what other purpose it has, is good for the end of Daotian Tianzun.

   "Dao and Dao friends, this big catastrophe should be no harm." As long as he had seen Wang Sheng's hand, it was not difficult to draw a conclusion.

   This is indeed the case. Wang Sheng took a lot of steps, because he was blocked by all the powerful forces in front, and the power of the Tao Realm directly blocked in front of him and swallowed toward him.

Dao Fa Tian Dao Dao Realm broke off, but did not retreat, but stepped forward to help Wang Sheng resist a lot of powerful confrontation, Dao Fa Tian Zun did not lack determination, this time the shot was to unite Wang Sheng to change the situation of the human race, That half-demon power can choose the same way.

   Because of Wang Sheng's involvement, the war has been polarized. All the powers except Dao Dao Tianzun and the half demon, seemingly united, began to target Wang Sheng and even the human race.

   seems to repeat the situation that Wang Sheng faced before, but with two helpers, but the current situation is actually more dangerous than the previous situation.

  The release of Daojie is a tremendous change. Compared with the present, it was just a little trouble.

   If the tentacle monster really releases the Tao world, it cannot fall so easily. Wang Sheng is indeed surprised, and the strength is indeed beyond a level, otherwise the tentacle monster is not easy to fall.

   And even if the height is one level, the third part will not fall clearly as long as the Tao Realm is unfolded.

   There are many third steps in the chaos, but relative to the number of the third part of the fall, it is a number that is difficult to believe. Too many third steps have survived countless eras, accumulated the source and become stronger.

  No matter how powerful the realm above the third part, but the third part is already the result of a real transformation, it can not be regarded as a ant in any case.

   And the third step of the wanderer even if the situation is miserable, its majesty is also available, not the miserable imagination.

   Wang Sheng's face was expressionless, Dao Xin Gu Jing was not waved, only the giant stick in his hand suddenly clenched upright and then waved hard.

   The Dao realm in front was traversed, the power of the rules radiated to form a powerful barrier, but the Tianzhu in his hand shattered the Dao realm like tearing paper, and the explosion exploded on the occasion of the rule.

  Wang Sheng retreated, but he was unharmed, but the Dao realm in front of him retreated, and Dao Fa Tianzun and the half demon also took this opportunity to come directly to Wang Sheng's side.

   "Thank you Dao for your help, but here is dangerous. I'm just afraid that I will be targeted." Dao Fatian Zun's eyes were serious, and he couldn't see that he had been seriously injured.

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly, responded with actions without answering, he rose up, rushed directly into the chaos, and into the open Dao realm.

  His figure has fallen into the Dao realm and cannot be seen clearly. Only a celestial pole stretches directly from below to pierce the chaos, and also directly destroy the surrounding Dao realm.

  Conceptual consciousness towards the Quartet compass, the Dao realm all around was suppressed, Wang Sheng roared, and a stick raised his hand again to roar a Dao realm.

   Suddenly the entire chaos collapsed, and the Tao Realm was smashed directly from the middle. A figure appeared in disarray from the chaos, and his face was pale, and his eyes were extremely cold and against Wang Sheng.

   is indeed the third power before the demon clan has the blood of the **** clan.

   Wang Sheng looked at the other party indifferently. He didn't forget this person. This person was one of the powerful forces that had attacked Wang Sheng before.

Wang Sheng said that what he did was necessary, so that many powerful people could directly know that his previous words were not just words, he was not muddy, he had not made a famous battle in the first battle, and now he wanted to continue, expressing his majesty thoroughly, and also for the future of the universe. Make a bedding.

   Only a strong self can be untargeted and not despised when the universe explodes.

  Even if it is a spirit deceiver, in fact, the big reason is to win Wang Sheng for the sake of the universe.

   Taoyuan Realm!

  Wang Sheng is to fight the fact that he also possesses the power of Daoyuan Realm in this station, and join the cosmic feast with a tough attitude.

   Wang Sheng's eyes are cold, his purpose is pure from beginning to end, and the core of the cosmic fire can also be placed, but this Li Wei occasion is rare.

  Wang Sheng didn't chase the demon clan, secondly, because he was surrounded by Dao Realm, the attack just now was at the cost of being besieged and losing his first move, and the destruction of a Dao Realm was achieved.

  Wang Sheng is surrounded by the power of rules and resisted by conceptual consciousness, but the power of rules still penetrates into the body through conceptual consciousness, and his body is directly crushed.

"Don't show the Tao Realm yet!" Lingxu Zi's eagerness to see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dao Fa Tianzun was shocked. Only by Wang Sheng's side did he know how powerful and violent Wang Sheng's strength was, and how powerful his naked eyes felt. I can't imagine the shock in my heart.

   It's just that he has doubts in his heart, why haven't he cast his way to Taoism!

   He did not see the power of the rules, and the situation without the power of the rules was already so powerful. There is always Dao Realm whose strength even exceeds his imagination of Dao Yuan Realm.

   "Wang Sheng Daoyou didn't show the Dao world before, and it doesn't look like he has the spare power. What is the reason?"

  Dao Fatianzun was close to Wang Sheng at a close distance, and then he could see some of Wang Sheng's status.

   Now Wang Sheng's body disappeared, they did not panic, because Wang Sheng also had his body destroyed before, but he recovered directly at the next moment!

   Sure enough, in the eyes of everyone, Wang Sheng's body appeared again, intact and even Wang Sheng's face did not change.

  Tianzhu is just under the body, while suppressing all the rules around, let the power of the incoming rules weaken directly.

   Wang Sheng's palm Chengyin exploded towards the surroundings, the surging power volatilized, and the Dao boundary around him was shocked again.

   From the plausible aim at the beginning to the now clear cooperation, Wang Sheng has become the enemy of everyone.

   Wang Sheng's eyes were cold, now is the moment to really start.

   The demon clan was temporarily destroyed by the Dao Realm. It was not a moment's effort to condense. It was very dangerous among so many Dao Realms, but it never left, and even attacked this Wang Sheng.


  Wang Sheng simply saw the conspiracy.

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