Universal Asylum

Chapter 1406: messenger

An organization that may be aimed at all circumstances, as well as the most likely people in the sun, is a huge threat to any third step.

Wang Sheng pondered, if this fairy dynasty was really a celestial being behind him, it would be a sure omen, as a god, with a transcendental status, he intervened too much in person, obviously squeezing these third steps. The existence of the space, and combined with the local barbaric forces against the advent, the attitude is obvious.

Tianhuan Tianzun did not mention his guesses in the ciphertext, but there is no doubt that the other party also has doubts in his heart. The attitude of the people in the sun is not right, and he will take out the thunderstorm fuzhao from the outside world, just for the sake of Taoism. Exchange to Treasure, and all the third step clearly knows, it is almost impossible to get Treasure silently in front of a divine realm, such a factor is enough to ensure that at least 70% of Treasure is in the hands of divine realm.

   No need to do this, and entering the world by yourself, the advantage is too great, there is no need to join the barbaric powerhouse, but, if you want to join hands, they are the best adversaries.

"Isn't it a great day?" Wang Sheng frowned, overturning the initial inference, but if he wasn't a great day, Tianhuan Tianzun couldn't send him such a solemn message. The possibility that the master of the day will come out personally is passed out.

"It seems that Tianhuan Tianzun did see something." Wang Sheng meditated. This ciphertext may have been intentionally expressed by Tianhuan Tianzun. The specific circumstances need to be seen before it can be judged, but the possibility of Divine Realm may intervene. It made Wang Sheng feel a little heavy, and it was also a heavy news for all the third steps.

   For them, they will not be afraid of external crises, but only worry about the threat of the divine realm. If it can be determined that there is no divine realm, such a fairy dynasty against the descendants need not exist.

   Wang Sheng raised his head, "Did the five generations of ancestors only explain this matter before they left."

"Another thing, the ancestor got urgent news, Shan Guo led the army to commit the crime, wantonly plundered large and small tribes in the territory of Jicheng, it is rumored that the leader was Shan Da Wang himself, the king has personally led his troops to suppress, and the ancestors followed I went," Ling Han said softly. "But the news, the king asked me to tell the lord, but the ancestor confessed that there is no need to disturb the lord, unless the lord asks."

Regarding Ling Han's supplement, Wang Sheng smiled slightly. The king and the strong are different, and the handling of things is naturally different. King Ji hopes that he can shoot. The five generations of ancestors think more, and they are unwilling to waste their feelings on these things. on.

   "Since your king is speaking, it seems that this time things are more serious."

"Yes, although the mountain country is located in the mountains, but because of this, the barbarians are tough, and because of the rich materials of the mountains, the strong ones come out one after another. In the past, it was most likely to surpass the Zhou Dynasty and become the existence of the suzerain. Jicheng is not Opponents, even if the ancestors are there, they are afraid that they will not be able to recover much, and there are also ancestors in the ancestral realm in the mountain country.

  Wang Sheng smiled, "It seems that you really want Wang Mou to shoot."

   Ling Han bit her thin lips, "It's easy to defeat Shan Guo with the strength of an adult, but Ling Han also knows that it is not so simple at this time, he speaks offhand, offends the adult, and hopes the adult will punish him."

  Wang Sheng waved his hand with a smile, "It's just human nature, but although you said so, the fact is the same, but Wang Mou still won't shoot."

  Ling Han's look changed for the first time, but it quickly covered up.

   Wang Sheng looked indifferent, looking at the sky, "Because it is not the mountain country or the king of the mountain that affected your Jicheng's survival."

   Ling Han looked up suspiciously, looking at the place where Wang Sheng saw, wondering what Wang Sheng said.

Wang Sheng stretched out his hand, and suddenly the sky above was clear, the white clouds dispersed, and the brilliant balance spread across the world. Above, a black space hole slowly appeared, "Look, the real reason is coming." "

The voice fell, and suddenly a figure was dropped from the black hole in the sky. It was a half-carcass, and it fell from the ground with blood. This person was very powerful. Even so, the state of life was still strong, and the blood fell into a mass. The crystal blood mass of her exudes a strong momentum, and the man sealed his wound when he fell to the ground, and stood on the ground with only a half body, looking at the sky, but even so, his look was With horror, it seemed as if he had encountered something unimaginable before.

   This is an ancestral realm, an ancestral realm extremely familiar to Ling Han, the five generations of ancestors.

   And from the space black hole, there is a breath slowly, the Tao is filled, a field of the world completely fills the sky and even the black hole, or the other end of the black hole.

The whole world seemed to be at rest. From the black hole, a middle Confucian wearing a Confucian shirt slowly floated out. The body was spotless and clean. He held a three-foot green front in his hand and flicked gently in the void. The blood on the falls.

   is Dao Yuan.

He turned his eyes and saw Wang Sheng, and came to Wang Sheng in one step~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fisting salute, "Dao Yuan has seen Tian Zun, and he doesn't intend to disturb Tian Zun for this generation. Dao Yuan feels ashamed. "

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly, "Why, Wang is just living here, but what happened to the Daoist friends, he actually had to play the Dao realm. The ordinary ancestral realm should not make the Daoist so embarrassed."

Dao Yuan's face seemed to remain unchanged, shaking his head, "If there are only these ancestral realms, the number is large, Dao Yuan also has a way to deal with it, but before I got the news from Tianhuan Tianzun, did I have to make a quick decision to avoid causing it? accident."

  Wang Sheng thought deeply, "It seems that Taoism friends also knew about the fairy dynasty."

Dao Yuan was right, "This is exactly what happened this time. Even without such an accident, Dao Yuan will seek Heavenly Venerable to discuss the matter. According to Heavenly Fantasy Heavenly Venerable, the word of the central land is indeed its name. This is indeed this The center of the world is located. The continent at my feet is east of the center, far away. Even most of these ancestral realms have never been heard of."

   "However, you can be sure that the Xian Dynasty did not exist before, it is related to me."

   Dao Yuan is not as deep as a person. He refused to say the existence of the **** realm and the day when he took office. He only said that it is related to the Dao realm. Wang Sheng knew what he meant to express, and obviously also experienced a crisis.

"Actually, Tianhuan Tianzun circulated the ciphertext again not long ago, which was also the reason for Dao Yuan to develop Dao Realm. In the Xian dynasty, a so-called messenger came to find the existence of Dao Yuan Dao Yuan, intention Unknown, the Tianhuan Tianzun he first searched for, but Tianhuan Tianzun did not see him, and the messenger left without consulting the Tianzun." Dao Yuan leaked a message again.

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