Universal Asylum

Chapter 1792: Candle Dragon in Time

At this time, Wang Sheng traveled through a large area of ​​time and space and entered a designated past time.

But Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and the realism this time gave him was not strong.

There is also a film between real time and this film. Although this film can be entered with only a slight thorn, it is also separated by the latitude of time.

The environment where Wang Sheng is in is a dark and humid environment, where a behemoth is inhabited, and the sound of inhalation and exhalation as well as the moistness in it seem to be right in front of him.


The roar that roared at first, shaking at the ear, seemed to adapt to the light here, and a large outline could be seen in front of the eyes.

It was a fiery red dragon, staring at him with one eye, it seemed not to see his figure, but his past and future.

Although this is not a real past, it is also the closest projection to the past, so the time rule on this candle dragon is not weak at all.

Compared with the previous two masters, it is even more different.

Wang Sheng liberated the state of the gods and waved two innate auras towards the front.

Like a sharp arrow, it was directly fixed on the body of the candle dragon in front.

Zhulong eats pain and struggles with his body. Every struggling carries a peculiar ripple. It seems that there are candle dragons one by one. They are the past and present.

The current candle dragon has a sharp arrow, and the future candle dragon also has, but the past candle dragon does not, so a wave of light and shadow changes, the future current candle dragon dissipates, and the past candle dragon flies out of time, occupying the main position .

And Wang Sheng's two innate auras were also brought to the unknown time latitude by Zhulong's current body.

The candle dragon sounds peculiar, the dragon roars when it is angry, and buzzes when it is low, but at this time it is like a bird screaming.

There is the power of time in the sound.

Wang Sheng felt that the candle dragon was reading his time, reading his past and future, and wanted to find his weak time.

But Zhulong is destined to get nothing, Wang Sheng walks the only way, he has no past, future and present.

When there is no real time, he has no past and the future is not unique, but now he has a real time world.

Then he does not have the past and the future. To a certain extent, it is equivalent to not having a big weakness. He only needs to protect himself now.

The past and the future have nothing to do with him. Whether it is the past or the future, the place where he appears is the present to him.

Therefore, the strength of this candle dragon projection is indeed strong, at the level of Dao Zun, but for Wang Sheng, it is not much different from the threat that a master can bring.

The candle dragon roared loudly, continuously releasing attacks on Wang Sheng.

In addition to the law of time, the candle dragon has a strong physical body, has the talent of the dragon, and has the strength of the Taoist level.

Wang Sheng didn't make much counterattacks, but mainly focused on resisting evasion. If he thought about it, the candle dragon's use of the law of time was much higher than that of the general half-dragon.

But even the candle dragon in front of him could not cause any impact on him, and he naturally could not do more things.

Wang Sheng thinks about how to break the false time-space barrier and bring the real past candle dragons to the front, and it is only useful to observe such candle dragons.

Wang Sheng's continuous counterattack obviously angered this candle dragon, which didn't seem to have much wit. It coiled up, and there were layers of red aerosol generated on his body, which was visible to the naked eye. Under these red aerosols, the candle dragon Gain strength and breath.

Its monocularity is also deeper, and the law of time is more real,


Wang Sheng was somewhat surprised to find that the strength of the candle dragon at this moment is not because it broke out of its physical fitness at this time, but because of an inexplicable connection that connected it with the past.

The real body in the past is sending power towards him.

Wang Sheng had some enlightenment in his heart, and he seemed to need to anger the Zhulong more.

He had to speed up his movements, leaving irritating wounds on the candle dragon every time, and the time rule of the candle dragon was also forcibly torn by him, and the power of the Taoist level could not constitute a threat at all.

Wang Sheng waved his bruised candle dragon to suppress the void.

For a moment, Zhulong was stunned directly. When Wang Sheng stopped deliberately, Zhulong was roaring again, extremely sad and angry, and the red mist on his body almost formed a red halo, which enveloped him.

Then a stronger force than the previous one diffused out, and the candle dragon had a much clearer body. With a move in Wang Sheng's heart, the candle dragon seemed to be closer to the real past.

Zhulong's consciousness was affected a little, and he recovered. He looked at the surrounding environment and looked at Wang Sheng inexplicably.

Time rules surround Wang Sheng, no longer looking for Wang Sheng's past and future, but to forcefully crush Wang Sheng's present.

But Wang Sheng's only characteristic made time useless again, and he stepped out of the time vortex.

Zhulong no longer roared, with calmness and surprise in his eyes, and the long tail flicked and threw it down towards Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng raised his hands into palms, one palm against the long tail, the shock force was cancelled in the body, but once again a ray of light was emitted from Zhulong's one eye.

Form a snare net and pounce on Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng arrived when he was surrounded by time vortexes.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, and he saw a long river of time rushing out of the vortex ahead, rolling him up and rushing directly into the distance.

Wang Sheng's body struggled, and actually felt some difficulties, he vigorously exerted his strength, and then truly got rid of the shackles of time.

However, Wang Sheng felt that the time and the river flowed, but he did not move, because he could perceive that there was a one-eyed staring at him at the end of the river, which was the true candle dragon in the past.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. Obviously this real candle dragon had discovered his existence, and for some reason, he took him into the real past.

If you didn’t know the specific level of the candle dragon before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now Wang Sheng knows, the candle dragon should not be much worse than his current strength level, and after entering that real time, there is no time barrier , The candle dragon should be stronger.

Such a strong not exceeding Wang Sheng's expectation is after all a candle dragon, a powerful species.

Wang Sheng's body unfolded, and the long-lost powerful power appeared in waves on his body. Now if he is in front of ordinary strong people now, it is not that those strong people can resist.

Because he is strong, space is controlled by him, and space naturally has his own characteristic erosion.

Just like being blinded, the two rays of light that were encountered at that time were far beyond the level of domination, but only the leakage of power could infect him.

Wang Sheng can't know the specific level, but Wang Sheng can understand that powerful.

Now Wang Sheng is like that, although it is much weaker.

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