Universal Asylum

Chapter 1404: Divine realm and above

The important mysterious Taoism is beyond Wang Sheng’s imagination. Those who exist one at a time are at least divine. Wang Sheng found himself and their common ground, and it seems that they have all become a unique Tao Wen, which can represent themselves. 'S identity is like a avenue.

What does Daowen really stand for!

Wang Sheng felt that the person he met did not necessarily know about such things, at least not in such a detailed and in-depth manner. According to him, Daowen’s discovery replaced the core existence and became a new source. Do those beings complete the excavation of Taoism in such a short period of time and then form their own unique Taoism?

Before discovering Taoism, how did their existence manifest, Wang Sheng thought about this question, instinctively felt that the appearance of Taoism should not be discovered in such a short period of time, and the sense of vicissitudes of existence is not false or eternal The taste is not false, they seem to have adapted to the time that Tao Wen does not know how much.

   Daowen may have other secrets that can be the source of things, and it is definitely not that simple.

   Wang Sheng remembered that the mysterious character he encountered thought that it was Daoyuan's existence. Now it seems that Daoyuan's existence still cannot fully understand Daowen and other things. Perhaps it is above Daoyuan.

"God Realm!" Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, it turned out that he had already met a person who was suspected of God Realm, that is to say, he had unintentionally walked back and forth between life and death during the original battle, " In other words, it is not a divine realm, but it is related to the divine realm."

You can get access to the so-called origin, and it seems a bit reluctant in terms of the several circumstances encountered by Wang Sheng, and when the mysterious population calls the so-called old-school, stubborn old guys, the tone is general, and those old guys are at least all Everyone knows the so-called origin, that is, Daoyuan or Daoyuan, so Wang Sheng still judges that the man is afraid that he is not a divine realm, but also has an identity similar to that of the divine realm.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, and once again arrived at the vastness of the world after the third step, not the small world he imagined, even if it was a cloud neutron, it would not be all the power around him, if the mysterious person really It is a divine realm, so close contact with the universe, it is impossible to discover what is going on in the universe, perhaps you will also know that the people of the sun are involved, at least curiosity must be there.

   But he just passed by, and disappeared in the moment when he stayed in the Qing Emperor's world. What he pursued seemed to be completely different from taking office in Dari.

Throughout the entire chaos, what is happening now? I’m afraid it’s just a small incident. Wang Sheng thought of the great man, maybe his mind for this world was just a little, more things. In doing other things, for a missing cloud neutron, this should be the limit.

  Wang Sheng smiled, with some self-deprecation, although it was only speculation, but this should be the world in the eyes of Mighty, and it was completely unknown to him which level they did not focus on.

   has once again realized the difference between the divine realm and the divine realm, that is, even if you show it blatantly in front of you, you will not find that you are still doing your own things unscrupulously.

  Like ants that always exist unconsciously under the feet of human beings, they are completely unaware that life-threatening things may happen in the next moment.

"Cultivation of Taoism, as a matter of fact, a continuous revision of one's own concepts, the revision of one's own Taoism, the revision of one's own perception of the world, and the formation of values ​​consistent with the current strength, otherwise, even if you have the most powerful strength, it's not a summer's speech The ice, the well frog cannot speak the sea."

Wang Sheng once again realized in the quiet mind, he did not lose or regret in the heart, for this point he was awake a little late, but it was enough to justify his progress compared to the past, knowing this clearly At that time, he was no longer that Xia Chongjing frog. Even in the face of the **** realm and the great existence, it was still only a ants, but it was no longer able to face the dead ants.

   "There is Taoism!" Wang Sheng muttered to himself.

   He has a kind of hunch. The appearance of Daowen has all aspects of his promotion. If the mysterious man comes to him again now, he has a hunch. Daowen may find out in advance to let him know the crisis clearly.

   This may be the benefit of being promoted to a newcomer recognized by those beings.

   The golden wind does not move Cicada! He once again proved this achievement.

Wang Sheng was quiet in his heart, and he did not deliberately recall those existences that had good intentions or malicious intentions towards him. He knew that he actually remembered, but because of the large difference in levels, it took a lot of energy to recall his memory. In the absence of sufficient energy, it is just useless work time after time.

Through this incident, Wang Sheng once again confirmed his own way forward, and the importance of Taoism has once again been promoted, or that he has now become a Taoism, his avenue, his body, in the eyes of others, is like that For a Taoism, what is important is not Taoism~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but his own path is enough to form a Taoism.

  Wang Sheng can now be sure that his way is indeed correct, and the appearance of Taoism is the same. If it is wrong, I am afraid that Taoism will not appear, but will only collapse itself.

   "For those who exist, I am afraid that everyone has their own way, or that they have another understanding, so that every Taoist is different!"

Wang Sheng’s Taoism can’t be achieved without his path and achievements, and after he achieved the Taoism, no one can prove it again before he or his Taoism disappeared. The only way.

   Overall, there is not much change, how to proceed or how to proceed, but his goal is more clear.

   "The first step is to find out whether the divine realm exists, and what the divine realm is."

   The **** realm he knows is a person who grasps a concept. The illusory and ethereal that Wang Sheng also understands is not complete. He can only imagine that he can change the rules according to his wishes. It is already powerful.

His conceptual consciousness is also named after this. Existence itself is a concept that requires everyone to recognize and understand the existence, and as his own mind changes, or this concept will also change, if everyone is not timely Accepting the new concept may cause things that cannot be controlled in the past.

  Like a person's cognition, water can extinguish fire, but if there is a master of such concepts, if this point is denied or tampered with, then the end of the person who takes this concept as a road can be expected, just fearing that it will subvert all cognition.

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