Universal Asylum

Chapter 1788: Blind past

In exchange for the promised Meng Bai, he temporarily became a vassal of Wang Sheng, and he no longer felt a low breath from the beginning.

"Can you tell me your past." Wang Shengrao asked with interest.

Meng Bai was slightly silent, then shook her head. "If this is what you are experimenting with, let me tell you."

"That's just a history of killing by a lunatic."

Meng Bai was a normal existence before he became the master, and he was also a genius in his world, and he had high hopes.

Meng Bai lived up to expectations and became the master in a relatively short period of time. He became the new master after the top ten human races, and brought hope to countless people, thinking it was a sign of the rise of the human race.

However, no one expected that the situation in Mengnai would decline all the way.

As Mengnai said before, he inadvertently broke into the fifth floor, which is not a place where he can enter, but he did not want to appear again after he inadvertently entered.

He wandered for hundreds of years without encountering too much crisis, but did not expect the real big crisis to come so fast, he saw a war, and at his level he could not know what level of existence it was.

He just saw two indescribable lights entangled again, and filled the entire fifth floor, most of them were destroyed.

He suddenly knew why he hadn't encountered any crisis for hundreds of years because the crisis was wiped out by these two.

Seeing the existence of this horror, Meng Bai should have left here immediately, because she might be affected at any time, but he had some fluke in her heart and did not really realize the true level of these two.

Just a moment later, a ray of light appeared near him, and without touching him, he felt some changes in his body.

In the end, that light was smashed by another light, and Meng Bai no longer dared to take a chance and left.

It was only after he returned to the sixth and seventh floors that he discovered that some changes had taken place in him, producing that strange but extremely aggressive power.

This power made him feel exactly the same as the light he felt at the time.

He knew in his heart that he was affected by the light, and he just glanced at the light from beginning to end. Although the power at that time was relatively close to him, it was only his eyes. In fact, the real distance is still incomparable. distant.

Meng Bai still was shocked when he talked about it. He still couldn't figure out what level of existence it was. He only knew that it was far beyond Tao Realm. At least Dao Realm could not bring him that feeling.

Wang Sheng nodded, "Dao Zun Realm really can't do this."

Meng Bai's eyes looked at Wang Sheng with a different color, and this is the first time he has shown his realm of strength.

Wang Sheng thought deeply, he couldn't really know how the two rays of light existed from the narration of Meng Bai.

It's just that you can infect and erode a dominant powerhouse at a long distance. This level can't be done not only by Dao Zun, but also in this initial state.

Even in his judgment, the existence of the level of the cyan heart cannot be done.

That is to say, those two rays of light are truly powerful, and exceed Wang Sheng's current two levels.

Wang Sheng had some regrets, but unfortunately it was not him who saw him like this, otherwise he might be able to bring him the inspiration of the road afterwards. With his strength and will, he should be able to resist that kind of erosion, not as deep as Meng Bai. Suffer.

After Mengbai suffered erosion, its strength was not affected, but increased greatly, but the consciousness was gradually crazy.

For the first madness, he happened to be in a clan gathering place. Under a sudden accident, his breath burst out and almost destroyed the clan gathering place. In the end, the two clan masters arrived in time and tried his best to stop him. .

But another war broke out before he really calmed down.

After he noticed this situation, he broke away from the gathering place of the human race and gave up the idea of ​​building the eleventh realm of the human race. Instead, he entered the wireless secret realm alone and went to explore.

But his sanity is still being eroded continuously, and it is gradually deepening in madness. On the road of being alone, he often falls into madness, and no one stops him. Every time he wakes up, it takes too much power. When he wakes up , Accompanied by his endless remains of corpses.

The only luck is that it is recommended to leave the place where the human race gathers, after all, it has not affected the human race.

He did not give up his fighting spirit, only that the breath of destruction was engulfing his sage, and gradually became stronger. Although the horror that made his strength increase, he was more and more like a real madman. He seemed to become a god. biological.

Until one day, he foresees that there are not many opportunities for madness. He will be completely swallowed by madness, and then he will encounter some horrible things after being completely mad.

He didn't find a solution, but he didn't want to let himself fall into such a fate, so he made such a plan. He didn't want to choose something crazy and then encountered something he didn't want to encounter.

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, "So your plan is to eliminate a foreign master for the human race."

"If there is no accident, which master should be coming soon."

Masked raised his head, he gently waved his hand, and suddenly a hole appeared in front of him, which reflected a scene, which was the scene of the half-dragon race entering the world and the human race before and after entering the core of the ruins.

The Half-Dragon team has suffered heavy losses, and the Terran team has not been damaged, but has also experienced some disasters.

While blindly watching these people~www.wuxiaspot.com~The half-dragon team suddenly encountered a big crisis.

A fire engulfed the team of half dragons. After this fire, the team of half dragons ended up with only three people. These three people saw an abyss hole after the fire. This hole is extremely dangerous, but these three people are suddenly very incomparable. Surprise.

One of them nodded slightly at the other two, and then took out a jade ring. The jade ring radiated light, and finally constructed three points to form a stable triangular space. A figure walked out of the space, which looked ordinary, but Wang Sheng and Meng Baidu knows that this is a master.

"In the wireless realm, there are rumors that my human race has a treasure, and under the misleading of me and the ten human race masters, this treasure is on me." Meng Bai said in a low voice.

"Since helping you do this, why don't they choose to eliminate one or even more masters with more confidence." Wang Sheng asked curiously.

Blindly shook his head, "Some of them stared at it and couldn't do it. I was alone enough to do it."

Wang Sheng nodded, and was still prepared with the strength shown by the previous mask. He could indeed kill a master completely.

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