Universal Asylum

Chapter 195: Broken mountain temple

"Brother Guangchengzi does not need to say more, Yang Jian's princes have no respect for their heads, which damages my **** position, flattening my three points of luck, and blocking my way of detachment. This hatred is not common, and sooner or later a real person will have to liquidate with him. Pen ~ Interest ~ Pavilion www.biquge.info "Huanglong real person's slightly sharp voice sounded, he was very angry at the moment.

Guang Chengzi sighed slightly, "They are all from their own family, why should they be like this?"

The real person of Huang Long hasn't answered yet, and a distant, faint voice is heard faintly, "I will accompany you anytime!"

It was the reply from Yang Jian who had left.

Huang Long suddenly angered, "Brother Guangchengzi, you also saw that this fellow is really hateful!"

As of now, Guang Chengzi has nothing to say. He sighed again, his voice disappeared, and apparently he had left.

Chi Guo calmed down, and the dark clouds in the sky had also dispersed, but all the people in and around Chi Guo, especially those who practiced qi, were deeply shocked and unable to recover.

They didn't hear the dialogue of the gods, but they knew that whether it was the huge three-pointed two-bladed sword across the sky or the majestic yellow dragon's appearance, they all came from the gods' means. The ordinary people were better, but they lamented that the gods were extraordinary.

However, the Qi practitioners know how terrifying the magical powers required to perform such a method are, and even beyond the scope of their understanding!

Sure enough, it is a god! These great powers make them feel powerless, but they have no idea that these gods are definitely not ordinary fairy gods, but a top-notch existence that is also enough to dominate among the fairy gods.

It's a long story. In fact, the duration of this god's coming down was only one day. The sensation was only in the surrounding middle and higher countries. Some small countries did not even hear the wind.

And there are only four great powers that actually gain benefits. The most outgoing news is tantamount to knowing that the two major phases that have been hung in the sky since ancient times are indeed the real fairy dwellings.

Today, they are down!

"It's finally here, what conspiracy do you guys have!" A heart deep in a wild valley, Tianxin shook his head. He looked back at his tall companion and smiled slightly, "Daotiandao friends, we should start."

"Tianxin, I hope the chance of enlightenment you said is true. You know, I won't be able to support it for long." Decian's figure is still tall, but his face is three points old again.

Tianxin nodded, "Daoyou rest assured that there is a small Taixu Dan in the poor Dao's hand. If you cannot become enlightened, it will be yours."

The eyes of Decien's eyes flashed, and the old face lifted up suddenly, "This is true!" He looked calmly at this and stood right in front of him, but he felt mysterious and abnormal, which made people extremely fearful.

Tianxin Zheng Zheng head, "absolutely true!"

"Okay!" Ba Tian yelled, "Lao Tzu will fight again!"

Tianxin smiled, and finally glanced at the wild depths, turned his head away from the valley, and Batian stepped up to keep up.

"Unfortunately, I still don't know who the mysterious Taoist was."

The two rushed towards the center of the mainland one after the other.


"Another one!" Wang Sheng murmured to stretch out his hand to take this wafer pill from the dead animal on the ground.

The wafer Danzhu in his hand is the size of a palm and has an invisible shiny appearance on the outside. It seems to prevent all dust and impurities from contaminating it. Even if it is pulled out from the belly of this fierce beast, it is very clean.

"I don't know how it was formed." Wang Sheng threw the Danzhu back into the Golden Dan space. At this time, dozens of such Danzhu have been accumulated in his space, and there is almost no difference in appearance.

These Danzhu are also familiar to Wang Sheng, but they are exactly the same as the dinosaur Nedan he has seen a few years ago!

It also exudes a mysterious atmosphere, and it is also obtained from the animal body. However, unlike before, Wang Sheng is from the belly of different fierce beasts. It is not as good as before. Only in the dinosaurs are these beads.

But even so, the number of these Danzhu is so outrageous. Since he accidentally discovered the existence of these Danzhu ten days ago, Wang Sheng deliberately searched for all the evil beasts, using the sense of mind to try to find the Danzhu. exist.

But until now, he found no fewer than 10,000 beasts, but Danzhu only harvested more than ten, six of which were collected a few years ago.

"However, if you count all the beasts in this world, the number of Danzhu is also quite large." Wang Sheng thought to himself, "But what does these Danzhu do?"

The reason why he collected these beads is that the inspiration and intuition is more important, and after he succeeded, he found that the mysterious atmosphere it emits has the effect of purifying the primal spirit, but now his primal spirit is only one step away. Yang, this effect is optional for him.

But another reason for collecting this thing is that Wang Sheng carefully recalled that after the third wave of disasters relied on Ziyi Fairy, the scene of the crushing of Neidan finally recovered, and realized that I am afraid that Neidan also helped He resisted a little bit of disaster, so it would be broken.

With these two possible values, Wang Sheng will not easily let go of this thing, so he gives up and searches for these inner dans.

"There should be no more nearby." Looking around, Wang Sheng shook his head. He had been wandering in this area for several days. All the wild beasts were basically swept by him, confirming that there were no omissions.

"After that, I really left the depth of the wild."

Looking straight ahead, Wang Sheng's eyes were deep, and then he walked forward. He then passed through the valley where Kunlun Tianxin was invisible at that time, and then was the place where humans live.

"The timeline passed by Tianxin should be similar to mine, so there are only a few months before and after, and there should be no major changes. The peripheral human area has been alternated between fast and slow timelines. I am afraid that it is now millions of years or more. After much time has passed, I do not know how far it has developed."

Hiddenly, Wang Sheng is very concerned about these people who can be called mortals, not only because he has watched the time and the growth of the heart of the river, but also a kind of instinct. The instinct of the gods may be fulfilled. These indigenous peoples.

Wang Sheng no longer stays, UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com, the speed is full and escapes to the periphery, but for a long time, he has hidden his body and came to the valley hidden by Tianxin again.

"It's gone."

The valley is empty and empty, leaving only two simple wooden houses and some stone tables and stone benches in front of the wooden houses, as well as daily necessities.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered, did not fall into the valley, nor did he rush to check the traces, but directly fled away and, in the final analysis, he didn't care much about Tianxin's whereabouts.

In the next two days, Wang Sheng searched for the mysterious red beads that might exist, and hurried to escape outside the wilderness.

On this day, he finally stopped and looked up ahead, startled.

It was a tall mountain, and there was a small broken temple above the peak.

"Zhenjun Temple!"

Wang Sheng read the ancient words on the plaque of the broken temple one by one, his eyes gradually dignified, and he suddenly felt the heavy pressure from the broken stone temple.

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