Universal Asylum

Chapter 1613: Traction fusion

The attraction of World Avenue and the World Extinguishing Honeycomb is facing each other, which seems to be evenly matched, but except for Wang Sheng’s inability to persist for a long time, the reason why World Extinguishing Honeycomb did not destroy the world in the first place was not because its strength was insufficient, but It is not yet promoted to the level of Wang Sheng's world.

   The space in the real place is special, just like a high-latitude space, you can project power towards the bottom, but the power below you want to show only through the space to the high latitude, which is the real world.

   Wang Sheng took a deep look at the will floating above the spear. When the strong man pierced the spear, there might be hope, or maybe the owner of the spear was not reconciled to the real destruction.

  Wang Sheng did not make any movement in the end, he walked out of this world, did not resist the suction that came next, and the spiritual power avatar landed directly downward again.

   is also an endless darkness, and is always eroded. If the power has not been coming from the outside, he will even feel that the suction is falling into eternal silence.

However, as he descends to faster and faster distances, the difficulty of replenishing power also increases. After all, his consciousness cannot be reduced endlessly. He will always lose his power for a moment, leaving only this conceptual conscious embodiment. .

  Wang Sheng closed his eyes tightly in the outside world, the real space realm, suddenly sighed, and then opened his eyes, he thought slightly.

   Just before, he was finally forced to stop the supply of conceptual consciousness, because the distance was too far, because of his lack of power.

   The only thing that exists now is the conceptual conscious avatar. Until the avatar is consumed, his exploration will stop here.

The incarnation of conceptual consciousness is himself, so he can always perceive the information transmitted by the conceptual consciousness at present, but after all, there is no real sense of personal contact, and the traces of vicissitudes and loneliness of time can not be truly understood.

  Wang Sheng groaned slightly, the truth of the World Extinguishment Hive was afraid that no one had ever explored it, and no one could know that those black holes were all afraid of being individuals, not a real whole.

   But there is no overestimation of the horror of the annihilation of the hive, this thing is more unsolvable and more terrifying than he thought.

  A single black hole is scary enough. The combined threat generated by so many together directly increases. Even the world dominated by an owner eventually turns into ruins, and eventually the entire world becomes silent and absorbed into nutrients.

   Such a horrible black hole has no real sense of horror, and the feeling of being omnipotent as the master seems to disappear from then on.

   This kind of sense of difference is afraid that a real master can't accept it, but Wang Sheng is okay. After all, he still doesn't have the strength of a real master.

  He is calm in his heart. Since there is such a thing of strength, he will continue to make progress and evolve. In the end, he can even compare his shoulders or even get rid of this impression.

  Wang Sheng was firm-minded. He was mentally focused, and while looking at everything that the conceptual conscious incarnation touched, he looked down. There was no threat to the material world after the World Extinguishment Hive was led away by him.

   However, there are still traces of magic tide in the material world, which is also a major hazard.

I saw that Yun neutron flew back into the material world, he stepped on the mother river, the seal in his hand changed, and the Zixiao Palace behind him flew up and suppressed downward, and the whole world suddenly shook, and what was left The demon tide began to fluctuate wildly, to counter the threat posed by Zixiao Palace.

  On the other hand, Zixiao Palace fell steadily towards the bottom, gently suppressing it.

   The whole world seems to be shaking lightly. At the next moment, the tide of the magic tide bursts and disappears, and the magic tide without will cannot withstand the power of Zixiao Palace.

  Despite the decline and the absence of the owner, Zixiao Palace is not easy to ignore. Among them, the power level is placed there, and the magic wave can be completely suppressed easily.

   The magic tide collapsed, even if he desperately fled around, he was completely suppressed by the purple gold light.

  Since then, the material world has quieted down. Yang Jian's expression contains heartfelt joy, which is finally over.

   He looked at the figure and took a deep breath, "Uncle Master!"

Yun neutron turned his head, it seemed to nod gently to Yang Jian, and then left Zixiao Palace directly, the mother river moved again, with the cloud neutron moving, meandering to the world, where it disappeared in the hive After that, a huge world slowly came from outside the world.

   That world is a real realm, full of chaos, which is full of chaos and chaos. Compared with chaos, maybe this is real chaos.

  The cloud neutron dragged the mother river towards the world. The Zixiao Palace above the mother river seemed to sense something as it approached, and gently vibrated. A unique breath began to hover above the Zixiao Palace, and the golden bell vibrated gently.

  Followed by Yang Jian's heart, there was speculation about the world. The scene was very similar to the scene he had heard of.

   That was the legendary flood, or the world before the flood, when the world was not open.

   Yang Jian trembles in his heart, and seems to know what Yun neutron is going to do.

In the infinite real space, Wang Sheng also already knows what the cloud neutron is going to do Heeding the reason why Yang Jian and Yun neutron manipulated, this is now the last characteristic of the mythological world, and this chaotic world is the carrier that Yun neutron found for the mother river.

   And what is going on now is a fusion process, he wants the mythical world to really reappear and recover.

   Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, quietly watching Yun neutron's actions. No matter how unexpected Yun neutron's plan was finally carried out, he now seemed to be in an awkward situation.

   He seemed to be used by Yun neutron.

   Wang Sheng's eyes were calm, his heart was quiet, quietly waiting for the world below to touch.

   With the passage of time, finally, the huge chaotic world finally came into contact with the mother river drawn by the cloud neutron, and a peculiar ripple was born.

  The cloud neutron as the Zixiao Palace rises, slowly falls towards the distant wilderness world, and the mother river behind him slowly surrounds the entire wilderness world.

   There was any repulsion between the two.

  Everything seems to be completed smoothly, and the chaotic breath has no effect on the mother river and the cloud neutrons in it.

   Even later Yang Jian flew into the wilderness world.


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