Universal Asylum

Chapter 1565: 1 other civilization

The other party's avatar disappeared, and it was such an avatar with such a powerful force, and would not care. Wang Sheng needs to think that the other party may be a true fourth existence, whether it is its deity, or more fusion , Will you choose to come to this material world again.

  Wang Sheng shook his head. In any case, the cause and effect of him and this existence were settled. Perhaps the other party would despise him before, but now it will certainly be invaluable, because Wang Sheng's existence is very close to him.

   Leaving aside this character, only for the way of presenting the fusion avatar of Zipao people, Wang Sheng is actually very interested.

   This kind of avatar exists alone, and has certain cultivation, and also has its own personality.

   As before in the universe, Wang Sheng didn't find anything at all before the other party hadn't merged, the three long, somewhat similar existences were actually a person.

  If it is not the other party's active exposure, Wang Sheng will not find out.

   And there is no connection between them, as if they all exist independently. This way of existence is definitely contrary to common sense and should not exist, but it is a real existence.

   reminded Wang Sheng of his original avatar of the ancient god. To a certain extent, the trace of the ancient avatar of his deity was very rare, and ordinary people could not find the connection between him and the avatar.

But even the ancient **** avatar at that time could not be truly free and became another existence. His thoughts never had true independence, and Wang Sheng would not allow it to be independent. He needed complete control over himself, he would not Allow yourself the possibility of division.

  Wang Sheng thought, and eventually shook his head, he would not do the method of the fusion of the purple robe, even if the fusion would produce a more powerful force, he would not do so.

   But the truth contained in its method of fusion is worthy of Wang Sheng's consideration, and Wang Sheng is also happy to get the other party's method of fusion, for reference, to see if it will be useful to him.

  Wang Sheng's palm turned over and pulled out a broken golden clock. The Taoism above the golden clock had no trace of it. The wall of the golden clock was very glorious, but the cracks in the road destroyed the beauty.

  The shrunken golden bell only has the thickness of fingers, and it is as large as a soybean in the palm of your hand.

   But the power of such a golden bell is not unusual, it can easily destroy everything, and even enlarge it to accommodate the entire world.

Wang Sheng looked at the small golden bell, and after losing the breath and trace of Taoism, the golden bell gave him a unique sense of familiarity. He intuitively felt that this thing was somewhat similar to his refined Tianzhu, with the same amount I feel that there are still incomplete temples.

  Wang Sheng can know that this feeling is not false, but real.

   Actually, when Wang Sheng discovered Tianzhu and temples a long time ago, he discovered that temples and Tianzhu are actually different from the things in this world.

   seems to come from another world, from another unique civilization.

   This feeling can now be confirmed. Wang Sheng knew that there are indeed differences in civilization, and even the path of training is different.

  The charm that Tianzhu and the temple gave him was not a Taoist civilization, nor a civilization that Yun Zhongzi worked hard to recover, but another unique civilization.

  The energy exists in a strange way. Even if Wang Sheng started to refine for so long, he didn't know anything about it.

   Now that he has got this small golden bell again, Wang Sheng really confirmed his guess that these three treasures should all belong to a unique cultivation civilization and strange cultivation path.

   And he did really come into contact with a civilization different from Taoism long ago.

  Wang Sheng shook his head slightly. He was still too early to contact Tianzhu and peace, and the level was too low. If he is now in contact, he may actually find that there is a different cultivation path and civilization.

   may be able to help him establish his Dao heart earlier, and now the core strength should also develop more perfect.

   Of course, all of this is impossible. Everyone wants to change their time and cook as perfect as possible.

   But time can go backwards, and the pace of stepping out will never change. There is only one main river of time.

  Wang Sheng suddenly thought of the earth space barrier that existed in Tianzhu at that time. He wanted to enter there at that time, but there was a strong resistance that prevented him from entering successfully.

  He thought it was just an ordinary world plane. It seems strange now that the location of Tianzhu and the temple is a bit too coincidental.

Whether it is related to another world, Wang Sheng had to raise this speculation, it seems that there is a need to go there afterwards, but it is not now, the task is only the world in front of me, and the risky exploration caused unexpected accidents, leading to another A force joining the dispute is more than worth the loss.

   But there is no way to explore that world, and the things in hand still have the value of exploration.

  Wang Sheng took one step and disappeared directly.

  He appeared in the small green world, and the palace was transformed into a palace, but Wang Sheng raised his hand and released a temple, standing beside the palace.

   Wang Sheng looked closely, this temple now has no strange places, and it is not much different from the original look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Wang Sheng has a feeling, this thing is not so simple.

   This temple was once loaned to Qing Dynasty, and now Tianqing was dispatched by Wang Sheng to work with the two ancestral realms conquered by this world.

  The temple returned to his hands.

  Wang Sheng can't see anything strange, but feels that the temple and the golden bell seem to have some connection.

  Thinking this way, a golden bell appeared in his hand, and he threw it gently towards the temple, but nothing happened unexpectedly.

  The Admiralty fell into the temple without any force, and fell on the bluestone floor, making a clear sound.

  Before Admiralty was a Buddha stand without Buddha statues, or a Buddha stand with only half-length Buddha statues, as if abandoned for a long time.

  Wang Sheng didn't enter it, just felt that there was nothing strange about this golden bell and temple in front of him, but there are indeed some things to be seen.

   However, Wang Sheng hasn't noticed this yet. He carefully observed it. What is it?

  He Yu Guang suddenly saw the golden palace on the side. The palace and the temple looked out of place. There was a clear dividing line between the two.

   Wang Sheng's eyes were fixed, and he thought that the golden bell and the temple seemed to be one. There was no dissonance, and there was no disharmony between the palace and the temple.

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly, it seems that he guessed it correctly. This golden bell is a thing produced by civilization in the temple and even the Tianzhu, and even there is a connection between them.

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