Universal Asylum

Chapter 1622: space

Devouring countless realms to transform themselves into self-reliance, these levels treat the so-called master as food.

Wang Sheng couldn’t control to miss the cyan heart. It seemed that the heart was deeply engraved in memory. Although it was just a picture, the existence of this picture was that countless information had to be accepted, and he went on his own ideas. Changing the ideas of others, this is the impact of high-level to low-level, unavoidable.

The cyan heart grows like a heart, but it may also be a creature that looks like this. Wang Sheng does not know if he finally found himself. Anyway, his conscious incarnation finally shattered in the shock, but except In addition, there is no feeling involved in itself. At the level of the blue heart, if you want to trace his own, there should be no problem at all. Perhaps his appearance did not disturb its existence, and the vibration was just a normal vibration. .

Wang Sheng closed his eyes and began to recover himself. After undergoing the change of the blue heart, all of him was hit hard. Fortunately, in the previous process, his physical body has begun to recover. At the speed of physical recovery, this The process will not be long. Once the body is restored, all the rest of him will be grown up like it.

Wang Sheng was finally awakened by a shock. At this moment, his real body has appeared sitting on the spot, the physical body of the **** realm has replaced the imaginary projection, and the conceptual consciousness power, Taoism power and core power are all contained in it. The overall process of raising, restoring is good.

Wang Sheng woke up and frowned slightly, the time did not last long, just a few days, but he looked at the source of the vibration that woke him up, that was the wind direction of the World Extinguishing Honeycomb, and the World Extinguishing Honeycomb in his eyes was so huge, Or, it's a lot closer.

During the time when he fell into recovery, the World Extinguishing Honeycomb abruptly passed through layers of obstacles, crossing the road and gradually approaching real space, and looking at this speed of travel, it would not take too long to approach real space, Wang Sheng From the endless darkness, I felt the threat, and even the malice emanating from the blue heart.

He was slightly silent, and if the existence of the World Extinguishing Beehive was just a dead object, it might be manipulated, but if it was a living thing, even if it fell into obsession, it could not make more.

Wang Sheng hesitated slightly in the eyes, and finally a conceptual consciousness appeared in his body. This was the consciousness he reverted to. He was directly invested in the annihilating beehive below, and the light car was familiar with the resistance of the surrounding, and then directly entered In one of the passages, it fell without hesitation.

Wang Sheng found that he couldn’t tell which channel he had entered before. The brand left behind had disappeared, and he couldn’t even find it. He suddenly understood that this was the function of the World Extinguishing Honeycomb itself, and the huge message of the blue heart. The impact on him.

Wang Sheng randomly found a passage and entered it. He speculated that these passages were similar, leading to the core of the cyan heart.

He didn't stay in this descent. As long as there were no obstacles in front, he had been descending without any slight deceleration. His conceptual consciousness did not even have an incarnation.

His consciousness did not recover much, and it was weakened at this time than before, but perhaps because of his desperate decline, the conceptual consciousness engulfed by suction around that week was not much. Finally, after a long time, he saw a light , Conceptual consciousness submerged.

In the form of consciousness, Wang Sheng’s body appeared. Up to this time, the consciousness of the incarnation has exceeded the quality of the previous conscious incarnation, and it must be able to support more time. Of course, the premise is not to encounter that vibration, otherwise it is in a powerful concept Sexual consciousness will be destroyed.

Wang Sheng adapted to the light in front of him, and he found that the scene in front was the position of the cyan heart he had seen before. The surface of the huge cyan heart was rugged, and the wrinkles were everywhere, like the skin protecting the heart. Among these wrinkles, The passages are like blood vessels entangled with each other, and the black color is like the blood of a blue heart.

Wang Sheng turned his body carefully. He tried to step out of the current channel, get rid of the channel, and avoid entering the core of the cyan heart directly through this vascular channel. The danger there is still unknown. Such reckless action is not suitable.

Up to this moment, the channel of his birth attracted his conceptual consciousness at all times, and devoured it.

Wang Sheng's palms are sealed, and the conceptual consciousness in the incarnation is gathered together, and he is fully exerted by him and blasted on the passage.

Violently shaking, the passage here is unexpectedly not very strong, or that his conceptual consciousness really fits this thing very high, Wang Sheng actually saw a bit directly, that is a bit more drilled than his strength, he Without hesitation, the body moved and got out of that point.

The eyes and prospects have changed greatly. The heavy pressure comes from the front. Wang Sheng groaned, and the body's strength was extremely consumed, but it was not because of the phagocytosis around. After exiting the channel, the phagocytosis around seemed to disappear. The power consumption is because after feeling out of the passage, he feels the heavy pressure in front of him, just like the pressure of Taishan Mountain, so that he needs to consume his own power to resist it at all times.

The speed of consumption of his conscious incarnation is even stronger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sheng looked up with difficulty, everything in front of him is still the same, the huge blue heart, countless black channels, there seems to be no change, the only change It is huge, both the cyan heart and the channel seem to be magnified numerous times in an instant.

Just a glance at this, it was all heavy pressure.

From the breakthrough of the channel to the outside of the channel, the sight is like the static ink painting to enter the painting in person. He personally experiences the scene in the painting, and everything comes alive.

It is also extremely real. It seems that only in this way can I really touch the cyan heart, and although the original channel directly leads to the cyan heart, the distance is greater.

Where is here!

Wang Sheng looked behind him, there was endless darkness, but he knew that it was not a closed darkness. It was like a real world, a real universe, a real endless space. This cyan heart was only a part of this space, just Exist in this space, there seems to be other things in that dark place.

Wang Sheng knew that the space and standing place had changed. Before that, he might still be the place where he was in the passage, but at this moment, he has crossed to where the blue heart really exists.

This is no longer inside the World Extinguishing Hive, he has come to the world space where the World Extinguishing Hive really exists.

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