Universal Asylum

Chapter 1805: Pressure

There are countless phantoms, and the power of the Half-Dragon has reached a very strong level. He raised his palm and gently drew towards the distant palace. There was nothing, but everyone just saw a shuttle in time. The knife light in the mezzanine occupies the past, future and present.

Let the same master dominate the people's hearts, they have no ability to evade such moves, only hard resistance.

"It is worthy of the half-dragon race of the descendants of the candle dragon. The time magic is most vividly reflected on you." The shadow master exclaimed and seemed to have forgotten his behavior before threatening the half-dragon.

The gluttonous eyes are also slightly shocked. No one can say that he is not envious of such supernatural time, but he suddenly has a feeling that the time of the sword cannot help the palace. Sure enough, it is the moment when the sword is slowly cut off, then The palace shook lightly, and the sword light disappeared in front of them and the palace, and could no longer be seen.

"Space supernatural power?" The shadow master was a little puzzled, but he didn't feel the fluctuation of space, and he couldn't explain it in his heart.

Only half-dragons dominate pupil contraction, not space magical powers, but time magical powers. The other party wiped out the sword light from the present time in the moment of the moment, and only exists in the past and the future, and cannot be cut to the present. The palace.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." He thought to himself.

The unsolvable blade of time was so easily dismissed, and the three masters were speculating in their hearts for a while, what magical power the existence in this palace had.

"Have you been so secretly afraid to meet anyone, or are the three of us not qualified to make your appearance." The shadow master narrowed his eyes and suddenly said.

This time they heard what they had heard from the palace, "They have never heard of a robber who broke into someone's home but asked others to sneak in." The voice in the palace was very indifferent, even in their ears It sounded like a smile, "but the three of you are really lighter."

When the words fell, the three masters all felt angry in their eyes. Whenever the masters could be so despised.

"That little glutton, you come here, your bloodline Wang Mou is still interested, you have some value, this time the sin is exempted."

Then the voice from the palace made the cautious gluttonous eyes red, very angry, and the attitude of the other party made him unacceptable.

With a roar, a dark shadow that swallowed the sky appeared in the void, and a large mouth could devour all existence. Naturally it was a black hole. The other two masters were all changed in appearance and hurriedly retreated, and those that were insufficient to dominate the realm, Even if the body is shaking, unable to maintain stability, it will be swallowed up by the mouth, and the two masters will simply throw their sleeves out to stabilize these people.

The endless engulfing power was born, the light in the void was all engulfed, and a vortex was formed in the position of the palace, and the palace should be completely engulfed and absorbed.

"Oh, the temper is not small, but it can swallow up the sky, and the supernatural powers are indeed not weak, which is more valuable for research."

"Come here." The voice in the palace is still very indifferent, and at the same time the vortex around the palace suddenly collapsed and disappeared. Everyone can see that another engulfing force, which is more powerful than the gluttonous engulfing force, was born. Spread out in the middle, and all the phagocytic power disseminated by the gluttony will be absorbed by the phagocytosis, turned into the reverse phagocytic force, and the gluttonous body will be submerged.

The gluttonous face changed dramatically, and his body became taller, resisting the powerful swallowing power.

It's just like the weak wind willow, the gluttonous body is simply unable to resist in such engulfing power, and it is directly transformed into a small figure by the engulfing power and disappears into the palace.

The gluttonous face was iron blue, because he was transformed into a small body at the moment, unable to move, and there was a palm gently touching above his head, as if playing a good toy, but he could not resist.

The gluttonous body is black, and even black shiny, like a piece of black jade, it feels comfortable to touch, full of hair but cold to the touch, and the figure at this time is also small and cute, Wang Sheng caressed gently, with a lot of interest in his eyes. Looking at this little glutton, it is rumored that the bloodline of gluttonous food comes from the dragon, but the bloodline of the gluttonous food in front of him is not the same as the dragon he has been in contact with.

Gluttonous and angry at the same time, his heart is more of horror and fear. Only when facing this person, he knows where the horror feelings before him come from. It turns out that it is not an illusion, but this threatening real At this level, he can't resist, it seems that the opponent's giant hand can suppress him, but the reality is even more so, he can't have the slightest resistance.

"Okay, let's be honest and have a free day. If you're not honest, don't want to leave here." Although the figure was still indifferent, the gluttonous body shivered because he felt the indifference in this voice, he I know that if I don’t know how to count, I really can’t see hope anymore.

Wang Sheng let go of his palm and loosened his control of gluttonous food, but gluttonous food did not dare to resist. Wang Sheng nodded his head in satisfaction.

Outside the palace, seeing that the gluttonous disappeared so suddenly, and there was no movement in the palace, as if entering the infinite abyss, the two masters' eyes contracted violently. Such a situation exceeded their expectations, they did not expect This will happen.

What happened, this is the question they are eager to know, why a master has disappeared so easily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and no movement came out.

"That's why it's mysterious!" The shadow master sneered, "but it's just empty partitions."

He stepped forward, "Zuo Zong, but this is your request. Come on together and see what the mysterious people in this palace are."

The half-dragons looked dignified, but they also followed the steps forward. The pace of the two was slow, but each step was born out of infinite power, and there was also the power of their own boundaries in their bodies. All the power shrouded the savings.

Those fourth steps and the existence of Tao Realm have long since left. Even one glance at this place is not qualified, and they can only look at what happened in shock.

The movement of the two masters at each step of falling is extremely slow and brings heavy pressure, but their looks gradually change, because in their eyes, as they get closer and closer to the palace, they seem to gradually climb a peak , A peak that could not be climbed up completely.

Every step they take requires great effort to make their minds seem to be crushed by the mountain.

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