Universal Asylum

Chapter 160: The coming crisis

   The vast sea, a cyan escape light vigorously flies, some time later, a small island finally appeared on the sea surface, escape light circle around the island, and landed on the island.

  The natural light is Wang Sheng, down to earth, he took a deep breath and turned to look around the island.

This island is very small, the shape of the whole is a boot, ten miles wide and nearly a hundred miles long. He is now at the highest point of the island, which is the highest position of the island. Standing here, you can See the whole picture of the island.

   saw that the island was full of black stones, no trees and flowers, no vitality, and it looked extremely desolate.

   Wang Sheng's eyes shifted to the sea around the island. The sea water was blue and very clear, but there was no waves. Just like a wave of backwaters, there was no fish or shrimp in the sea.

   Dead Sea! Only this name can describe this sea area.

However, Wang Sheng is not surprised. On this way, the waters he passed by did not know how many miles, and no vitality was found. Unlike the land and the Western divine sea bases that he passed before, although there are also desolate, there are many dinosaurs and so on. Creatures, the sea is also full of all kinds of creatures, there is no lack of vitality.

  He couldn't help wondering whether this sea area was so desolate, or was it due to external forces.

Wang Sheng is more inclined to the latter. He looks up at the sky, the sky is still flowing, just like the time is accelerating, the clouds in the sky are passing by at a very fast rate, a cloud passes like a year, and the top of his head has already passed Countless clouds.

   He suspected that the reason why the sea is not alive is probably due to this mysterious disaster.

   I am afraid that the acceleration of the sky above the head is not an illusion, but the real acceleration of time. After all, when he did not use the palm of the Buddha to resist, the life span will instantly pass by 20 years.

   That is to say, the whole of heaven and earth is accelerating in time and space, and everything is unable to resist and disappear in the might of time and time, as is the vitality in seawater.

The reason why Wang Sheng can resist the time is probably because the Buddha Kingdom in his palm is a complete space, so that he jumped out of this world, so he looked at this world and it was very strange, just like jumping out of the river of time and watching the changes of the world, However, he has never been able to participate.

  Wang Sheng couldn't help being glad, he learned the palm of the Buddha in advance, otherwise he would have died and died in the power of time.

   He guessed that if he wanted to survive in this big disaster, he must be cultivated as an immortal god, otherwise he would not be able to spend the time.

   "Perhaps only a few of those reincarnations can save." Wang Sheng thought secretly, but he also did not care for mercy, because his situation was also in jeopardy.

  The appearance of the Golden Dragon reminded him a lot. Although he did not hear the conversation between the person transformed by the stone statue and the Golden Dragon, one thing he saw clearly was that the Golden Dragon and the stone statue were definitely not samsara!

In this world, except for the reincarnation, there is no other person. The only possibility is that they are the native souls of this world, and this world cannot be cultivated after the catastrophe of the world, let alone become an immortal. Just by looking at Bai Suzhen, there are countless white lame Years, almost Shouyuan exhaustion can not become immortals, so they can only cultivate the existence of immortals before the world changes.

   But in order to avoid the world disaster, they all lurked to wait for the opportunity.

Wang Sheng couldn’t help thinking that Bai Suzhen had told him that before the world changed, Daomen moved the world’s monks, and even Daomen could avoid it decades in advance, not to mention Man Tianxian God. Up, Golden Dragon is definitely just one of them.

   "Jinlong is only here to explore the way. Soon, the immortal gods may come one by one." Wang Sheng was very heavy.

   This is hardly a conjecture, but a plain fact. It is foreseeable that when the time is really ripe, fairy gods like the Golden Dragon will come in groups. At that time, this world will not be as simple as a medium-sized world.

   And his strength can be preserved in the middle world, and even hegemony, but in front of the fairy, it is nothing.

   But he turned to wonder where these fairy gods were hiding, and why he chose to come at this time. After all, he is still in a big disaster, and the avenue is also incomparable. I am afraid that there are also many threats to the existence of fairy gods.

  Wang Sheng seriously thought that the Lord God would not count them as the power of this world. They must not be in this world or even this universe. Did they go to other universes? Looking at the way the Golden Dragon appeared, it was indeed like crossing over.

   Also, if you want to avoid this world disaster, you can only go the other universe.

   And they are taking advantage of the time of the world disaster, only to prove that they are waiting for this opportunity, this time point must have the value to let them come, even if they risk the disaster!

   What is this value? The things that can make the gods take risks risklessly, Wang Sheng's brow furrowed, only to feel that there are more and more problems, the fog is getting heavier and heavier, and everything is in a mess.

   Eventually, he had no choice but to smile bitterly. He also got the horns of the horns. These problems had little to do with him. He could not protect himself, even if he saw the plan of the fairy god.

   "Fairy gods are about to come down, and the world is changing again and again, and they will be in chaos. In this chaotic world, only strength is the only way to rely." Wang Sheng couldn't help sighing.

   Now he dare not extravagantly seize the origin of the world to complete the task. The water in this world is much muddier than he thought. The fairy is still alive. The origin of the world is not something he can touch.

   And he has only 20 years of life left now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 20 years, and he passed by in his fingertips. Maybe he won't wait until the immortal comes, and Wang Sheng laughs at himself.

   There is only one way to get rid of such a status quo, that is to promote Jindan, or even become a fairy! Only in this way will his Shouyuan grow, and his strength will be greatly improved. Not to mention fighting against the gods, at least his life is guaranteed.

  Wang Sheng took a deep breath and was a little nervous. Whether he could take this step before the immortal **** came down, or before the end of his life, he had no idea. After all, the realm of Dajin Jindan is extraordinary, and it is already the last step of Cheng Xian.

  Want to take this step, in addition to the incomparable presence of pure sun in Yuanshen Condensation, he must also realize his own world.

In the latter case, Wang Sheng is not too worried. The other avenues dare not say that he is very familiar with the space avenue. He even comprehends the realm in advance and cultivates the Buddha kingdom in his palm. Even in the fairy gods, he dare not say that the space avenue exceeds him. This is due to the fact that since he got the system, whether it is to shuttle the world to the void or use magical power, it is related to space.

   Such a unique environment, a pig can also appreciate something.

So what to worry about is that only a pure sun appears in Yuanshen, but Wang Sheng is also a little sure. After all, the dinosaur Nedan he obtained has the effect of refining Yuanshen, plus the Taixu Jindan used to take his Yuan God has refined it eighteen times, and it has become very condensed.

   But despite this, the time it takes to refine Chunyang may not be small.

   (To be continued.)

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