Universal Asylum

Chapter 139: The Great Tribulation

   "Er and others are actually my people!" The voice is full of surprises, but it is also a bit unbelievable.

   "Is it a newly born Protoss!" The existence of Bai Guangli is a little unbelievable, and the Tribe has been born again before the catastrophe! ?

   "Impossible!" He seemed to remember something, and decisively denied the previous words, "The origin cannot be reunited under the catastrophe, and it is impossible to regenerate the spirits, not to mention the Protoss, is it the blood that remains at that time!"

   It is possible. Although the law collapsed at the time, the era of the last law came, and the gods evaded, but there might be some **** clan remnants, and it has been prospering until the half of the big robbery now.

  Baiguang fell into a mumble, and the white aperture continued to shrink as his mood was unstable.

   He didn't hide his voice deliberately, Rael and others naturally heard clearly, and he was suddenly surprised. Rael's eyes were fixed on the white aperture in front of him. If there was no accident, it should be an angelic god.

   Moreover, its identity is very likely to be the native **** in this world!

   surprises his heart. It seems that the **** who listened to the voice has survived from the collapse of the world at that time to the present. Naturally, he will know a lot of secrets. The news about the origin of the world may have unexpected gains.

   At this time, he suddenly tensed his body tightly, and there seemed to be something dangerous happening to him.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the white aperture again heard a voice, but it was a voice of joy: "It is just right to come, and the **** still lacks a **** body, so you should sacrifice." Taken for granted in the words, It seems that dedication to him is a glory to Rael and others.

   The **** body he refers to is Rael.

Rael's face changed greatly. Before he came and refuted, he saw a dignified and magnificent divine power in the white light. A layer of inexplicable space enveloped the temple. Everyone's body was shaking, and he felt that his entire body was deprived of control. Life and death seemed to be only in white light There is a moment.

  Especially the angel clan such as Rael is even more unbearable. It seems to be defeated by the bloodline, bound by the divine power and difficult to move. The bloodline of the divine clan in the body does not dare to move. It seems to be extremely afraid of this divine power.

  Rael looked ugly, "the **** of the middle god!" If he is a low god, he can contend with his own means, but the middle **** is an existence that he can't resist anyway.

It was only an instant, he felt a huge force pulling on him as if to pull him into the white aperture, Rael was in a hurry, he looked at the Wica next to him for the first time, if anyone was present in the other god's domain Zhong can move reluctantly, besides him, there is only the same powerful Wika.

   At this time, his life was at stake, he chose to abandon the former and suspected to join forces with each other in order to seek a way out.

But the moment he turned his head, his heart was cold, and Weika didn't know when half of his body was already in the pale golden light curtain, and it was while he was looking at each other, Weika snorted, a black light flashed, and the rest A half-dark light curtain emerged in half of the body.

"Huh, what a mysterious power, unfortunately, so hurriedly passing through the temples, I am afraid that I have lost my life, but I have lost a good opportunity for research." Bai Guangli's voice was a little sorry, and then he looked at Rael and others seemed to be in He rebelled against his divinity, and he groaned, "Every other inferior protoss, dare to resist the spirit of the god."

The voice fell, the surrounding power was heavier, Rael felt pulling his own strength to increase suddenly, and several screams came from behind, but the angel guards behind him could no longer bear it, and could not help crying out the pain .

   It was Hertos, who was pierced by the green spear on the side, although he was also very difficult to withstand the divine power, he did not mean to resist at all, but instead showed his piety and muttered excitedly.

   The crowd was just so unbearable, not to mention Rael, the main target. At the same time as the pulling force increased, Rael's original golden light shattered, and the golden wings in his hand shattered.

  Rael's complexion changed, and his protective artifacts shattered, making him more resistant to this pulling force. His eyes flickered suddenly, his original hesitant thoughts became clear immediately.

He growled loudly, transmitting white light all over his body, and spreading wings behind him. A divine power surged from the depths of the body, breaking a certain boundary easily, and suddenly the supernatural power surged, and the white light condensed around him finally formed into a white shield, pulling him The great power of Li immediately dissipated a lot.

   "Advanced God! Can advance autonomously!" The white aperture fluctuated suddenly, seeming to be greatly surprised at the scene in front of him. Then he didn't continue to pull Rael, but instead fell silent, and murmured after a while.

   "Advancing the gods at this time is actually very useful for the return of the gods, but it is not good to continue to sacrifice him."

   The white iris changed his mind, but he did not withdraw his dignity, but just put the great force on the guards who were difficult to resist behind Rael.

   "You can only use these impure gods to make a body temporarily."

The voice fell, the body of the guards had been pulled down by the great force to the white aperture, and then all the body burst under the influence of a great force, forming a group of golden red blood floating in the air, and then the golden red blood coagulated with each other, And continuously stretched under the control of Juli, to see the shape is actually an angel family image~www.wuxiaspot.com~A moment later, a body condensed by golden blood appeared in the air.

   "It really is very impure." The white aperture is a little dissatisfied, but in such a situation, it is good to have such a body, which is better than nothing.

Then the white aperture slowly floated on the golden-red body and merged into it. Finally, the white light flashed, and there was a naked angelic old man in the spot. His face was full of wrinkles. When he appeared, he looked up and down and shook his dissatisfaction. Shaking his head, and then snapping his fingers, the light flashed, and there was already a golden armor on his body.

   At this time, he looked up at Rael, who closed his eyes in the air and was covered by white light. The different colors flashed in his eyes. "This guy is pure in divine power. The bloodline is not low. Is it the blood of the main **** in those days."

   "After consecrating the **** of sin, congratulate the **** to condense the god's body." Hertos, who had been respectfully kneeling, suddenly looked up and looked excitedly at the angel angel.

The old man gave him an indifferent glance, "Although you are that rebellious descendant, you have also become a demigod's body, and it is still a bit useful for being enveloped by luck. The next wave of disaster is coming, and the gods will be in I will return for a short time, if you are willing to sacrifice for the gods, I can also forgive the crimes of the Father and God."

   Hertoston was full of ecstasy and excitedly said: "It is the glory of Hertos to lead the gods to sacrifice, and I will do my best to redeem the crimes of the year."

   The old man nodded in satisfaction.

   But at the next moment, a strange wave suddenly swept into the temple from the outside without any interval. The old man's face suddenly changed greatly, and his face implied with fear: "The big robbery was launched in advance!"

At the same time, in the depths of the void where the remains of Kunlun were suspected, the stone statues in the stone house on the gravel hill suddenly opened their eyes, his eyes blooming with divine light, "The time has come!" He stood up suddenly, and then stepped out and disappeared into the stone house.


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