Universal Asylum

Chapter 131: 4 portraits

   That's right, the golden prison cage formed by eight golden beads and light gold curtains is a space that covers a lot of space. It is the Eight Pillars used by Western deities to block the space!

   Seeing that the golden prison was formed, Rael's heart was slightly loose. He had heard carefully about the situation of Tianxin intercepting the sarcophagus. Although there were sudden reasons for the sarcophagus, the failure of Tianxin was more important because the sarcophagus seemed to be able to travel through the space.

   This made Tianxin not prepared enough, and could only watch the sarcophagus go through the void and disappear.

  Knowing this, Rael would not carelessly. Now the Eight Pillars in front of him are the most powerful blocking space magical powers he knows within his ability, and he can use his full power to imprison people of higher power levels.

   He also deliberately experimented with the elders of the clan to cooperate, and the result was firmly blocked by the eight **** pillars launched with all his strength. He tried every means to get out of it, and finally used the trick to destroy the eight **** pillars and get out of trouble.

  Know that his elder is a dignified and neutral god, and he is considered to be a medium strength at a high level, so Rael has no fear that this sarcophagus from the middle world will escape from the Eight Pillars.

It was just that he looked at the eight guards holding the spar used to activate the pillars of the eight gods, and his heart was in pain, but there were a lot of gods, not even his **** son. He only spent eight gods to intercept the sarcophagus. It can be seen that he values ​​the sarcophagus.

   Not to mention, he also offended a plane businessman for this. Rael only hopes that the sarcophagus can really provide him with clues about the origin of the world as the prophet said, otherwise he will lose money.


Wang Sheng stood up and looked at the sarcophagus. From the outside, the sarcophagus looked like a rectangular object that was nearly 100 meters long, tens of meters wide, and tens of meters high, but when it entered the interior, except for the width and height, it remained the same. Looking forward, Wang Sheng But you can't see the boundary.

It was very clear up to ten meters ahead, but ten meters away, it was like a cloud of black mist. Wang Sheng tried to detect the consciousness, but before the consciousness came into contact with the black mist, he had a sharp warning in his heart. Suddenly stopped, he had a hunch that no matter how the physical body or the consciousness touched the black mist, it would bring unimaginable disaster to himself.

  Carefully and carefully looked at the black fog in front again, without getting the slightest message, Wang Sheng simply gave up temporarily, and turned to step aside.

There is a side of the sarcophagus, and the height of tens of meters looks like a wall. When looking at the previous consciousness, Wang Sheng noticed that there were a lot of scratches on it. These scratches seemed to form a picture, but God Seeing is not clear, Wang Sheng intends to walk in and watch.

   came to the stone wall, Wang Sheng didn't touch it hurriedly, but carefully opened his eyes. Sure enough, there was a huge difference between using the naked eye and the consciousness to watch. The nicks were no longer blurred, and the eyes were clearly displayed.

  Dark stone walls, countless combinations of scores, one image at a time.

The first painting is two huge portals with a slight gap between them. The portals are carved with countless fierce beast heads, highlighting the fierce and fierce outside, the image is eye-catching, Wang Sheng's heart is stunned, obviously it is just an image, but he seems to be being Countless fierce beasts stared fiercely, especially the gap between the two portals, the fog inside them, looming, Wang Sheng seemed to see a path exist.

   "Nether gate, life and death open." The looming murmur attracted the mind, the mist shrouded in the path suddenly dispersed, and a blue stone road appeared in front of him, as if there was a huge temptation ahead, Wang Sheng couldn't help but look towards the end of the road.

   Suddenly, there was a strong warning in his heart, and a heavy crisis shrouded in him. Wang Sheng's body was surrounded by countless sword qi, and the sharp breath suddenly made him sober, and Wang Sheng agitated quickly took a step back.

   Suddenly, Mo said that the blue stone board road, even the giant door in front of his eyes disappeared.

  Wang Sheng was cold and sweating. Just now this huge door image made him inadvertently fall into it, and his mind was firmly attracted. If it was not a spiritual warning, he might still fall into it. The final outcome is unpredictable.

   Could these notches be illusions! Wang Sheng was a little surprised to look at the blurred score image in front of him.

   wrong! He shook his head, not illusion, the stone wall on the sarcophagus really described what he saw, a greasy stone door, a path shrouded in mist inside, all these are clearly depicted, not created by illusion magical powers, all true image.

   is not so much an illusion, it is better to say that the person who carved these nicked images is cultivated in depth, depicting the scenes he has seen so faithfully and vividly, and even painting the internal momentum one by one.

Thinking of this, Wang Sheng was shocked. It was just the description of the images. These images were so terrifying. The real existence must be even worse. The people who portrayed these images must have seen the portal and the trail afterwards shocked, and then left these images. .

   Of course, there is also a possibility that these scenes do not really exist, but are only imagined and portrayed by the portrayer out of thin air. But if this is the case, the portrayal of the portrayal is even more difficult to imagine.

   Could this sarcophagus be the master who portrayed these images? Wang Sheng couldn't help guessing.

   calmed his mind, Wang Sheng turned to look aside, there was a second image there, but standing here, can only see a blur, after this image, there are two pictures also blurry.

   However, half of the fourth picture was hidden in those black mists, even the blurry scene could not be seen.

  I don’t know why, Wang Sheng has a hunch, these nicked images are very important, it seems that he is the key to leaving here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes flashed with light, took a deep breath, and took a step forward.

   Suddenly, the scoring scene in front of him was clear again.

   He stopped looking at the first image and looked directly at the second image.

   The second image portrays a small arch bridge, under which there is a river, winding and not knowing where it is going.

   The image is very simple, but Wang Sheng's eyes are dignified and he dare not relax, because both the small bridge and the flowing water under the bridge are covered with a layer of fog. With only one glance, Wang Sheng determined that these fogs are exactly the same as the fog that enveloped the path in the first picture.

  In order to prevent the mind from falling again, Wang Sheng did not stare carefully, and looked at the picture clearly. He did not stop before the third painting.

   The third image is simpler, depicting a boundless sea, the sea is rolling with violent waves, a small boat is being pushed on the tip of the wave, and it is about to capsize.

  Unexpectedly, Wang Sheng found a cloud of mist above the boat. Now he was extremely afraid of these mists, and he only looked at the image in his heart and then moved to the fourth portrait.

   Half of the fourth picture was shrouded in the black mist in front of him. These mists throbbed Wang Sheng and did not dare to come close.

   He could only stand next to the third image tightly, but stepped on one foot to stand in front of the fourth image, and the fourth image appeared in front of him.

   It was a rickety short back, wearing a rotten robe, Wang Sheng moved, the first three images were buildings, only this pair portrayed a character.

This ricket's back can't see the gender, and half of the body is hidden by the fog in front. Wang Sheng can only look for clues from the half of the figure that was exposed. Fortunately, the half of the figure that was exposed is not as foggy as the previous portrayal. This half of the figure is clear Incomparable and unabashed.


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