Universal Asylum

Chapter 1408: See the poor

The messenger moved towards Wang Sheng, Dao Yuan nodded, turned and walked into the void to disappear.

  Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, and his footsteps disappeared in situ. Dao Yuan was also ordinary. In the blink of an eye, only the five generations of ancestors had complicated eyes to watch. Things were beyond his control, and he was unable to make more.

   "Both of them seem to have chosen to believe in the ambassador, or the artists are bold and ignorant of their existence."

   came here following the fluctuations in space, Wang Sheng saw a darkness, and suddenly sounded in his ears.

   "Nine Nether Land." Wang Sheng murmured.

"It seems that Wang Shengtian recognized this place, yes, this is the Nine Netherlands, and the place where the next two will be buried." The messenger's voice was clearer, and it seemed to be near. .

  Wang Sheng can only perceive his own existence, not Dao Yuan's existence.

   "It seems that there is no so-called edict, your purpose is that I waited, did the one behind you tell you of our existence." Wang Sheng's voice said flatly.

"There are still edicts, but they are not for you. You are not qualified to accept edicts, but you seem to be very confident yourself. The envoy also wants to see if your power, which is feared by Tianxian Tianzun, is worth the expectations ."

  Wang Sheng captured the words in the messenger's mouth, "You have met Tian Tian Tian Zun."

   "You have never heard of Wang Mou!"

   "It seems that Wang Mou did not actually enter the eyes behind you."

   In a series of three sentences, Wang Sheng said that he was affirmed one at a time, and the corners of his mouth slowly rose, as if he heard some good news.

   originally thought that his strength and existence had been exposed to the eyes of the gods who might be behind the scenes. Now it seems that he has been neglected by the invisible species.

   Combined with the words of the messenger, Tianxian Tianzun may be qualified to accept the edict in his mouth, but he and Daoyuan did not, and even his reputation may only be derived from the mouth of Tianxian Tianzun.

  Wang Sheng smiled softly, "Tian Tian Tian Zun, it is a good abacus."

   did not clearly show his existence, but things confirmed that the messenger called so-called conjecture, so that the messenger was interested in himself.

Wang Sheng shook his head, this messenger could not be his opponent, or in other words, this messenger may be able to kill Dao Realm, but it is definitely not an opponent of Dao Yuan's existence, no matter what arrangement or means, in this way.

He knew that Tianxian Tianzun could not be unclear, so the introduction of this messenger would not be a layout for himself, because the place of Zhou Dynasty had no power to deal with or let him enter the game, unless behind the scenes of Xian Chao Blackhand played in person.

   Therefore, the purpose of letting the messenger come is already very clear, at least it will not be a beneficial result for the messenger.

  Wang Sheng's direction gradually saw a sound, and a complete behemoth appeared in the darkness there, but in Wang Sheng's perception, it was clear that the fierce beast was the messenger, or the messenger.

   "It seems that this is your innate supernatural power." Wang Sheng said with a clear voice in the ear of the beast.

   "You found me!" The messenger's voice was full of surprise, "It's worthy of being outside the world, but it doesn't matter, bluffing is not my character, I am very interested in dealing with you."

   listened to Wang Sheng and then asked softly, "Can you answer Wang's doubts before the battle, what is the purpose of the existence of the fairy dynasty, or what order did you receive."

The messenger turned into a fierce beast, and his voice was a little grumpy. "Your question will know the answer. If it is common, you will be told to let you die, but the past lessons let me know that you are facing people outside. , It’s better not to spend too much time.”

   The voice of the fierce beast did not fall, and a ferocious roar came forward.

  The fierce beast and the darkness truly merged together, and came to Wang Sheng's side in an instant.

It also made Wang Sheng really see the appearance of this fierce beast, and it has no similarities with any fierce beasts and beasts in his memory. It seems to be a Tyrannosaurus-like land animal, with back spikes, and it is like a group. A huge hedgehog.

   But there is no doubt that the fierce breath is coming.

   This transformation is different from that of the old ancestors of the ancestral realm encountered before. One is based on the core of the fierce beast and its own bloodline changes. The other is a complete innate magical power.

   This kind of congenital supernatural power, the reason why the word congenital is added, because it can change out a complete fierce beast, with the form of a fierce beast, can fully display the strength of the fierce beast.

   Such a change is naturally not comparable to that of the old man.

  Under the same strength condition, this fierce beast can crush and kill the old man.

   What's more, the fierce beast in front of him was not so simple. It appeared in the Jicheng Palace at the beginning, showing a space-like supernatural power, and then can follow Dao Yuan to be undiscovered. It must also rely on this supernatural power.

   just didn't think that his innate supernatural powers belonged to the transformation type, just because the space supernatural powers belonged to the original fierce beast.

   This is equivalent to one body with two supernatural powers. It has to be said that this talent combined with the strength displayed at this time is enough to be proud of itself. In the central continent where the innate supernatural powers exist, I am afraid that it is not an unknown person.

The fierce beasts attacked Wang Sheng in the dark, and Wang Sheng seemed to be nervous. In fact, he evaded from the court, every time it seemed to be avoided on the occasion of a great deal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But again and again, even if it was the messenger Don't think so.

   The messenger who turned into a murderer seemed to be unwilling to talk too much, and with a roar, countless spikes on his body suddenly shot out, lacking shot at Wang Sheng, but in secret and space.

  As his figure threw himself again, a tingling sensation came from all over Wang Sheng.

   A sharp thorn appeared quietly from the space, aiming at all parts of his body, just a sharp sense was enough to feel the pain.

  Wang Sheng is like a swimming fish, but all the spikes are avoided as the countless spikes are about to erupt.

  The sharp thorn disappeared again, and at the same time, the messenger's body was desperately entangled to Wang Sheng.

  Wang Sheng can feel the fluctuation of space above the sharp thorn, just be afraid to touch and explode.

   And this person's intention is only to let Wang Sheng fall into the siege of these sharp thorns.

   "If it is just such strength, Xian Dynasty should not send you."

  Wang Sheng did not evade again, and an absolute space in the palm appeared, just like before.

  But only he knows that in the journey of this space, he has mobilized the power of his Taoism invisibly, making this space unique.

   As soon as the space appeared, all the thorns immediately stopped in the air.

  Wang Sheng reached out his finger and took down a sharp thorn, which contained a strong breath of space, but now it can no longer explode.

  :. :

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