Universal Asylum

Chapter 1598: correct incorrect

There was movement from another area of ​​the Nine Nether, which is another core area belonging to the Nine Nether, from which there is a vast chain of Taoism and order, completely awakening the other half of the Nine Nether, and a huge one 'S body stepped out of the Nine Nether, he was naked and took a big step, only a few steps came to the combat area, and then raised his hand to the black smoke area that Moro turned into, but there was no damage to the smoke at all On the contrary, it is called the surging force that directly presses Haotian among them.

   "It turns out there is another one here." Hao Tian's face was indifferent, his gaze slightly turned, and the sword in his hand was gently stroked, and this power was cut apart by the withering.

   "Luo Tian, ​​help me resist this person, the cause and effect between you and me are clear." There was a hoarse voice of Mo Luo in the smoke.

   Luo Tian nodded, "Okay." He looked at Haotian, "This Daoist offended."

  The body was filled with a white light, which was the white light of order and Tao culture, covering his body, at this time a sword had been pierced.

  A sword swayed the layers of order and power, ignoring any obstacles, even Luo Tian could not contend, his body swayed towards the rear, and the white light on his body was flooded again.

"Why haven't you lost your way, don't you want to be the master." Haotian wandered out, the sword in his hand still carrying the vast power, and the black smoke turned by Mo Luo had already left, Haotian could not Stop, because he has been locked by Luo Tian's Taoism and will, and once his body is shaken, he will be immediately involved.

   Luo Tian's voice was thick, and it seemed that there was a sequelae of not opening for too long, "I have my way to go, Mo Luo has abandoned his own way, and has gone the wrong way."

Haotian looked at Luotian a little surprised at this moment. This kind of cognition is not simple. It is not a simple thing to put in front of him, but it is the real master. It seems to be within reach, but this person gave up, Just to stick to his own path, this is a terrifying opponent.

  Tiandi Haotian threw the sword in his hand, and threw it to Yang Jian aside, "Use this sword, don't disappoint him."

   Luo Tian's eyes narrowed, "Don't you use this sword."

   Haotian looked indifferent, but this kind of expression was the most majestic, "I am a heavenly emperor, why not use a sword."

His brow radiates light, diffuses toward the front, and turns into a layer of barriers, which is a layered world composed of barriers, which is filled with the path of the Heavenly Emperor, and is also the boundary space of the Heavenly Emperor. There were countless shouts, as if there were countless creatures shouting, and the mighty fighting intentions came out of it, drowning the whole world, and swept the battlefields of Luo Tian and Hao Tian.

   seemed to be just a trance. The emperor in front of him was already sitting in the emperor's robe, wearing an emperor's robe, holding a gold seal in his hand, and gently printing towards Luotian.

  The endless brilliance swept from Yin Yin towards Luo Tian in front of him. It seemed that they were all creatures, and each one of them was bounded by the heavenly emperor's avenue and attacked Luo Tian.

   "A good and overbearing way, a good and overbearing Haotian Heavenly Emperor." Luo Tian's eyes flickered, such a avenue is full of uniqueness, extremely repelling other avenues, and repelling himself.

He was also amazed before, why such a powerful one can survive to the point of not taking over the dominant position now, and now it seems that its avenue is full of overbearing, even the dominant position that is not suitable for him will only be rejected, of course, it is more him The road of assimilation is assimilated than the road of domination, but such a heavenly emperor is not a heavenly emperor.

   "You have a lot of words to say, the so-called Mo Luo only dominates, but has gone the wrong way. With one sentence, I can let you see what is the way of Heavenly Emperor." Heavenly Emperor shouted loudly.

   "The way of the emperor is to control the power, to control the heavens, to be unique to oneself, to the heart, to the body, not to seek foreign objects, but to be alone!"

It seems as if the self-confidence full of Daoyun proclaims that the Nine Nether World is boiling, because Heavenly Emperor is demonstrating his own way, and the existence of Nine Nether seems to be unable to tolerate his way, allowing Heavenly Emperor to squeeze the entire Nine Nether Realm, even on the side Yang Jian was excluded from the area. If it wasn’t for Zhuxian Jian’s hand, Yang Jian was afraid of being affected by this avenue and would lose his eligibility to seek Taoism. After all, he was only a quasi-fourth step. The fourth step cannot be reached.

Heavenly Emperor’s way shocked the Nine Nether, and the dark fog on the other side was also affected. Its eroded road was hindered, and Moro snorted sullenly, "The so-called avenues are all wrong if they are not masters. Luo Tian, ​​you despise my way, but I want to prove the position of the master, and you only have to stick to your old road and paint before you walk in hopelessness."

   "If you do not dominate, no matter how powerful the road is!"

He screamed in the sky, not to mention the Nine Nether that could not be eroded, but the mighty wave of magic turned towards the Nine Nine, the world of conscious matter, he eroded everything, even space Even if it is chaos, he invades the entire material world at a rapid speed, turning it into nourishment to nourish the magic tide. It can be said that the current magic tide is eroding his domain, so even if he strips off his own way, strips himself The power of it is also absolutely powerful in this field~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The material world seems to have no power at this time. After blocking a critical wave, it was once again invaded by the Nine Nether.

   Or it can be said that there is also an absolute defense, that is, it belongs to the tributaries of the mother river introduced by Yang Jian, provided that these tributaries of the mother river can be controlled by Yang Jian.

In the Nine Serenities Yang Jian opened his eyes, and the Zhuxianjian in his hand twitched slightly, and made contact with him. He turned to look to the side. It was the battlefield of the Emperor and Luotian. The vast and impoverished people could not intervene.

   Yang Jian held the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and the three-pointed and two-edged sword was put away by him. He turned back expressionlessly and looked at the sky. There was the mighty area of ​​the magic wave of Moluo, and also the area connecting the material world.

"All you want to protect is your own way, and what I want to protect is the uncles and ancestors, many worlds living in the same door." Yang Jian muttered to himself, there was no more waves in his heart, "You and I are different after all, God!"

   He took the Zhuxian sword and stepped forward, stepped on the mother river, and rushed into the magic tide. No matter how he controlled the mother river, he couldn't stop Moro from eroding the material world, but he rushed in without hesitation.

  Blinking the sword light, the magic tide opened a mouth, but soon closed, Yang Jian's figure disappeared.

   "That's a nice young man. It's worth your distractions. Are you sure you don't want to control him."

   Luo Tian, ​​who was fighting with the Emperor, suddenly opened his mouth, and the Emperor looked majestic, but just snorted. "Since he doesn't agree with my way, then he will break out of a way by himself."

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