Universal Asylum

Chapter 154: Buddha in the palm

The Buddha Kingdom can weaken the crisis!

Wang Sheng thought deeply. Isn't his crisis not the mysterious fourth wave of disaster, but an enemy? You need to rely on this supernatural power to fight the enemy. ???

The golden text rolled in his mind and turned into a mysterious Tao Yun to let him understand the meaning. Wang Sheng closed his eyes and participated in the research. His mind seemed to be drawn to a mysterious place by the text.

Everything is chaotic, boundless, thoughtless and ignorant, a sudden light splits the chaos, opens the sky, the clear gas rises, the turbid gas falls, and there is more thunder and fire raging, sweeping the four universes, the world seems to be unbearable, and the surrounding chaos squeezes Depressed, the sky is sinking, the clear air is scattered, and the wind and fire are encouraged, the ground is rising, and the turbid air spreads and invades the space.

Seeing the contact of clear air and turbid air, the chaos reappeared, only a loud cry, a giant stood between the heavens and the earth, his hands supported the sky, the feet stepped on the earth, the sound of the drinking continued, the heavens and the earth roared, gradually separated, the higher the sky, the higher the earth Sinking and sinking.

Suddenly, the thunder of the world flickered and slashed towards the giant!

Wang Sheng opened his eyes violently, and there was an earth-shattering scene in his eyes. After a while in his heart, he was afraid that he had inadvertently practiced cultivating magical powers and opened up a small world in his mind. Seeing the destruction of the world, he turned into a self. The giant wants to support the world.

He was terrified. If he really insisted to the end just now, he was afraid that the giant transformed by the power of his primal spirit would be exhausted by this, and he would die from it. Fortunately, he still had a little consciousness and he woke up in time.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Sheng was a little excited, this magical power is very suitable for himself!

The entry requirements of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the hand must actually comprehend the realm and visualize chaos to open the world on the basis of the realm, or open the world in the Yuanshen out of thin air, the Yuanshen can’t sustain the loss, nor can it control the formed world. The world and heaven will repeat chaos, and the Yuanshen will die accordingly.

Wang Sheng didn't use the boundary before and almost died.

In addition, he has a little advantage. Wang Sheng looked at the black stone tablet beside him. There was no text on the tablet. It looked extraordinary, but it was also passed on by magical power. He only knew that this stone tablet was the town boundary tablet.

As the name suggests, this stone monument has the function of suppressing the world!

Wang Sheng now knows that the Buddha Kingdom in his palm is a magical skill that can be cultivated only if he exists above the fairy gods. The first reason is that only the fairy people have the opportunity to comprehend the boundary space, and the second is because the newly opened world is very unstable. To suppress it, you must have the mana above the fairy god. Even ordinary fairy gods cannot suppress it, otherwise the world will gradually collapse.

In addition, there is a class of treasures that can replace fairy gods and stabilize the world. The town boundary monument is one of them, or a choice at the highest level.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered, although somebody left this monument, but now he has succeeded.

Stretching out his hand to touch the stele, Wang Sheng's lips slightly opened, and the mysterious Dao sounds were spoken by him, turning into invisible characters and falling on the black stele. The black stele began to tremble, and as Wang Sheng accelerated, the tremor violently.

Suddenly, the stele flew from the ground and gradually shrunk, one inch, two inches. After a moment, Wang Sheng closed his mouth and looked at the crystal stone in his hand with a small amount of joy. Now, this stone has been completely collected by him, only He needs to open up the world and suppress the stele in the center of the world.

At this time, more than half an hour had passed since Wang Sheng used the medium chance, and the remaining time was less than half.

Wang Sheng did not delay, he wanted to practice magical power within the range of his chance, hoping for a bonus.

Crossing his knees and closing his eyes, his mind moved his eyebrows, and a three-foot square light blue space was slowly released. Then he visualized the golden text and evolved chaos. His mind was once again involved in the mysterious world.

"Open!" Drink it all! If the thunderbolt turned into a giant axe on a sunny day, the chaos scattered, the clear air rose, and the turbid gas fell. A small world was born. Geomantic fires appeared around the scatter and thunder and fire spread.

Seeing the sky falling and the earth rising, it is necessary to repeat the previous scene, Wang Sheng said again, "Close!"

Immediately, the boundary space around was steeply retracted, and a pale cyan bead was formed at the center of the eyebrow, and then disappeared in a whirl.

At the same time, in the chaotic world of the mind, light blue beads appeared in the center, and then burst into a light blue space. The power merged with the surrounding space. Suddenly, the sky did not fall but rose, and the earth settled again.

The space rumbling expanded, gradually, the sky and earth expanded to the limit no longer changed, only to see a black light appeared in the center of the world, and rumbling into a huge stone landed on the ground.

An invisible wave spread from the center of the stele around, and the world suddenly stabilized completely.

"It's done!" On the black stone tablet, a figure appeared, looking around with great joy, it was Wang Sheng's Yuanshen projection.

At this point, the magic power of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm was finally practiced.

Outside, Wang Sheng opened his eyes, and there was a trace of rejoicing in his eyes. He could feel that there was a real space in the center of his eyebrows. He suddenly raised his palm and his heart moved. Suddenly, the space at the center of the eyebrows appeared on the palm. Wang Sheng Try to press the black mist around.

Suddenly, the black mist around the area decreased sharply, and at the same time, the black gas in the palm space reappeared and spread like a spirit on the edge of the black stele.

It was only an instant that the black mist in the sarcophagus was all sucked into the space by Wang Sheng, forming a black world around the stone monument in the space, and his mind moved again, and the black mist appeared again in the sarcophagus.

Wang Sheng was very happy and exhaled for a long time. Sure enough, this magical power was completed, and the sense of crisis in his heart was mostly removed. The throbbing feeling that he felt that he would die at any time finally disappeared.

At the bottom of the heart is Panasonic, Wang Sheng looks at the black mist thoughtfully. I don’t know why this mist is formed, but its power is extraordinary. Even if the fairy goddess like the purple clothes fairy is also cut off, the finger can see the magic. If you take it out of it, you will have it. Wonderful.

Wang Sheng stretched out his palm again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly, the black mist was sucked into the space again, hovering beside the black stone monument.

The sarcophagus is unobstructed by black mist, very clear and empty.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered to look at a few portraits, and the medium chance was only five minutes away.

He looked at it again from the first portrayal, and it took a minute to read it all. Unfortunately, there was no mystery. Wang Sheng did not give up. A sword gas appeared in his hand and severely cut to the edge of the portrayal, trying to cut the portrayal completely.

The fire was shining, and the sword gas collided with the stone wall to make a gold-iron clash, and then the sword gas slammed, but the stone wall was not damaged at all!

Wang Sheng took a deep breath, and a huge sword gas appeared in his hand, splitting against the stone wall, but the sword gas broke again, and the stone wall was motionless. Wang Sheng shook his head and gave up.

At this time, there were only three minutes left. Wang Sheng spent another two minutes walking around the sarcophagus, but there was still nothing. Finally, his eyes flickered and looked up at the stone cover.

(To be continued.) 8

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