Universal Asylum

Chapter 176: Xiaobaiyun

The speed of cloud climbing on the second floor peak is not very fast, but it is only relative to that for the middle realm. After all, when Wang Sheng was just a congenital realm, he let him have the speed of the Yuanshen realm in advance. , True Yuan is strong, and the speed of the second-level peak cloud climbing technique has also been fully developed by Wang Sheng.

"Cloud-climbing really has another magic." Wang Sheng was a little surprised. After using cloud-climbing for the first time, he finally discovered the hidden characteristics of cloud-climbing.

Cloud climbing is actually driven by the power of space!

Ordinary flying Taoism, or Yuanshen Dunguang, isolates itself when flying, getting rid of gravity, so as to achieve flight without hindrance, and speeding up is to use true Yuan mana to form a back impulse behind you. purpose.

But in addition, there is a special flight method, or magical flight method, such as moving the earth and earth, fighting to the galaxy, close to the horizon, shrinking into an inch, etc., these flight methods are all supernatural powers, compared to Escape or flying skills are many levels higher.

The common feature of these supernatural powers is that they cannot be separated from the power of space when used!

It is now found that cloud climbing is also using the power of space to fly, Wang Sheng naturally rejoices abnormally, which means that cloud climbing is not an ordinary flying Dao method, but belongs to the list of great magical powers!

"If you remember correctly, Uncle Lingxu really did say that Cloud Climbing belongs to Kunlun's supernatural powers." Wang Sheng sighed slightly, and Uncle Lingxu really sent a big gift.

Knowing that the cloud climbing technique uses the power of space, Wang Sheng will naturally not miss this good opportunity. After all, he is most familiar with the power of space under various coincidences. Even his understanding of it far exceeds the limit of the realm, and has already reached the immortal. God level, otherwise he will not cultivate the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the gods.

The power of space is not an obstacle. It only limits the ability level of cloud climbing to break through. For Wang Sheng, it is only necessary to run the cloud climbing method for a while.

Now with the practice of cloud climbing, he can already condense a cloud of gas under his body, without deliberate control. Wang Sheng simply closed his eyes and crossed his knees, allowing Bai Yun to fly with himself while running the cloud climbing technique.

Suddenly, whether it is the real meridian in Yuanshen, or the virtual meridian in the Fas, start to practice according to the operation law of cloud climbing, compared with the lower two-layer exercises of the true Jinyuan practice of the Dajin Jindan Realm, The effect is obvious, but for a moment, Zhenyuan runs in the body for several weeks.

Wang Sheng felt like breaking through a certain layer of film, and the operation of Zhenyuan suddenly accelerated. At the same time, the cloud gas spontaneously gathered and grew under him, and suddenly the white clouds around Wang Sheng surrounded like a fairyland.

The third layer successfully broke through!

After the third level of cultivation was completed, Wang Sheng felt that he still had a lot of energy, and he continued to practice as soon as possible.

Soon, the third layer broke through, and True Yuan's speed was accelerated again, and the cloud gas below him was actually forming a soft white cloud, and the speed suddenly soared, which could almost catch up with the speed of the escape when Wang Shengyuan was at the peak, only faster than Shenzutong. The void is better.

Wang Sheng was not satisfied, Zhenyuan was running rapidly in the body, wave after wave like the magnificent seawater, instantly running hundreds of miles in the meridian, and suddenly hit a thick diaphragm after hundreds of days. on!

The gap between the fourth peak and the fifth floor!

This layer of diaphragm is strong and abnormal. Wang Sheng came with a momentum of breaking through the three layers and the fourth layer, but he did not break it immediately, showing that it was hard.

The fifth layer of cloud climbing! The state corresponding to the fifth floor of the Shisuijing is also the state that matches the peak of Dajin Jindan. For Wang Sheng's initial entry into Dajin Jindan's cultivation, it is very difficult to break through this layer.

However, he also has his advantages. First, his marrow washing has advanced to the fifth floor in advance, reaching the true yuan of the peak of the golden pagoda of the Dadao, which is much stronger than that of the ordinary Dajin Practitioner of the Dadao. Secondly, he carried several layers The momentum of the level, no matter the faith or the activeness of the true element, has reached the best state, and the last point, his understanding of the power of space is too advanced, such a superb understanding of the power of space is enough for him to make up for a little cultivation. Deficiencies.

Therefore, Wang Sheng is very confident! Also once again launched an impact on the fifth layer of diaphragm!

\\\'Boom\\\'! Just like the sound of a real sea wave, Zhenyuan hit the meridian diaphragm fiercely, and only heard a crisp sound. There was a small crack in the diaphragm, and Wang Sheng's spirit was revitalized, and Zhenyuan struck up again. .

As if it was destroyed, the remaining diaphragm could not withstand the momentum of the True Yuan completely. The diaphragm was cracking and breaking, new meridians were opened, and the True Yuan suddenly rolled in. At the same time, the white cloud underneath suddenly glowed violently and rose sharply , Instantaneously expanded to Mu Xufangyuan.

The light in the center of Baiyun is the most dazzling, the most violent, and faint. A small thing is slowly forming in the white cloud, like the center of the white cloud!

After a while, the white cloud no longer changed, and the light faded, but the speed rose again by a step, almost turning several times. Even if there were practitioners who thought of cultivation, it seemed that the white cloud disappeared just after a flicker.

Straightening out the true elements in the body, Wang Sheng exhaled, slowly opened his eyes, not to rejoice, he curiously looked at the white cloud under him, and the tender and shiny thing in the center of Bai Yun.

Suddenly, Wang Sheng looked strange, he made a move to the center of his body, a white light flashed, and a small thing appeared in his hand.

It was a crystal clear and transparent, only a small cloud with a big palm!

At this time, Wang Sheng took it into his hands, and it seemed that some organ was triggered. The small cloud suddenly shattered, and turned into a ray of aura that fell into Wang Sheng's eyebrows.

Wang Sheng closed his eyes and found that there were a lot of auras in his soul and the sea, and they formed a shape, forming a small cloud again~www.wuxiaspot.com~The small cloud is delicate and transparent, slowly floating, and between this white cloud , Wang Sheng had a feeling that the mind and spirit were connected. It seemed that Bai Yun was like his cultivation, and he was one with himself.

And all the information about Baiyun also came to Wang Sheng's mind.

Wang Sheng opened his eyes strangely, "Magic transformation!" His mind moved, and there were many small white clouds in his hand again. That's right, this white cloud is what cloud climbing magical cultivation practiced to the introductory stage, thereby transforming things. .

It is the result of Wang Sheng’s cloud-climbing cultivation practice, and is seamless with Wang Sheng, but it can be instructed by the arm without hindrance, but it can also be regarded as a kind of treasure, but it is a kind of magic weapon, which can grow with the host’s cultivation. And grow.

"The Great Thousand World is really nothing!" Wang Sheng sighed. According to the information, this white cloud can really be used as a magic weapon, even if the time passes, this cloud will become more and more spiritual, and even a spiritual wisdom will be born and become a Real soul.

"Reform from my body and have spiritual wisdom, is this not equivalent to having a baby myself!"

Wang Sheng laughed.

(To be continued.)

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