Universal Asylum

Chapter 1326: Precious little green

Ten powerful siege, but Wang Sheng easily broke the siege, and wounded a powerful Taoist world, almost hurt his real body, no one would doubt Wang Sheng's strength, just afraid of touching it is not dead hurt.

What is the Daoyuan realm, the Daoyuan realm is here, as long as the core of the Dao realm is there, the power of the rules is endless, and it is transformed into a popular saying, which means that every blow can use its full strength, so every attack All need to try to avoid.

  Wang Sheng is quite different. Each attack in these circumstances is not enough to damage his body too much, even not to concentrate, or to respond positively, or even to break through the conceptual consciousness film.

  In fact, if it is not Wang Sheng, it is just an ordinary Daoyuan Realm, and it is impossible to make the ten Daoyuan Realm's powerful Dao Realm like nothing.

   This is the difference between the great power accumulation in himself and the placement of the Tao world. He can completely rely on his speed and power to throw the ten powers behind him.

  There is no way to siege Wang Sheng unless the enclosing ring is very strong.

   Wang Sheng's figure flickered. Among the ten powerful attacks again, it was like Hong Yu's evasion. There were few attacks that could fall on him, and there were few attacks that fell on him.

In this moment, Wang Sheng had once again seized the opportunity, came to a Dao Realm, stretched his hand before, the black light surged, the Dao Realm shattered like paper, and suddenly a temple appeared in the palm of Wang Sheng’s palm, suddenly like a prison cage The Tao Realm was imprisoned and could not be shaken. The regularized body of the Tao Realm was suddenly quite a lot, and his face was horrified. He was intuitively surrounded by walls, and he touched the wall everywhere. He could not escape from the right and left.

  Wang Sheng raised his palm, and at the same time raised the temple, and the figure in the temple, captured by his palm, reduced countless times and appeared in the palm of his hand.

   It is strange that Wang Sheng is ready to be attacked, but there are not many attacks on him. There are still only a few. Wang Sheng does not believe that they cannot seize this opportunity, so he raises his head alertly.

  In front of me, a beam of light occupies the field of vision. The next moment is the beam and body. Wang Sheng's body only exists in the beam for a moment, just like the light and shadow in the flame disappear.

   This beam of light penetrated through the mighty Tao Realm, even with the deity body controlled by Wang Sheng, even with the idea of ​​destroying the body of this round, Wang Sheng's existence should be destroyed.

   Dao Realm shattered and eventually collapsed. Wang Sheng and the powerful man disappeared together, and all eyes gathered here.

The stars of the Stars array panicked and found that the entire array was directly empty. In this blank area, the destructive power was circling, and the green light was continuously born and was directly eliminated, even this unfavorable green light , The light of life will not work.

   They haven't realized the traces of Wang Sheng's body disappearing yet, but also know that under such an attack, Wang Sheng just didn't seem to evade the attack just now, fearing that he would have been seriously injured.

   The invisible void, a power surrounded by power, always eager to try, looked a little surprised at the core of the destruction of the force in front.

   "Does this eliminate a Tao Yuan Realm!"

   Dao Yuan Realm, how powerful and detached, and the most important thing is in chaos, not to mention the Yuan Realm, a third step of the fall is very rare.

   The accidental fall is extremely rare. For the third step in the race, as long as you are cautious, you don’t need to worry about safety.

The falling crisis was brought by the wanderers, who stared at the third step of each order and coveted its origin, but even so, the number of the third step fell was unimaginable, at least compared to the entire third The number of steps is like this.

In the Daoyuan realm, the power of the rules is endless, and the level of power also exceeds the level of the Dao realm. Even if it is caught in a siege, it is enough to break the shackles and leave. No one can catch up. Secondly, once its Dao world is fully unfolded, these Dao realm pressure, it can take advantage.

  In the third part, the existence of Daoyuan Realm is already awesome. The standard for judging whether some weak ethnic groups can exist is the existence of a Daoyuan Realm.

  For these third steps, the fall of Daoyuan Realm has not happened for many years.

   Is there just one in front of me?

   Attacked just like that, without any evasion in a Daoyuan realm, it was attacked head-on, and the survival probability was not great.

   The attack launched with a Taoist power as bait is enough to ensure that Wang Sheng does not have much room to avoid.

  The tacit understanding of how these wanderers did not know how to achieve it can be the premise of sacrificing the third part.

   But only these wanderers can do this. Within the clan, the relationship is intertwined, and such a sacrifice cannot be made.

   In short, this seemingly unintentional opportunity is very rare, and it really brings the possibility of destroying the Daoyuan realm.

  In the eyes of everyone's uncertainty, a figure emerged from the core, gradually emerged from the strength of still intense activities.

  'S body looks like a rebirth, with green light around her body, as if healed by this green light, unharmed.

A half-broken temple was suspended in his palm. A figure in the temple was imprisoned and inward, and a gloomy gaze gazed at the outer space. That is where the remaining nine powerful people gathered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can imagine his heart The resentment of was actually sacrificed tacitly, and did not give any chance, the Tao Realm shattered, the real body shattered, and there was no chance of recovery.

   Even if he knew that it was someone else and let him make such a choice, he would not hesitate, because they are scattered, and the alliance between scattered people is too fragile.

   But such things come to him, they cannot be forgiven.

   "Here, the green tree supernatural power, whether it is instantaneous guardianship or direct restoration of the real body after destruction, is extremely powerful supernatural power." And watching the powerful shock.

   "I'm afraid that the second middle school may be the majority, and its real body is really disappeared in front of me and so on."

   This may be even more terrifying. To directly restore a real body with the power of Daoyuan Realm, it is necessary to consume the power and the vitality, which is unimaginable!

   If there is such a magical power, then this green tree is also an unimaginable life problem, I am afraid that the preciousness is not inferior to any treasure.

  'S eyes were fiery, but he was staring at the huge body of Zhan Xiaolu.

   Wang Sheng's eyes are indifferent, only he knows that there is no credit for Xiao Green, he is just the strength of his real body instant recovery.

   Xiaolu was out of eagerness to protect him, but in fact it was too late.

   It seems that it caused a misunderstanding, which greatly increased the value of Xiaolu in the eyes of everyone, but everyone will not find out where is the true value of Xiaolu!

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