Universal Asylum

Chapter 136: Space magic

   stepped on the black land opposite the small bridge, and as soon as he left the bridge, Wang Shengruo looked back, but saw that the small bridge and Wangchuan under the bridge disappeared slowly in a layer of mist, as if it were originally an illusion.

   Wang Sheng looked up into the distance, and his eyes were all black land. The original abyss and the Nether Gate opposite the abyss could not be seen. He seemed to be transported to a brand new place as soon as he left the bridge.

   completely disappeared, Wang Sheng's face remained unchanged, Shen Yin finally lifted his feet and walked into the distance.

   This **** black land is so big that he can't see the end at a glance. Wang Sheng can't perform his magical powers now, so he can only walk forward. In this way, he can't walk out of the black land when he reaches the heaven and earth.

   But Wang Sheng did not despair, but was surprised in his heart, he discovered the strangeness of this land.

On the surface, he only walked a little distance step by step, but feeling the undulating space fluctuations in the air, Wang Sheng suddenly found that every step of him was actually shrinking into an inch, and the distance spanned was far beyond imagination. , But because the landscape of this land is monotonous, no matter how far he travels, it seems to be standing still.

  After a while, Wang Sheng came to another fascinating conclusion. In fact, it was not himself that shrunk into an inch, but this piece of land that looked large and monotonous at his feet.

   That is to say, this land is actually moving at a high speed, and the direction of travel is exactly the opposite of Wang Sheng's direction of advancement. Only in this way can Wang Sheng take one step and advance countless distances.

  Thinking about this, Wang Sheng moved in his heart and moved forward at this speed. Even if this land is bigger, he must have finished the day.

   Tian Xin's face solemnly stepped on a gravel, looking at another gravel in the void thousands of meters away. If he wanted to continue, he must cross the kilometer void between the two gravels.

  If you switch to it a few hours ago, he can get there across the distance of thousands of kilometers, but now he dare not move easily.

Because the deeper into the void, the space cracks filled with voids are more and more dense, and the space cracks were sparse before, he is not too scrupulous, but now the space cracks between these two stones are too dense , Even with his cultivation behavior, there is no guarantee of a safe life.

Tianxin finally gritted his teeth and took out a seal. If Wang Sheng was here, he would recognize this seal as a big shift symbol used by the spirit deceiver in the Journey to the West. There was a flesh pain in Tianxin’s face, and he didn’t keep the seal. too much.

   But feeling the yellow light flashing more and more violently around his waist, it seemed that the sensing object was not far in front of him, and he finally endured the pain using Fu Zhuan's straight escape to the opposite gravel.

Wika took the black robe in a spaceship to cross the desert. This desert is not as wide as the black land that Wang Sheng experienced, but the area is also vast. They have kept the spaceship moving forward at high speed for many hours, but they are still in sight. Yellow sand.

   Suddenly, the figure in black robe standing in front of the cockpit suddenly moved, seemingly sensed something, his face slightly fanatic.

  Wica kept watching him, and at this moment his heart moved, and asked immediately, "But it's here!"

After a while, the black robe nodded slowly, his voice hoarse, "I felt the gaze of the Father, just a hundred miles away."

   Baili! Wika's face slightly moved, and then he raised his hand to launch a satellite, and suddenly, the scene hundreds of miles away formed a virtual light screen to clearly show his eyes.

   I saw that the sky covered with yellow sand covered everything, but under the illumination of the satellite, Wika still clearly see through the internal scene, but the entrance is still a desert, no different from the previous experience.

   But Wika had no doubts. He controlled the satellite to send advanced detection to the ground hundreds of miles away. Suddenly, a green dot flashed on the video screen, and the green dot was located just below the desert.

   His expression moved, "Sure enough, there is room for fluctuations!"

  The black robe figure was already watching the green dot with enthusiasm, his mouth murmured constantly.

   and they were deep in the desert. They did not know that behind them was a group of people moving towards them. They all carried their wings, and the whole was wrapped in a golden mask to fly at high speed, and the leader was Rael.

At this moment, he looked dignified. After he asked the Prophet to find the location of Wika, he hurried directly to this side, but when he came to this desert, he suddenly found that the power in his body fluctuated spontaneously, and he felt something in front of him. Attract yourself.

  This made his thoughts of finding weika settled down a lot, he knew that there might be another ruin here.


I don’t know how many hours have passed. Although the supernatural powers have disappeared, Wang Sheng is the body of Yuanshen after all, and he doesn’t feel tired, but the important thing is that I don’t know if the scenery has remained the same. His feelings are actually a bit tired.

At the same time, he was a little surprised that this land was really bigger than he thought. With the black land moving at such a high speed, for a few hours, he could not see the slightest change, as if he still existed and the bridge disappeared. change.

   He was a bit skeptical about whether he believed that he could get out of this land.

After a little contemplation, Wang Sheng suddenly stopped, and then he sensed that the power of the space in the air had disappeared, and the black land also stopped to move forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sheng was not surprised, he knew before long, once he himself Stopping the action, the black land will also stop, very strange, and he tried to retreat and change direction, and found that the black land will also change direction, and always keep the direction opposite to him to continue to move forward.

There are naturally problems in such a weird situation, but Wang Sheng tried hard to think and could not draw the slightest conclusion. Until now, he resolutely stopped, because he realized that to continue this way, it seems that he has moved a lot of distance, in fact I'm afraid he will never reach his destination.

   "What kind of supernatural powers!"

Wang Sheng simply sat cross-legged and thought carefully. In addition to believing that this area is indeed very large, Wang Sheng also guessed that this might be a supernatural power. Just like in mythology, Sun Wukong can never escape the palm of his hand because of the palm of his hand. It is a space that will continue to extend.

  If this kind of magical power is in front of me, let Wang Sheng move forward, I am afraid that he will not be able to leave this place.

   "There is the power of space, and the scene of land is more likely to be caused by supernatural powers." Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. It was precisely because he could blur the power of space, that he could be sure that the land was indeed moving forward.

   The power of space!

Wang Sheng murmured, because he had traveled through the space many times, but he was very familiar with the power of space. He suddenly realized that if he is indeed surrounded by magical powers, the most likely thing is space magical power, that is, he wants to leave this space. The power of space is the focus.

  Thinking about this, Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, and he wanted to touch the power of space here, only to feel it when he was acting, but he could not sense anything while still.

   He stood up suddenly, lifted his feet without hesitation, and closed his eyes carefully to sense the power of space in the air.


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