Universal Asylum

Chapter 1350: Barbarian priest

After carefully searching the previous battle traces, we can know that the appearance of the barbarian is not sudden, but there are traces to follow. Wang Sheng found several huge beasts beside a stream not far away, like ancient dinosaur-like creatures, above his head Without exception, there was a horrible smash, obviously struck by the barbarian giant stick.

  The barbarian was hunting before the battle, and accidentally discovered the existence of Dao Realm and was discovered by Dao Realm. The two started a conflict and eventually evolved into the current situation.

  Wang Sheng speculated slightly that he fell beside several dinosaur beasts whose blood had not dried up, and took a part of the blood, the surging vitality still contained.

   "Good fierce beast!" These fierce beasts were certainly very powerful during their lifetime, and it is a proper level of gods and animals in the outer universe.

   But of course, such a fierce beast can be seen in the eyes of the barbarian and prepared for food, but, looking at a few fierce beasts, Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Even if the barbarian has a huge amount of food, the combined weight of these fierce beasts is terrifying enough. Even if it is used as storage food, it is a bit too much. In the environment detected by Wang Sheng, there are no beasts that can threaten the barbarians.

  Of course, this is just speculation, there may be some kind of existence that makes the barbarians feel a crisis and store food, but even in case, it is impossible to deny another possibility.

   There is a gathering place for a group of barbarians who are looking for food for their clan or partners!

  With this idea, Wang Sheng checked the surrounding environment and found some traces, which are the footprints of the barbarian who came here step by step in search of the road.

   Wang Sheng pursued all the way.

The barbarian's trek was not close, and Wang Sheng's feet were not close. Finally, after crossing a whole mountain, a valley was found. There were simple houses in the valley, one by one like the barbarian. Barbarians exist and live here.

   Wang Sheng just shook his head after a glance, and none of these barbarians existed as powerful as barbarians.

   can even be called inferior.

Language exists among these barbarians. This is a group of wise and wise people who only have such a powerful strength but live such a simple life. Obviously, they are not threatened by too much survival, and they don’t need to be in peace. Productivity has improved.

   Wang Sheng only knew the language of these people after watching it for a while. It was not a powerful language like Taoism, but a simple ordinary language like mortal.

   "When will Dali come back, the tribe has enough food, I really don't know what he is still running."

   This is the information that Wang Sheng selected from these barbarians who seem to have a higher status.

   "Patriarch, Dali is a talented person. No one here can threaten him, don't worry too much about him."

   "Recently, the high priest seems to have made some discoveries that the world will change. I have strictly forbidden to go out arbitrarily, but the child still ran out, what do you think."

   was questioned by the patriarch, and the responder obviously touched his head with embarrassment, and obviously changed the topic: "Patriarch, what did the high priest say."

   patriarch sighed, "I can't hear clearly what the high priest said, but it should have been aware of the danger, otherwise he will not specifically tell me, you also know his character."

   "It's a pity that the high priest, if he has a strong talent, should be able to become a stronger deterrent than the strong, and make other tribes more afraid, and the child will concentrate on practicing martial arts, and there is too little worry about the tribe's affairs."

   The patriarch also seemed worried, and there was no more talk in the silence.

  Wang Shengze has discovered at this time that he perceives a strange wave, which is an energy that is different from material energy and different from energy fluctuation.

   This fluctuation comes from a room that looks a bit dignified in a group of ruined houses. There is a barbarian wearing a more gorgeous costume, whose eyes are closed and his knees are similar to cultivation, and the level of power he emits is not low.

  Wang Sheng reached out his hand and ingested some power without knowing it.

   It is strange that this part of the force is actually a material existence, full of activity, can transform a fierce beast, with all the special features of this fierce beast and fierce breath.

   comes alive, almost like a real creature.

   And there is more of this kind of breath in that wild human body, and the savings become a vortex, just like a cyclone.

   This kind of breath is the same kind of beast, the same kind of beast is absorbed by the barbarian.

   It's just the shape of other fierce beasts in the air, but there are dozens of fierce beast models attracted by this barbarian.

   This is a nature similar to Reiki! ?

  That is to say, this world actually has a mysterious energy, but this mysterious energy can be explained by physical truth.

Wang Shengbai has no taboo to try to absorb this beast into the body without any hindrance, it is directly absorbed, and is perfectly integrated into the body, increasing the power in the body, but the growth of power is a refreshing knowledge of the conceptual consciousness. In terms of feeling, there is no feeling at all.

  It looks like a dusty volume in a tall building~www.wuxiaspot.com~I can't perceive the growth, but I can know that it is indeed effective for my body.

   Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes to see that the barbarian seemed to be attracted by its inexhaustible energy outside the body. Such energy seems to be not small in this world. If it can be absorbed as much as possible, it will also have an effect on itself.

   First is the black worm, then this energy, there seems to be a lot of precious things in this world.

  Wang Sheng calmly looked at the method of cultivating the rituals below, and he was roughly aware of it, and then he appeared in the room in front of the priest in a flash.

   concealed his body with conceptual consciousness, and the priest could only find one figure existed, of course, for Wang Sheng's initiative to let him know.

   The priest slowly raised his head, seeming to realize that there were more people in the room and no people were too surprised. The muddy eyes contained the vicissitudes of history.

   "Your advent really surprised me. In my calculations, you are God, supreme, supreme."

  Wang Sheng waited for the priest to finish his speech and said with great interest, "Then why don't you worship."

   The priest shook his head and stood up, "God in this world, every trace of energy has his source and explanation. This kind of God represents the supreme existence, and there is no way to explain the theory of existence that does not exist."

   "But you are a priest."

   "It's true, but my priest is the **** in my heart, it's faith, not the **** of nothingness."

   "There are no people in your clan who do not trust God."

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