Universal Asylum

Chapter 1607: Moro and Luotian

His will seemed to be scattered, Yang Jian's last thought turned out to be the case, that's why he let himself escape as much as possible.

   and then was deeply regretful, he still did not escape far enough!

  The will is about to fall into darkness, when Yang Jian hears an indifferent voice.

   "Sorry, Wang is too short to control this supernatural power, and he cannot control the aftermath. Fortunately, you are fine."

A force scattered him to close his body together, together with his will, he saw everything here, and also felt everything, a warm and incomparable force enveloped him, let his body heal, loss The body is also being repaired gradually.

   "Let's go first." It was still a quiet and calm voice, and then I felt that the body was flying towards the sky and was attracted by a powerful force.

  The mother river was very close to him, his body?? automatically emitted a road belonging to him, the mother river touched each other, and then the mother river surrounded him.

   Until he really took control of his body, he saw a purple palace appear in front of him. Even if the mythical world existed at that time, he hadn't seen Zixiao Palace several times.

   Yang Jian immediately regained consciousness and looked down. Through the Chaos Mother River, he saw the last madness of the magic wave. He heard a bell at night, which was the power of order that replaced chaos and madness.

  Wang Sheng didn't walk as before. After sending Yang Jian away, he played the power of Jin Zhong without any worries.

   At the same time, the power in his body is also extremely depleted. Although he has achieved the physical body of the mirror, the physical strength is no longer a short board, but it still cannot supplement the consumption at this time.

However, Wang Sheng didn't have many. In the face of opponents like Mochao, it is impossible to win a complete victory without doing his best. It must be completely eliminated without traces, otherwise Mochao will be born, among which the will of Moro It will be completely born.

   Of course, looking at Wang Sheng's current eyes, Demolo was afraid that Moro was no longer the beginning.

  In the beginning, Moro set up a timeless layout and dared to abandon the road to prove that it was a possibility of Moro, but he was destined to be destroyed when Wang Sheng and the World Extinguishing Beehive appeared.

   After that, his will was greatly stimulated by Wang Sheng's constant destruction, leading to a chaotic will. Such a Moro had already fallen.

  Wang Sheng is only dealing with a magic wave without will.

   His core strength is more easily destroyed in the face of the magic wave. This is the existence of the nemesis. At this time, the strength of the power is increased, and the two magic waves are constantly destroyed.

   The crazy and chaotic will is constantly consumed.

From the perspective of the Satoshi Material World, the previous material world has been completely shrouded in black smoke, but now it looks like these smoke are constantly dissipating, extremely thin, and can no longer be called endless darkness, then It is a thin force that can be penetrated.

   The bell chimed in the black mist, and the black mist was destroyed with the bell. Wang Sheng's side was completely clean, and the only thing left was the black smoke power at the edge of the mouth.

   Victory seems to be in sight!

   But at this moment, Wang Sheng suddenly looked up at a direction of the black mist, and then spoke slowly.

   The voice fell, and suddenly an extremely powerful energy erupted at the position where Wang Sheng looked. If Moro was extremely dark, then the current light was pure white!

   a figure strode forward in this white energy species, looked carefully, the eyebrows were so familiar.


  Luo Tian, ​​who should have left long ago, appeared here at this moment, and he came toward Wang Sheng without saying a word, and the dark power around him was strangely harmonious with these bright powers.

Wang Sheng’s voice is still ringing through the bell, “Wang Wang should have discovered long ago that it’s just that you are hiding too thoroughly. If it’s not that the power of the magic wave has disappeared too much, let you show signs, or really You are waiting for the time."

   "Also, a power that can be separated from the magic wave for a really long time, how can it be simple."

  Wang Sheng's words did not cause any waves. The existence in the white energy was like a god, saying nothing, maintaining the indifferent majesty rushing towards Wang Sheng.

   But the sound of the golden bell also constantly weakened his power, and the **** was also reduced layer by layer.

   The body in it was also trembling, but I didn’t know if it was too strong, causing Wang Sheng’s bells to wear down his strength layer by layer, but he still kept running towards Wang Sheng at a rapid speed.

   At this time, Wang Sheng's voice had also come to an end, and he seemed to ask, "Is this the case, you who are also the magic wave!"

   The voice fell, and the figure in the distance seemed not to be concealed at all. He roared directly, and then the surrounding power exploded, and he himself burst into layers of energy, flowing towards the surrounding like a big river.

  Like the way the Mocha Moro spread out before, Luo Tian is also unfolding like this, it seems to be showing Wang Sheng's judgment, this is also the incarnation of Demon Tide, although the power form is different, but it is also the incarnation of Demon Tide.

Above the mother river, Yang Jian's face was green before the Zixiao Palace, his palms clenched tightly. He didn't expect such a change at this time.

   At this time, the white wave completely occupied all the places originally occupied by Moro~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even more powerful, violently slamming towards the mother river above, undulating the waves of the mother river.

  Muhe's crackdown didn't have much effect.

   Obviously, the power of this white magic wave is more powerful.

   Finally, a voice came out of the magic wave, and it was still thick, which made people feel good when they heard it.

   "The original desire of the seat left directly, but there is a world extinction, why not blame it? The honeycomb appeared too late, as for your awakening grace, this seat can only fail."

   Luo Tian was very sober at this time. The sober magic wave was much stronger than the previous Moro, and on the power of the magic wave alone, the magic wave at this time had more powerful power.

  Because Luo Tian didn't give up his way, he didn't give up his fourth step strength, so the magic wave at this time suddenly reached the peak level.

Yang Jian above the mother river seems to have seen the mass destruction that destroyed the mythological world.

  Wang Sheng's voice was still calm in such a magic wave, he finally asked, "Can you know your true relationship with Moro."

   There was a silence in the white magic wave for a long time, and the voice sounded for a long time, "I am thinking about the cause and effect relationship with you. This and the question can be answered. I and Moro are two sides, but now it has nothing to do."

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly, "That is to say, the mass destruction that destroyed the mythical world, that is, the master is actually a fusion of you and Moro!"

   was shocking, Yang Yang froze above the mother river.

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