Universal Asylum

Chapter 1626: Opportunity and crisis

  Conceptual consciousness resists the suction around, and the flesh can resist heavy pressures. The two complement each other, causing Wang Sheng to bear less pressure now than he thought.

The attraction felt by conceptual consciousness still exists. Wang Sheng’s body leaps upwards. His conceptual consciousness can be attracted by this suction to continue to advance towards the top, but the physical body does not, so if you want to follow the speed of consciousness , Only the physical body accelerates, as the consciousness advances together, the qi waves spread around the body, Wang Sheng erupted all the physical power, and the continuous force poured out from the body. In this space, even the conceptual consciousness and Taoism play None of the powers can exceed the imagination, but the flesh can exert enough power to make Wang Sheng feel a real, it seems that only this power is the real power.

The flesh is constantly advancing, the speed of traversal has returned to the speed of the previous conscious traversal, and the flesh must keep up with this speed, but it needs enough power to explode. The speed of space, the pressure on the flesh reached the limit in an instant, and it is a flesh that can be immune to some heavy pressure in time, and it feels strenuous at the moment.

The Taoism on Wang Sheng was released and complemented the flesh, and the momentum combined with each other turned out to be somewhat similar to the core power. At this moment, the conceptual consciousness is extremely active in the body. They are combined together and are more similar to the core power. At one moment, Wang Sheng seemed to become a complete existence. At this moment, his avenues seemed to be completely united, instead of being divided into three.

   This is an opportunity! Although the pressure is still increasing, Wang Sheng’s will remains intact. He clearly realizes this opportunity, which is an opportunity for him to unite his body with his body, and after this point of consciousness, he realizes Gathering the core part, you can see that the core part is unprecedentedly active, turning crazy like a vortex, absorbing all the power in the body, turning the power in the body into the core power.

This process has been continuing all the time, and it has been his evolutionary path, turning the body energy into the true core power to complete the final transformation. This process cannot be accelerated, only waiting for the opportunity to absorb matter The energy is slowly changing, and from his beginning to the present, it has just transformed less than one-thousandth of the power, and it has also caused the core power to be like a decoration that cannot be really used.

And now in this state, this process is accelerated infinitely, Wang Sheng can feel that the power in the body is crazy absorbed by the vortex, and then transforms into the core power without obstruction, gathered in the core, infinite Realm, where it became a black hole.

Wang Sheng is in a strange state, the energy in his body is getting less and less, but the speed of his traversal requires him to consume huge energy. This energy unconsciously turned into the core power, and the core power began to be released unconsciously. , Wrapped around the body to move forward, but the speed is faster, the body can also keep up with consciousness.

   Even this force has a bonus to the advancement of consciousness. Not only the force of traction, but also the speed of advancement of consciousness are increasing autonomously, leading to a sharp increase in the speed of this time. The blink of an eye has already crossed to the previous place.

   So far, his consumption is still affordable, even better than before.

In this state, Wang Sheng can even feel the attraction clearly, and also see the specific situation of the blood in the blue heart. As he approached, he found that it was not a drop of blood, but a sea, a piece of The sea composed of blood, the power of the sea rippling around, spreading around unscrupulously, and forming a circle of ripples around, Wang Sheng sensed this ripple, this ripple is the factor that he can feel the suction.

As Wang Sheng’s speed approached the sea, he once again felt the increase in suction, and Wang Sheng’s speed was even faster. So far, Wang Sheng’s consciousness has fallen into a strange tacit understanding. He has seen everything and felt everything, But like the scenes seen in his sleep, he can't really wake up.

This is a scene like epiphany. Once he breaks away, the fusion trend in his body will finally stop and become the same as before. This is undoubtedly a loss to him, and until now, it is In this short period of time, his fusion has been carried out by more than ten percent, which means that nearly one-fifth of the power in the body has really merged.

   Wang Sheng can think about how important this opportunity is.

But something was wrong, and after approaching the sea more and more, Wang Sheng felt a powerful threat. Wang Sheng was conscious, he woke up without hesitation, without any delay, the state of epiphany was laid out, the fusion within the body The trend stopped suddenly, the core power outside the body was withdrawn, and the core inside the body was silent again, entrenched in the body, and there was no more movement.

  Wang Sheng's body stayed in place~www.wuxiaspot.com~His physical body once again exploded with a powerful force, resisting the force that attracted consciousness.

But the power of attracting consciousness is so powerful that Wang Sheng’s physical body is being forcibly sucked out by this force, but Wang Sheng’s physical body dare not move forward. The warning sign in Wang Sheng’s heart is unprecedentedly powerful, even beyond the previous Dozens of crises that dominate the door.

   Wang Sheng's body and consciousness are still advancing at a few blocks, but it is still reduced compared to before, but the sea is still growing in front of his eyes, that is, the distance between him and the sea is increasing!

  More than that, the sea is still actively expanding towards the outside!

   Realizing this, Wang Sheng suddenly had a kind of enlightenment. The crisis he felt was precisely because of this, and what attracted him was not the sea, but the hidden things in the sea, but the crisis was the feeling brought by the sea.

The sea is spreading towards Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng's body is moving, but the sea is spreading towards the body. At this speed, the speed of the two approaching will be very fast, even for a moment, and Wang Sheng cannot change this result. Because it was too late when he realized this and felt the crisis.

  Wang Sheng was spread by the **** sea, and the only thing he had time to do was to cover the flesh with the core power when there was about to be drowned, without gaps.

Fortunately, after completing one-fifth of the core power, he mobilized the core power quickly.

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