Universal Asylum

Chapter 1314: Taoist era

The golden armor naturally fits, as Wang Sheng thought, the whole body seems to be infused with endless energy, gathered in the arm, Wang Sheng blasted out, facing the red giant!

Without being swayed, clang clanged loudly, the red armor overflowed into Taoism, and only a giant’s body shook, and there were a series of wound cracks. This powerful stared at Wang Sheng deeply, and his steps retreated. Time did not step forward again.

   Wang Sheng thoughtfully looked at his palm. The golden Dao Wen also split on it, turning into Dao Wen flying outside his body. He felt himself connected to the formation.

  Wang Sheng changed his mind and tried to change this Daowen to another look, effortlessly, the golden Daoist combination changed, and finally the journey was a sword, twirling and spinning, the mind involved, it is indeed the best baby.

   The red giant has been watching coldly, the emotions in his eyes are not clear, but compared to before, at least there is no such sense of relaxation, it seems that something unpredictable happened from Wang Sheng's movements.

   "Do you know what is the source Taoism?"

   "This seat Chiyuan."

   Chiyuan slowly spoke, but did not shoot again, and his attitude towards Wang Sheng also changed.

   Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, watching Chi Yuan did not speak, nor did he actively attack.

   "Origin Daowen, birth and origin, what is the origin! It is the most core power discovered by the chaos of heaven and earth. Knowing that a new core will be found, a new origin will be born, and Daowen will also withdraw the name of the origin."

   Chiyuan didn't care about the narrative, relaxed all over, and his eyes were not full of greed. From the beginning, his eyes were clear.

   At this time, it was a deliberately slowly telling that even in the chaos, Wang Sheng believed in the information of great value.

   "The source of this thing has been changing, and has been studied and explored by countless powerful people, constantly discovering more core materials, and then constantly changing."

   "This seat remembers that the original source is the core fire, which is engraved with the rules of heaven and earth, and the rules before the fire are the source. Until now, before the million era, Daowen was confirmed as the new core."

  The information that Chiyuan said successfully attracted Wang Sheng's mind. Wang Sheng relaxed and was like an old friend who hadn't seen him for a long time.

   "Time is short, and the new source, that is, the news that Daowen is known to the world as the core has not been known to many people. Apart from the great forces between heaven and earth, there is real power."

   Chiyuan stared deeply at Wang Sheng, "there are a few people who have discovered and can use this Taoism."

   He smiled unidentified, "You and I are one of them, and a true pioneer in the entire chaos."

   "This seat has experienced several or even more core eras, and the power of each core era is used by this seat, even Taoism is general, so this seat can never leave behind."

"I don’t know how many talents in the past were able to accept the changes in core concepts, could not keep up with the faster and faster core changes, and really fell into the shackles, going further and further on the wrong road, and finally fell silent and even because of the contradictions of the roads. You can't make progress by completely standing still."

   Chiyuan's discourse is plain, but just hearing that he can know the vicissitudes of his discourse and sigh, watching his old companions walk into the end, unable to continue on the road, there is always a heart of sorrow and death.

  Wang Sheng couldn't help thinking of Chi Yuan's leaked information. In this way, such a road is like a road of earth research, a little exploration, instead of explaining an unknown road to an unknown road.

   The road after the third step is more rigorous and more dangerous than he thought. Although the third step is not life-threatening, the road is no less dangerous.

  The old friends in Chiyuan's mouth are only afraid of sleeping, and all of them are good endings, and more are afraid of sleeping forever.

  He was excited about the secret of Daowen, which turned out to be the secret of Daowen, but she still didn't know the purpose of Chiyuan's doing so, so she still kept the alert.

   "Every kind of origin is discovered, it will be accompanied by a strange discovery. Perhaps it has existed for a long time, but no one can find it."

   "When rules are found to be the source, there is a body of rules between heaven and earth, which is a natural container of rules. There is no need to participate in rules, because its body is composed of rules, as long as you explore your own body of rules."

   Chiyuan said that there is a deep meaning, "The same is true for the core of Tinder afterwards. There are those who naturally breed Tinder Core, contain rules, have the power of Tinder, have a huge natural advantage, and have a smooth road."

His eyes turned to Wang Sheng, "After learning the core Taoism, this seat was shocked by the unprecedented magic of Taoism. Its suspense is the core and even the rules of the previous fire, even with the more original things before. It’s incomparable, and even the core Taoism may be the ultimate core concept."

   "I also do not believe that it can be like the core of the fire and even the power of the rules to give birth to the existence of Taoism, because it is too against the sky, contrary to common sense!"

   Chi Yuan's sigh revealed undoubtedly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sheng tightened his body and seemed to finally know that Chi Yuan's attitude changed.

   Sure enough, Chi Yuan quickly revealed the mystery, "Until I see you, this seat finally knows that the mystery of the world is beyond imagination, and the end of the world thinks that knowing is not another new beginning, just like the current Dao text source."

Chi Yuan looked at Wang Sheng deeply, and looked at his extremely alert body, and suddenly smiled, "There is no need to be so nervous. There are indeed many short-sighted people in the world who are looking for a new source containment body, trying to **** its talent, and directly set foot on the avenue. , But this seat is not that fool."

"Is it true that the real avenue can be obtained by snatching, only with constant enlightenment, compared with exploring the power of another real core, Daoyou, this kind of person is just going further and further on the wrong path, Not for my generation."

   Chiyuan chuckled, it seemed that he had really met many of those people, and always sneered at them.

   Wang Sheng's eyes are indifferent and have not changed.

Chi Yuan was fiercely staring at Wang Sheng, "If you are only a Taoist owner, this seat does not mind directly robbing to increase the number of Taoism in this seat, but you are the real body of Taoism. People in the world of the Taoist era, this seat wants you to go further, farther than anyone imagines!"

   Chiyuan has a passion, a passion for Dadao, and an expectation for Wang Sheng.

   "The Daowen era is an unimaginable era, I am afraid that many old guys can't even imagine that there is such a core."

  :. :

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