Universal Asylum

Chapter 1849: Borrow

The man's sanity actually returned to normal again, appearing calm.

"Withstand the opening of the fan, it seems that you are not a simple initial situation, you have seen the past and the future, right."

With a move in Wang Sheng's heart, he immediately remembered the realm of normalization that Zhulong said.

"You go further than I thought. You are a genius, but unfortunately, a genius like you is about to disappear completely."

The fan with 10% of the fans disappeared, but the normal phase projection that appeared before the fan did not disappear, but instead appeared more real. It seems that the previously dissipated fan merged into this normal phase projection.

At this time, the fan of the Fa-phase has also been turned on by 90%, and it can be turned on only by a little.

But even after opening ninety percent, the fan never burst out of strength, but continued to open slowly, opening to the perfect place of ten percent.

Wang Sheng instinctively knows that if this fan opens ten percent, the power of terror will erupt!

Without any waiting, he strode forward and flicked his palms, and time cracks appeared around the huge body.

The power that swallows this body and the flesh.

At the same time, Wang Sheng's eyebrow opened a hole in his heart, like a third eye, and then shot a divine light, covering the body in front of him.

Not a supernatural power, but the whole body strength that Wang Sheng’s will combines with the power, is the most likely way for him to approach the supernatural power at present.

After doing this, two beams of light appeared in Wang Sheng's hands, which were two innate auras, flew out, cut through the void, and then arrived first, crossed the eyebrows and the light was fixed on the eyebrows of the huge body.

"Useless, how about this Taoist body for you."

The voice was still ringing, but in the end the body was out, and the huge flesh at the moment was really just a flesh.

Under the attack of Wang Sheng, this venerable physical instinct began to resist, but was unable to act, and was instantly penetrated by two innate auras.

found it!

At this moment, Wang Sheng's eyes moved, and his supernatural powers shot out of his eyebrows, unconsciously, already covering a void, and completely given the void.

It is simple to possess the light of Wang Sheng's will to fix the void, even if the voice will hide there.

"Impossible, what is this thing." The man felt he saw too much beyond imagination today.

Especially the things contained in the divine light at this moment are so overbearing that they can hardly resist.

Wang Sheng's fingers flicked, the two innate auras that pierced Dao Zun's flesh flickered into the frozen void, and also passed through the will of the void.

Painful to the wailing of the extreme, this man began to fall into madness again.

"Damn you, **** it!"

At this time, the fan projection had been completely opened, and Wang Sheng glanced at it, perceiving that there was no fan dissipating because of his will being fixed or even hurt, and shook his head slightly.

It seems that the power of this supernatural power is beyond his own imagination. At this time, it seems to be reacting alone, rather than being manipulated by this will.

Wang Sheng waved his hand gently, and the innate spirit light emitted the power and settled in the void and no longer moved. Combined with the power of his will at the moment, the will was fixed on the spot.

Wang Sheng's eyes flashed lightly, staring closely at the fan projection, the power of which had been completely formed.

From his current understanding, he knows that this fan is forming magical characteristics.

Can't avoid it! At the moment when the fan opened, another kind of power in the dark had stared at him, no matter where he avoided it, he could not avoid the past.

Time characteristics! Throughout the past and the future, all traces of a person can be erased like a scavenger.

The final characteristic is that the power of destruction is endless, and its projection is not destroyed. The fan will continue to draw power from places that are not well-known, and then continuously release this power of destruction.

So now the best way is to resist the past or destroy this fan!

Wang Sheng's will action formed a series of dark cracks around the fan, and at the same time merged together at a rapid speed to form a separate space-time, and then only the last point of power could completely wrap the fan.

But at this time, a force emanated from the projection of the fan, hitting the time space that was about to be formed, and the space was suddenly broken.

Wang Sheng looked white and squinted slightly. It seemed that this method would not work.

At this moment the will blocked by him suddenly laughed softly, and seemed to return to normal consciousness again.

"Useless, this is a source of supernatural powers. Behind is the endless world that is providing him with strength. You can't destroy it by your cultivation."

Wang Sheng turned a deaf ear.

"If you promise to make a deal now, then everything will be too late, but if the fan opens up 10%, then clearly tell you that even I can't stop him, and this fan will destroy everything, even this void."

"This magical power is not yours?"

Wang Sheng suddenly frowned.

"Oh, if I could create this kind of magical power, would it fall into this field? How vast is the original magical power? Do you know! As a first stage, you know too little, these will eventually become obstacles on your way forward Of course, you are destined to go one step closer without inheritance."

He still did not give up persuading Wang Sheng, as he said, it seemed that it was too late to speak.

Wang Sheng just frowned. It turned out that it was not his magical power. It seemed that it would not work to extinguish this magical power by destroying his will.

It’s just that if you don’t stop it, this fan will eventually be afraid that it will really destroy the world, and even spread to the wild world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Such magical powers made Wang Sheng astounded. Such an endless maintenance, drawing power from the sky and earth, I really don’t know how powerful the creator is. Such supernatural powers need to consume their own power at the beginning. There is no need to provide power for the whole process, because it can be taken from the void. Draw strength by yourself.

Wang Sheng pondered for a while, and when the fan had been completely formed, only a little 60,000 perfect, he raised his head and shook his head slightly, "It seems really impossible."

With the power of his current avatar, he could not eliminate the fan anyway.

Only use the deity to borrow power from the deity!

Wang Sheng shook his head, and then his finger gently in the void, suddenly opened a time channel, directly connected to the world of the infinite secret realm.

In the palace, Wang Sheng slowly opened his eyes, and then shot a force in his heart, directly preaching the location of the current avatar from the time channel, then he closed his eyes again and fell into a closed door.

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